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Everything posted by rune

  1. Bah! Been so busy haven't had time to abuse you here. However, abusing Seanachai is easy. hey Gnome, I have a bottle of 18-year Glenfiddich Ancient Reserve ( " " ), but I am in Chicago and you aren't. See how eaSY it can be? Feel free to post the alochol you have that is out of reach of the gnome...which would basically be any bottle on a shelf since he is so short. Rune
  2. I never said they had the tank, but they do have specs on the Russian T72. How does a US source have specs on the T72? Again, you ignore the fact they have blueprints of the tank. Basically it appears that each factory had its own version of the T72, which surprised me quite a bit. Smoke discharger and laser changed during the production run. However, the armour I can NOT find, so will bow to your expertese. Rune
  3. LOL. Maybe they were and maybe they weren't. I guess I should go out and buy several hundred dollars worth of books to find out. After all, look at the great pay we all get for making scenarios. Rune
  4. Talk's, actually there were two incidents, one with a KV-2 and one with a KV-1. This one the Kv-1 was finally knocked out by infantry crawling up to it and planting enought explosives to knock it out. Took a couple of tries IF I remember correctly, the first time they just knocked off a thread. Rune
  5. Earl, To be honest, I don't remember,it has been a few years, but I assume so. If I can steal Steve away from what he is workin on, I will ask. Rune
  6. The Panzer V Auf D2 didn't exist? Those sneaky Germans with their production numbers of 250 Ds and 600 D2s, making up those numbers. [insert smiley here] Panzerkampfwagen V Panther Ausf D(D1), along with Panzerjäger Tiger(P) Ferdinand (Sd.Kfz.184) and other new armored fighting vehicles, made their debut with Panzer Abteilungen 51 and 52 (96 tanks each) along with Panzer Regiment Stab 39 (8 tanks each) as part of Heeresgruppe Sued (Army Group South) in July 1943 during Operation Citadel in the Kursk salient. Because of technical problems (especially with the gearbox, transmission and suspension, and engine fires) that were not fully solved until later, many Panthers broke down before and during the battle. "...they (Panthers) burnt too easily, the fuel and oil systems were insufficiently protected, and the crews were lost due to lack of training." - Heinz Guderian. From the original 250 Panthers, only 43 were in service by August 10, 1943. These were later converted to Panzerbefehlswagen (Sd.Kfz.267). The next 600 Ausf D (also called Ausf D2) were powered by a more powerful 700hp HL 230 P 30 engine, which became the standard power plant for all later models of the Panther. They also featured a cast commander's cupola instead of the early drum-type cupola, and armor skirts, which were standard on later Ausf D Panthers and all later models. Ausf D also equipped 23rd and 26th Independent Panzer Regiment as well as Panzer Regiment of Das Reich and Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler Panzer Divisions. In general, from December 1942 to September 1943, some 850 were produced by MAN, Daimler-Benz, MNH and Henschel. Rune
  7. As a soccer [footie] referee, I feel it my duty to point out to Speedy, that scoring 5 goals when playing on a pitch by yourself, doesn't mean anything. I know beer was involved, but didn't you find it a bit odd that the other 21 players were nowhere to be found? Thinking about it, you are usually so drunk from so many pissups, you didn't notice. Carry on... Rune
  8. Yes, an expansion with net play is planned. It uses tcp/ip but the problem is with the packets. Even with the same subnet, if you are going through the internet, do not expect it to work. Rune
  9. No, internet play will not work, however a local lan game DOES work. If going through an ISP, consider it a Internet Connection. Rune
  10. Put some major flags where you want the attack to go. Make it an assault, and give it a try. This assumes you just want the British to attack. Rune
  11. Sivodsi, you will have to send me your emai address. Cannot send an attachment here. Boo, you Barney Fife want-a-be, of course i adjusted it, if YOU could manage to win, the play balance HAD to be off. Kingfish, thank ye sir, but got someone who was going to do it for me. Many thanks however. DaveH, excellent oint, guys these were made with two player in mind. All were sent out this evening. Rune
  12. Finally, how do I get these? Email me untill I get someone to upload them to the Scenario Depot, I tried, but it didn't work for me. Enjoy... Rune
  13. And a third I do not think I released earlier. Title: Written Off Type: Allied Assault Date: November 30th, 1942 Location: Oudna Airfield, Tunisia Region: Africa Weather: Day, Clear, Airfield Terrain: Dirt Wind: Breeze from the SW Turns: 45+ Best Played as: Best played as Two Player, or as Allied against the AI. AI should be free to place. Author: Tim 'Rune' Orosz Background: After the Bruneval Raid, 2nd Parachute Battalion of the British 1st Airbourne Division found itself shipped to Africa aboard ships. 2 Para was led by Lt-Colonel Gofton-Salmond, who fell ill and was replaced by Lt-Colonel John Frost, who would later become even more famous at Arnhem. Two drops were scheduled, and cancelled as the situation kept changing. On November 27th, the Battalion was placed on stand-by for an airdrop. The plan was to assault the airfield at Pont du Fahs then move north to the airfield at Depienne, destroying both. Since both airfields were within 25 miles of Tunis, it was also hoped to throw the German Forces into confusion. Immediately before takeoff on 29 November, Frost was informed there were no aircraft at either airfield, and they would need to attack the airfield at Oudna, 12 miles to the North of Depienne. Frost was to pick a drop zone near Depienne from the air in the lead aircraft. They dropped near Depienne, and the landing was unopposed, however, it was spotted by a German Patrol which sent the alert out. The injured were left at the drop zone, along with a platoon to pack away the parachutes and equipment containers. The rest of the Battalion marched out into the night and cold to reach the airfield. Mid-day on the 30th, they reach a ridge near the airfield. Scouts report only a single wrecked aircraft on the field. C Company moved to attack from the West and A Company and the rest of the Battalion moved up over the ridge to the attack... Semi-Historical, about 1200 points. [Forces are real, could not find an accurate enough map] Sources: http://www.britishairborne.org/history2nd.html
  14. In-between working on other things, I managed to get these done. Both are for CMAK, the first is based in Italy. Title: San Pietro Type: Allied Assault Date: Dec 15th, 1943 Location: Sam Pietro, along Route 6 Region: Italy Weather: Night, Overcast, Wet Hilly Terrain Terrain: Dirt Wind: Breeze from the N Turns: 70+ Best Played as: Best played as Two Player, or as Allied against the AI. Author: Tim 'Rune' Orosz Background: San Pietro sits on the Southside of Monte Sammucro, overlooking the valley between itself and Monte Lungo. In this valley was Route 6, a direct route through the Mountains to Cassino. With the Allies holding Monte Maggiore, and Monte Rotondo, both which over-looked Monte Lungo, little opposition was expected by the Germans. The Germans had other plans, with the village only accessible from 2 trails, the approached were well guarded. With the commanding height of the village, the Germans had a great observation point to stop the Americans from advancing down Route 6. 29 November brought the first assault against San Pietro. Rangers of the 3rd Ranger Battalion were to advance and take the town, but if they met heavy opposition, to withdraw under the cover from the 36th Infantry Division. On the approach in the valley, the Rangers met heavy German Artillery, one of the few times of the war where they met the Allied Artillery gun for gun, and were forced to withdraw. The second assault was now being planned, with guidance from General Clark himself. Tanks from 1st Armoured Division were to support the assault from the 36th Infantry Division. The assault was planned for night, hoping to catch the Germans off-guard. It was not to be... Semi-Historical, about 6200 points. Sources: The U.S. Army and World War II, Center of Military History, United States Army The second is a slightly redone scenario from CMBO: Title: The Bridges of Le Muy Type: Meeting Engagement Date: August 16th, 1944 Location: Le Muy Region: France Weather: Day, Clear, Town Terrain: Dirt Wind: Breeze from the SE Turns: 35+ Best Played as: Best played as Two Player Author: Tim 'Rune' Orosz Background: The invasion of Southern France, coded as Operation Anvil, and later Dragoon, had been planned but put on the back burner. Once the Allies were found to be tied up in the hedgerow country of Normandy, the delayed plan was once back into effect on 24 June 1944. Allied forces landed on 15 August against light defenses. Th3rd Infantry Division, a veteran of Anzio, started immediately inland having learned what happened if too conservative at Anzio. Task Force Butler moved to take Le Muy, and the nearby bridges there. The German 148th Infantry Division rushed to setup any kind of defensive line to hold the Allies back. The two columns collided at the Bridges of Le Muy, and the first fierce German résistance in the south of France was about to take place. Semi-Historical, about 4000 points. Sources: http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/brochures/sfrance/sfrance.htm http://www.multimanpublishing.com/pp/anvil/anvil.html
  15. Lars , Do you have any picute proof of this? This I have got to see, Papa Khan as Howard. Rune
  16. Barney, err I mean Boo Howard Sprauge you one bullet in the pocket deputy you. Rune
  17. After hearing sad news this morning, that Howard Morris died, it got me to thinking how much this place IS like the Andy Gzriffith show. Joebob is, of course, the Sheriff. Boo being the first deputy, is definitely Barney Fife. Seanachai would have to be Otis the town drunk. Emrys would have to be the forgetful Floyd the Barber. Dalem would be Gomer Pyle, with his gun and a "Goll Lee" v42below would be Opie Lars as Howard Sprauge Nidan1 as the clueless Goober Pyle Going to have to go with MrSpkr as Ernest T Bass, runs in, throws a stone, and runs out. Not going to say who is Aunt Bee, I like my privates attached to my body. Anyway my tribute to howard, the voice of gopher in the Winnie the Pooh movies, director of Get Smart and hogan's Heros, With Six you get eggroll. If you didn't recognize his name, he was the actor that played Ernest T. Rune [ May 23, 2005, 11:06 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  18. Umm...Happy Fecking Birthday, LATE, Seanachai Are Gnomes actually born? Rune
  19. We do not suypport the Russian version of the demo. Look for the new Americanized version of the demo soon. Rune
  20. Emrys That is no way for you to talk about your out-of-wedlock son, Seanachai. Hmm thinking about it: 1. Both have a fascination for bar stools. 2. Emrys is the only person we know OLD enough to be Seanachai's dad. 3. Emry's is famine, and most here wish the gnome would starve to dead. 4. Both are confused by the sight of soap. 5. Both crave a mortal enema. Err... Enemy Rune
  21. For that, your copy is shipped last when the time comes. Oh, and I will spread the rumor that Seanachai is your out-of-wedlock son. Rune [ May 04, 2005, 10:59 AM: Message edited by: rune ]
  22. Andreas, Thanks, I did not know that about Rauss. I will discount his account of the battle then, unless I find anything about it from another source. Like I have the time to dig it up. Rune
  23. Does that mean I could have beaten him with baseball bats? Rune
  24. Gack...I really didn't want to come back to this thead. jasonC, since I believe the simplest answer is usually correct, instead of thinking a giant conspiracy to get the 85mm gun, maybe just maybe they had lower quality ammunition? We have no idea if the ammo was stock, modified, or whatever. Thee point being made, is there is no proof one way or the other. Ditto with the StuG. I didn't post the complete passage, so instead of saying the General wasn't there, and it was just reports, the reason the Stugs didn't kill unless a direct hit, was the tanks T-34s, were dug in for defense. It had nothing to do with penetration, but the fact it was hard to hit the target. Of course it doesn't model the top plate being destroyed. It was an add-on after the game engine was designed. Nor does the game have aiming at specific targets on the tank, the drivers vision slit, the gun mantlet, etc. What are the odds of two 76.2mm sheels hitting the plate in the same point? How damage is the plate after a hit? Questions can go on and on. However, AGAIN, unless someone has a StuG witht he attached plate, is Lorrin right or are you? Bottom line is I don't know, you both make good cases. However, the point is it was never written about is wrong, there is direct writing on the stug and the attached plate. There wasn't a mix of StuGs, as you suggest. As for the Tigers, the statement was made the Tiger should be penetrated at 500 meters. This account, along with the Russian training stating do NOT fire unless under 300 meters, indicates to me that 500 meters was just too iffy to take out a tiger. As I stated before and will state again, the Tiger should be defeated at a closer range. Lower hull obviously, as well as turret as the range decreases. panzer76s tests show the guns do EXACTLY that in the game. I don't remember if we knew about the heat treated rounds when the game game out, or if we knew the numbers that were produced. The game is far from perfect. My problem is with 15% under-rated. There is NO proof of that. the fact that the numbers are still debated here and elsewhere 60 years after the fact, tells me we may never know the correct numbers. I would still want proof before accepting the numbers are wrong. Nothing here is proof, just conjecture. Rune
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