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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rune

  1. SPOILERS * * * * * It is a difficult operation, no doubt about it. Unbalanced? Maybe, but if you bother to read the briefing, you will see the gun placements are EXACT and the forces are real, but the reason it is semi-historical is we don't have Indian units, so I had to use the Kiwis. So, blame history and not me. Oh yeah, in the unfairness, several people won as the Allies using the proper tactics for the situation. Frontal assault on trenches will get you killed, use the dunes on the side and take out a trench at a time, and use your artillery and mortars to take things out. The Matildas are not much help, and as in the real assault, paid dearly. However, you do get some CS tanks, and they do lend a hand. I wanted to have the 2nd battle night also, but the engine will not do it. Time, well, since people have won with the time the way it is, I don't see a problem, but extend it if you want. Not everyone wants 90 turn battles. Also some people want to see what happened in real life and see if they do better or worse then the actual combatants. From Spitfire IX: I just finished this operation last night and have a greater appreciation for the power of massed infantry and mortars. I won this operation by taking each trench one by one and attacking the trenches from multiple sides. The 25 pounders and other spotters were helpful. Once I had captured one trench placing these guys in there not only protected them but also gave them a good field of view. Try advancing with infantry along the sides of the map to avoid the trenches frontally. Then sneak your troops to the sand dunes near the trenches and then advance your troops. There is some cover on the battle field but you have to look carefully. I also lost loads of Matildas from the 88's but I pulled them back and let my infantry supress them and then take them out. Those small 50mm motars are really good for this. But I have to admit I was really frustrated once all my spotters and motars ran out of ammo, it was tought but I stuck to it and finnally one. Also Italian troops make up a lot of the defending troops in the battle and so it gets a little easier near the end. But honestly I found the Matildas almost useless, my infantry and spotters did 90% of the damage to the infantry.
  2. Just the agp slot, this is not the ultra card. Rune
  3. Just a note to let all know I got a Nvidia 6800 GT OC from BFG Technologies. Using the 56.72 drivers there are NO issues with any of the fsaa settings, and I am getting incredible fps on games. Nice card if a bit pricey if you are looking. Rune
  4. LOL... Here is the main briefing... if anyone has corrections, will appreciate it. Rune Title: Written Off Type: Allied Assault Date: November 30th, 1942 Location: Oudna Airfield, Tunisia Region: Africa Weather: Day, Clear, Airfield Terrain: Dirt Wind: Breeze from the SW Turns: 45+ Best Played as: Best played as Two Player, or as Allied against the AI. AI should be free to place. Author: Tim 'Rune' Orosz Background: After the Bruneval Raid, 2nd Parachute Battalion of the British 1st Airbourne Division found itself shipped to Africa aboard ships. 2 Para was led by Lt-Colonel Gofton-Salmond, who fell ill and was replaced by Lt-Colonel John Frost, who would later becone even more famous at Arnhem. Two drops were scheduled, and cancelled as the situation kept changing. On November 27th, the Battalion was placed on stand-by for an airdrop. The plan was to assault the airfield at Pont du Fahs then move North to the airfield at Depienne, destroying both. Since both airfields were within 25 miles of tunis, it was also hoped to throw the German Forces into confusion. Immediately before takeoff on 29 November, Frost was informed there were no aircraft at either airfield, and they would need to attack the airfield at Oudna, 12 miles to the North of Depienne. Frost was to pick a drop zone near Depienne from the air in the lead aircraft. They dropped near Depienne, and the landing was unopposed, however, it was spotted by a German Patrol which sent the alert out. The injured were left at the drop zone, along with a platoon to pack away the parachutes and equipment containers. The rest of the Battalion marched out into the night and cold to reach the airfield. Mid-day on the 30th, they reach a ridge near the airfield. Scouts reports only a single wrecked aircraft on the field. C Company moved to attack from the West and A Company and the rest of the Battalion moved up over the ridge to the attack... Semi-Historical, about 1200 points. [Forces are real, could not find an accurate enough map] Sources: http://www.britishairborne.org/history2nd.html http://members.aol.com/awat6/parachute_regiment.htm#OUDNA%20-%20 http://www.firebirds.org/menu1/mnu1_p7.htm Historical Outcome: After a sharp fight at Oudna, 2 Para was finally able to reach the British HQ, having had radio problems before this. The relief column of tanks that was supposed to reach them had been beatened and driven back to Medjez-el-Bab, forty miles west of Oudna. 2 Parachute was written off by the British Commanders, and it was expected for the Battalion to surrender to the Germans. Frost would have none of that. He decided to withdraw to a nearby hill and wait for night to make their way back to British lines. Fighting 4 pitched battles during their retreat, 180 paratroops made it back to British lines together, and more stragglers would come in over the next several days. British losses had been high, 250 troops and 16 officers did not return. However, the Division got a new nickname from the Germans due to the way the parachutists fought, calling them the "Red Devils".
  5. Paco, Thanks, I already had that. Still working on the map, but got the fores done and most of the map, as well as the main briefing done. Rune
  6. Once more bumped....maybe this one will teach a lot about paratroop ops in Africa, since not too many seem to know about them. Rune
  7. Still need mroe info on this, anyone have anything? Now I am not sure ont he Photo I have, but will still go with it for now. Rune
  8. BAH!!!! Just like Moon to pick the wrong one to lock. Talk about your bad aim....or was that Nidan1 with the bad aim? Lars I blame you for this....now i will include you inthe scenario so others may shoot at you...more then normal of course. Rune
  9. Delete the config file int he CMBB diorectory and then launch the game. It should prompt you to go thru the screen resolutions again. Rune
  10. Gentle errrr.... creatures. May I suggest "The Last Offensive" at 30 paces. I suggest making Soddball the Kiwis. From the Depot or I can send it to you to melt your computers. Rune
  11. While the other thread awaits the padlock of doom, please continue posting here. Muah ha ha ha haaaaaa Rune
  12. Then I will go to a higher power. Muah ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaa Rune [ July 07, 2004, 09:40 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  13. That's it then, both of you will be testing my new scenario as soon as it is done, and you both will be..... Pommies Now go away before I slap at thee with the Scroll of NDA. Rune
  14. To start this off right, this article... http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/asiapcf/07/07/australia.kangaroo.reut/index.html Mace finally has someone to play with down under. As if Australia wasn't a work by Berli to begin with. Rune
  15. Newe thread created...and no, I won't post a link. Go find it you lazies.... The Next Thread Rune [ July 07, 2004, 09:39 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  16. Welcome to the New home of the Peng Challenge Thread, hearby known as the Mutha Beautiful Thread. First off, if you are new here, please SOD OFF before Joebob wanders in and starts mumbling in his old man kind of way. For the rest of you lot, the Rules are quite simple, kinda like Boo. 1. Challenge a Person of your own standing, and not the whole lot. Scum Sucking Newbies [sSN] take on another SSN. If you do well, and notice is taken of you, someone will be along to give you the *Boot* and mayhaps you will move up the evolutionary scale. Beta. It is all about the challenge! Use panache, use humor, insult, taunt, but keep it clean. We don't want to know about your pair, as we have dalem to laugh at already. We don't need to laugh at yours. 3.1415. The Ladies of the Pool are sacred. Treat them with respect, or we have this bald bouncer with an attitude to deal with you. Four. Any part of these rules are null and void if a player is found to be more insane then an Aussie. This is known as the Sanity Clause. Fifth. You MUST enter your email information in your profile. Failure will result in Coventry, which is ignoring you more then normal. Lastly. If you are still here, and can live by these simple rules, then welcome to the Cesspool, and watch out for Lars floating by. Hint: It is rumored that Lars sometimes fills in for the boat duty on the River Styx. Carry on, carry on... Rune [ July 07, 2004, 09:21 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  17. Oh yeah, any maps would be great too. I found an air photo and am making the airfield now, but an overhead shot doesn't show the terrain too well. Rune
  18. I want to make a scenario, as historical as possible, on the attack at Oudna Airfield. I know 2 Para attached on 30 Nov 1942, minus 1 platoon left behind at the drop zone. I got all the information I can find from web sites, does anyone have good information from a book on the battle? Also anything ont he German defenders is appreciated. Please don't post anything about the battle here, just the forces. Battle information can be sent to runen@comcast.net. Don't want pre-made scenario spoilers. Rune
  19. Lady Moraine , How nice of you to make a rare appearence. I believe last time you were in, you were beating Hiram soundly. Carry on, carry on, and I am not talking about Combat Mission either. I will be sending you a scenario to once again trash the other half. No, not Seanachai , altho his size allows him to be counted as 1/2. As for the thread, it is ever evolving, unlike the Aussies who are stuck at the Neandertal stage. We have Aussies, and Kiwis and Frenchies, oh my.... I think the difference is the French at least are not Pommies. They are Pommie want-a-bes. So look for the scenario later this afternoon. perhaps when you awaken from your hard day of napping. Oh, and give Hiram a swift kick for me. Rune
  20. It happened in Colorado, why can't it happen in the Peng Thread? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5268499/ I think I'll start handing out golf clubs to those here. For the Frenchman, I think he should pull a David Bowie, and be impaled by a lollipop. David Bowie was impaled with a lollipop while in concert in Norway, according to reports there. A staffer successfully dislodged the offending sweet. [MSNBC] Now, I must go back and work on that which cannot be named [DIF] Rune
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