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Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. I think I may have found the problem but I'm going to be secretive about it until one of my opponents sends me a turn so I can be absolutely sure. Yup, I suspect it's that dumb an oversight. One question though. That "Run" subfolder in GJKs screenshot, is that a CDV version thing or should I have one too?
  2. Okay, finally got round to trying the PBEM helper utility but, being the clueless git that I am, I now need to play CM for the next two decades to actually be helped by it. I can't for the life of me figure out how to get it automatically start CMAK and play the file. It only plays CMAK when I double click on CMAK in the top window after which I then have to manually select the file to play. It absolutely refuses to do anything when I select Play with the turn I want to play highlighted in the lower window of PBEM Helper. Not a big deal in itself but it seems to be getting in the way of me getting Trusted Mode to work (though this latter may be due to unrelated bumbling on my end). If anyone has any ideas or suggestions I would very much appreciate your advice.
  3. Could someone provide Bikduke6 with the Axis password to Tiger Valley? His e-mail address is in his profile. Thanks! *grumble* Just my luck that I am unable to finish TV but have finished LfB as the Russians twice! */grumble*
  4. Hi Gurra. I hope you will soon rejoin us on a full time basis again, I have always enjoyed your various contributions to this community. Hope you'll soon be in the favourable position to do so. Good luck!
  5. Not sure if this has been mentioned before but I find the setup zones of CMx1 too limited in flexibilty. As it is now you have three setup zones that can't exchange units from one setup zone to the other. It's only possible to deploy units that start outside a setup zone in all three zones. This is IMHO too inflexible. A better alternative would be primary setup zones and secondary ones. Units starting in the primary setup zone may only be moved within that setup zone. But units in a secondary setup zone would be allowed to place in their secondary zone AND the primary zone. Why? Say you have a platoon forward of the main defensive line. Ideally you'd want to be able to rearrange their deployment to your liking within the forward secondary setup zone. But it'd be nice if you would be allowed to retreat them to the primary setup zone to reinforce the main defence line during setup. Currently this can't be done unless they are the same setup zone, which the designer might very well not want as it would also allow the player to setup in the forward position with all his units. A trick you might be able to do is to set up two setupzones and setting the forward units outside either of them. Thus the player can place them in either setupzone at will while still locking the main body of troops to the setup zone they started in. Now, the latter might come very close to what I am suggesting anyway, but plays havoc with options like starting with scenario default deployment. The units that were designed to start would start in their neutral area and not the setupzone the defender might have in mind for them. Or if the designer puts neutral squares in the forward setup zones then whilst you'd get very close to what I intend, those neutral squares where units start out from become unavailbe to move units around in, which can be a hassle for any fine tuning of the positions of those units. Maybe a small hassle to some but since most effort goes into a setup then any other turn it's worth exploring every idea that might enhance the experience. With a system of primary and secondary setup zones the designer has more options and freedom to give to the player upon setup whilst not compromising any of his design ideas. And with the many clever scenario designers out there I expect they could use it to create legions of scenarios where they could use this new system to create really interesting setup options. Sorry, never was good at explaining ideas. Ofcourse feel free to ask questions, add suggestions or criticism. [ December 06, 2005, 08:13 AM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]
  6. Huh? The Soviet player scores 87-13 if the German player surrenders on the first turn. And that is, I assume, the optimal way to achieve victory. How on earth can Flenser score 99? And when I said victory, I didn't really mean it score wise. I inherited an awful situation from Dorosh but managed a 50-50 draw so it should be entirely possible to win in that respect. When I was saying victory was nearly impossible I had the subjective victory of repulsing the attack and dominating the field in mind. Sorry, I was utterly unclear in that.
  7. If Walpurgis nacht doesn't seem to think it possible I guess that's as good as a NO until we see the results. Then again he might have played the Russians and believed his victory was unavoidably easy. :eek:
  8. Why would Syrians rely on AAA platforms when they can use an aged farmer with a rusty rifle? From the accounts out of Iraq this sufficed. Now that I mention it I have gotten curious if this fearsome AA method will be modelled in any way. Probably doesn't need to be as helicopers and such AFAIK won't be included on the map.
  9. Danube Blues is awesome. Some infantry on both sides but it's all about the tanks.
  10. Finished LfB against Other Means as a ersatz Dorosh. I managed to do reasonably well. Probably because Other Means initially kept playing like he was still up against an opponent with the tactical cunning of a particularly stupid budgie. Honestly Dorosh, what in Hades were you thinking?
  11. This weekend, if you send me a turn. And in fairness, I think its perfectly reasonable to not drag my sick body towards the PC if you go about destroying my tanks with 0% chance-to-hit shots! :mad: :mad:
  12. Okay, get your calculators out: The Loaded for Bear scoreboard before you got your paws on it.
  13. Finished Loaded for Bear against mPisi, finally. And thank goodness for that. I made a screenie of a ceasefire before the shooting started. Mind if I put it up here? Minus the "Men OK" stat, ofcourse.
  14. Erik, if it is any comfort, there are some here who understand what they read. I do not consider you a Nazi, nothing you wrote would lead me to that conclusion. JasonC, you read him wrong. I suggest you stop digging that hole and admit your mistake. On a point vaguely on topic. In adition to true belevers and opportunist a large recruiter for the Dutch SS was an opposition of communism based on religious grounds. AFAIK the SS was the only way these people could take up arms, so some Dutch volunteers got into bed with a terrible ally. And Erik is absolutely right about the motivations provided for "Johnny", they are indeed bogus. Only in the winter of 44/45 would there have been any hunger in The Netherlands so as a justification for this guys joining up it is totally false.
  15. Nah, I reckon it is easier for you if mPisi and I sort something out afterwards by ceasefiring on our first file. I just wondered if you or anyone else already had this data. Mind if I publish the results here? I obviously would include only the casualties prior to first playable turn and not the men available at that time as that falls under FOW.
  16. Question. Is there a result known for LfB only counting the pre-deaded units? I am hoping to finish this scenario this weekend and I foresee very little satisfaction out of this game other then seeing how many Germans I took along with me. The pre-deaded Krauts might mudding the water a bit. And no, I do not care how many men I myself lost. I am afterall playing a Russian commander and caring about such trivial would be a-historical.
  17. Hmmmm, Ill have to check my schedule. 18:00 to 20:00 flagellation. 20:30 to 22:00 walking on hot coal 22:45 to 00:30 opening of veins. Yeah, I guess I could fit in more Loaded for Bear. Nearly finished with my assigned portion of self abuse anyway so if Kingfish agrees I would be happy to play. With a clear schedule and without an Atlantic Ocean to hinder play I could do several turns a day easy enough, so no eyebrows need be raised should people wonder weither it is proper for an as yet non-finisher of LfB to take on an extra scenario. Best send turns to my gmail account though, which is elmarby@ yadadyada.com, my regular mail is disrupted till I find the inclination to unravel the troubles that plague that account.
  18. Yes, this definitely needs to be looked into, otherwise I would know the wherabouts of about half the units the enemy AI controls. And the other half would most likely be streched a few hundred meters in front of the objective. Any FO with a long targeting time could simply dump it's load onto a flag area as a matter of course and take out a significant portion of the enemy without them ever being engaged.
  19. Considering I am waiting on YOU, yes I would believe you can wait for quite a long time.
  20. Okay, just reached the end of a 6 hour stint trying to finish off LfB and after some technical difficulties taking 2 hours away from genuine playing time I am now only 6 turns closer to the end. Yesterday was 04:00 for me hoping to catch mPisi for a few turns. With 14 turns to go it might just be possible to reach the end if all goes smooth but even then, probably not. So I guess no extension to the deadline forthcoming? I am almost relieved I think. Because due to playing LfB for several hours after each other I can't wait to shake hands with the designer. I think my overal enjoyment of life will be improved if I quit playing LfB turns altogether and work up a bone crunchingly strong grip in my right hand. Bah!
  21. But please do me a favour and reign in the fanboys. They aren't quite as discening in their targeting as you guys and it is chiefly them who have made this CM:SF board very unpleasant to visit for anyone thinking it isn't the Second Coming.
  22. Same here. Lots of RL stuff, both good and bad, got in the way of my usually fairly prompt returning. Trying to organize a TCP/IP session this weekend to finish Loaded for Bear but Tiger Valley just won't get finished unless I get another few weeks. *cough*and another opponent*cough*
  23. Yeah, CMC quite possibly will have 1x1 premade maps which CMC will make into a 2x2 foe CMBB. That is a LOT better then having map made for all possible variations of 2x2 maps, that would have been a nightmare. Still... gonna be tricky lining up the terrain features of every 1x1 map with the terrain features of the 1x1 maps next to it. I would love to hear for from the horses mouth on this because if we need to hand make all the CMBB side maps then making operations of a good size will an undertaking of epic proportions.
  24. Would they really used the 2x2km maps? I thought a battlefield would consist of four squares of CMC terrain. So a SE quarter of the map in one battle would be a NW quarter in another which would foist conventional map making. It will be interesting to see how they implemented map making. I just figured it would be randomly generated terrain based on map parameters given by the CMC engine. I now realize that I made an ass out of you and me.
  25. I would guess could mean you start with lower ammo counts and possibly with some additional fatigue. Nothing like being ordered to dig in and advance umphteen times a day to tire a guy out.
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