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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. Update: Confirmed Syrian FO's show no improved vision. Report with save files made to BFC with credit to Cpl Steiner. Thanks for the catch!
  2. I see your point! I'll report the radio and binoculars graphics are missing from TOE. Since the FO's actually are able to call in fire I have some doubt about them being actually affected by the missing graphics...but we'll let Charles have an extra Red Bull and figure it out...Thanks for calling attention to this.
  3. Not seeing this problem. I did a check of Inf,Reserve, Mech, Airborne, Special Forces Red FO's and they were all equipped with radios and binoculars? What unit are you seeing this in?
  4. In a recent PBEM game one T-90 takes out 3 Marine M1 and and 2 LAV's in two turns. US M1 can also be destroyed. My gaming opinion after hours of playing T-90 vs Abrams is: Abrams is a better tank. Is the T-90 hopeless mis-match? Far from it. In WW2 terms: Abrams = Tiger, T-90 = Sherman Firefly. Used properly the T-90 can do very well. Used less skillfully the Abrams can still come out on top. Just a side note to Bad Moon Rising: It was designed with a definite Cold War, Red Hordes unleashed flavor.
  5. I am thinking about doing that. It requires I do some review work...Please do keep in mind the majority of my files are available on CMMODS as the QBG's. I do confess to some reworking of them here and there.
  6. There are 5 different plans. Some have setup positions very near their pathing objective. Others will be actually harder for the human player to spot and have been timed to act as counter attacking units (South hill...just not in the town) The UnCon vehicles become cautious in the face the Marines which is why I gave them shorter routes and their own separate pathing orders. The response of AI defenders is dependent on the designers use of movement orders and reinforcement orders. Troops under AI control will intelligently move to better cover when attacked or attempt to improve targeting positions but will not move like zombies to a lost objectives ala CMx1....yes, there is another way of viewing that particular action found in CMx1 and Steel panther style games. The idea that a well placed armor unit in overwatch positions decides to run down to the narrow streets of a village and engage in close combat is not such a swell feature, either. I look forward to the "event trigger" to create a far better controlled AI counter thrust. What I do not want to see is the type of event trigger that are found in FPS... You show up someplace and the Tiger tank always appears. I believe BFC understands that Scen Flexibility is the key to re playability and will continue to evolve the scen editor to enrich the gaming experience for us all. Speaking of that...Why not try The Orchard Drive scen. @ www.CMMODS.com It's a meeting engagement. You might want to read the designer tip on page 2! The Syrians give as good as they get...it's a personal favorite or get a bit nostalgic and go for "Chance Encounter" or "Last Defense"
  7. Testing results No crashes, no wrong side instant blood baths. Testing method: Set all Random except for size (alternated tiny and small) times 10 QB setups. Played WEGO Blue and Red and always moved units during first turn. Allowed a couple of turns and ordered cease fire and examined both sides for any conflicts...(yes I did notice that sometimes AI units are facing the wrong way...BFC is aware of this issue)... A final thought My personal QB Map file contains 243 maps. So the QB generator has lots to choose from.
  8. SPOILER INFO * * * * * * Actually a quirk of the scen. The Madrassa, itself, is but one specific objective. The Syrian Units are holding areas of the town, surrounding hills and the road net. All are valuable to them and to the Marines who are tasked with clearing the entire area. Additionally: Syrian units need inflict 25% casualties to receive 200 pts while Marines must reach 80% Syrian casualties to get 100. The values of the objectives are only 50 pts. The reason for all that is the Marine Player needs to search and destroy the enemy. The Syrians must simply hold ground and avoid catastrophic casualties. There are some reinforcements with pathing orders but those orders do not include the town. During play testing I quickly saw the hopelessness of reinforcements attempting to re-take the Madrassa. The Overwhelming fire power of the Marines just didn't make that very much fun. So I gave them some blocking positions. One final note: There are 5 different attack and defend plans. You will not always meet the same forces and threats at the same spot. Something TOTALLY unavailable in the old game editor. BFC has stated an interest in adding "event triggers" at some point. With a few simple triggers added to the multiple plans, CMSF's AI will become a monster for the player to contend with.
  9. Your CTD...does it actually go to the desk top or just kick you back to main CMSF screen? My understanding of Tiny, small, ect has more to do with units than maps actual size in meters. I'd point to the "QBG Large Maps" which just took a nice large map and called it Small, medium, large...by he way, these three actually will cover the full range from Tiny to huge. I will check out Tiny and small (note: use these pretty often) x 10 and see if I can duplicate results. I appreciate you hanging in and helping sort through this.
  10. "Marine" Maps were made in the 1.10 builds for Marine Module but should work perfectly fine for any QB match up. Since they have No troops of any kind it's just my own naming convention and nothing more. When testing the game in QB's I often used only those new "Marine Maps" with Army Red vs Red, UnCon...you name it. A way to test If a particular QB map is functioning properly is to do a new QB Map file (rename the original with an added X or something) You can usually tell what the map will be for because the name will say Attk town or Meet Open or whatever. Then all you have to do is request to play that style game. This is how I test them before I submit them. If you should find ANY map not working properly than I'd sure like to know. I have a serious interest in getting this right.
  11. I believe that QBG made maps have proved reliable. Maybe I should just upload my QB Map file... after-all I'm the one saying I don't have any trouble! Lord that would be embarrassing when everybody's game just crashes! LOL Would you mind telling me how many pre-loaded QB maps are on your clean Marine Install?
  12. I would NOT recommend Scen maps be transferred wholesale into the QB folder. Here's the reason: Scen maps will generally have VERY defined setup areas and AI Pathing that will not handle the myriad unit selection possibilities. Your just asking for a weird gaming result. What you can do: If you find a scen map interesting. Put it in the editor, delete troops (safe rather than sorry), Create nice sized setup areas, delete the AI plans for BOTH sides and make a few generally large AI plans. Finally go ahead and delete any preplanned arty and either create a couple of locations near/not on! setup areas...or just leave blank.
  13. Good luck on the re-install. Here's what my testing problem his: I use QB's to test for Bugs very frequently ( frequently = 1 or 2 games a day)and have not had the problem you described since 1.08 (again just not positive...but a long time back.) I suspect the bug may be map design at it's core so when you do your reinstall perhaps you could not load any new QB maps or Mods for a bit and see what happens. If/When you get this problem just let me know whatever you remember about the QB setup. I promise to dig hard to duplicate what you saw and present my results to BFC. Those of us who enjoy the QB style of battle all recognize the need to improve this part of the game.
  14. Please post any QB bugs and send whatever save file, or just map Pic or ANY other info that might help in locating the specific map , units, and game situation the bug occurs in. I cannot recall seeing anything of this nature since 1.05 and tested extensively with QB's for 1.10. Most certainly I would be very interested in getting to the bottom of this.
  15. Things aren't really all that hopeless! There are many ways to win his match but only one real problem...you are being forced through a funnel. Here's a suggestion: SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!! * * * * * * * * * * Get you your scouts some Javelins and dismount them (after the Arty!!!) move cautiously along the high ground on your left. A Nasty way to take out MG's, Snipers, FO's and other desert vegetation. Use 2 Bradley's to over watch along both sides of the road. Keep the inf clear of those Bradleys as you may lose a couple. Start with working over the closest trench lines (the defense has multiple plans so the Syrians may not be in specific trenches with specific equipment ) and any suspected enemy in town. Remember: smoke is your friend! As more troops and arty become available your task will become easier.
  16. This was the toughest I made for the game. It got MORE so due to the early unit build gaffs. You've got PLENTY of hardware alright...It just comes up to the battle slowly. Re Mines: There are multiple defensive plans -- And you CAN'T count on spotting a specific inf location noted previously and conclude that mines will be located at X. I played this last night (until 1:30 AM!!) and lost a LAV to a mine in a completely unexpected local....Pretty good if I can fool myself! SPOILER....REALLLLLLLLY a SPOILER!!!! * * * * * * * * * The mines are mixed. dismount the scouts that most pissed you off and have them recon ahead of the LAV's
  17. USMC Just Around the Bend scen has been fixed. This is an updated version to correct the number of LAV ATGM crew member and the general level of USMC experience. These errors were created by me during the early stages of Marine Module development. Sorry for the inconvenience. www.CMMODS.com
  18. Spoiler * * * * * * * * * I will post an updated scen fix For training level and Crew ...Look for it at www.CMMODS.com
  19. Not to crow BUT.... My one T-90 took out 3 USMC M1's, 1 LAV ATGM and 1 LAV with in a 2 minute span. Both my PBEM partner and I were in shock and awe. Range under 1000 meters and the T-90 had a slight elevation advantage. Not a scratch on the T-90
  20. QBG --Mishga and friends...myself included -- Did not set any time limits per se. When reviewing a QBG Quick Battle map in he editor you'll see whatever time limit WE put in. But that time limit is irrelevant to what the QB game generator selects. That is based solely on the size of units selected (tiny, small medium large or huge).
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