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Elmar Bijlsma

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Posts posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Eh? I thought this puppy was dead in the water?

    The US is wedded to the M16/M4 family. Anything that doesn't build on their huge stock of parts just isn't going to make it for the foreseeable future.

    What was the XM8s advantages? Personally, I would've thought the way forward is bullpups.

  2. Dunno, I don't get HBO.

    But I'm willing to bet HBOs news gathering department, if they even have one, sucks donkeys bollocks compared to the beebs. Don't think it helps that the Beeb has to cater to practically every audience out there.

    Not that I don't think the Beeb hasn't spread itself rather thin since they went digital. Too much filler material like house makeover shows, cooking or antiques.Their historic programming has suffered badly too. :(

    Oh well, there's always HIGNFY (Boris!) and Mock the Week.

  3. Here in the Netherlands the state television doesn't interrupt programs for adverts. Before/after a program only. The commercial stations still interrupt their programming, one going so far as to interrupt their films with a commercial block, go to a 20 minute soft news programme, more averts, then back to the movie. And they are the worst in cutting to the adverts, they'll do it at any moment in the plot action. VERY jarring.

    I like watching the Beeb. Quick advert for their own programming, then on with their programming.

  4. Depends on how arcade it is. Hardcore realism isn't a virtue by itself. Games like IL-2 and that recent Russian tank game turned me off because it wanted me to hit too many buttons. Simplicity in a realistic environment is more my thing. Like Silent Hunter III.

    In SHIII I had a disturbing habit to charge in to small convoys at high speed, engaging the DEs with cannon fire before launching torpedoes at point blank range without too much bothering with a targeting solution. So who am I kidding? I'll deffo try out the English demo, and I expect to like it. :D

  5. Yeah, I explained incorrectly.

    What I intended to say was that many people use GMT interchangeable with British time but that this is only correct in winter. As you and the British both change the clock an hour during summer, the difference between British and your local time remains four. However, GMT never changes, so during the summer there's an hours difference. Therefore, even the Brits are now GMT +1.

  6. I am having difficulty believing that much will come of the above. Certainly there will be no major project. Not in this financial climate. The above plans seem more a last gasp and twitch of the FCS program.

    The Obama administration has shown itself as being willing to stand up to DoD and say no to their pet projects. Good thing too, IMHO. This whole technological ninja force things doesn't seem sustainable for a large fighting force.

  7. Well, they could've done a realistic tactical scenario that an audience might understand, but that would cut in to the time alloted to moralistic tearjerker speeches and patriotic dickmeasuring. Wouldn't want that, would we? Priorities, man! Priorities!!!

  8. German armed forces would be less stretched by occupying Great Britain then the USSR occupying India et al. You think that Stalin would pass up an opportunity like that?

    I reckon with both sides busy with their spoils they'd be less pre-occupied with bickering over Romania.

  9. Uhm, like it says on the door:

    This is a community "self-help" forum for technical issues for CMSF. If you require developer support, please head over to the www.battlefront.com/helpdesk

    As for the troubles you are having, I wouldn't necessarily go and blame BFC for it. Aside from it not having been identified what the problem is, I'm going to guess that it's real tricky to develop for a platform where the hardware is so mindbogglingly varied, the drivers change frequently and where aforementioned drivers often don't comply with the industry standards or even the standards set by very same manufacturer.

    I understand your frustration, but I fear a more rational approach will serve you better.

  10. It was obvious he read something I wrote on another forum and was obviously trying to provoke me.

    Okay, trying not to get involved in the dick waving contests going on, but this one is just too funny to pass up.

    You perceive someone is trying to provoking you, and as a counter you decide to... be provoked? Brilliant thinking.

  11. Me too now.

    And I never was interested in hockey! :D

    One has to wonder why you weren't. Womens hockey is THE ideal spectator sport, invented by some genius. A team of ladies, dressed in mini-skirts and equipped with a stick not long enough to be utilized while upright. The thinking behind that is phenomenal.

    NHL hockey compares rather badly. Wayne Gretzky v Fatima Moreira de Melo, it's no contest at all, really.

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