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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. I don't think that's it. AIUI* there's a few things going on here. There's a LOS routine that will run against the underlying 8*8m grid to see if LOS is possible. Then there's a higher fidelity 1*1m + height above ground LOS check. That will happen, to all intents and purposes, instantaneously. Layered on top of that is the spotting routine. That will take the fact that LOS is possible and then simulate other factors - smoke, dust, unit experience, thermals, binos, fatigue, facing, number of eyes looking etc. It's this that will give the delay. It's a way of simulating how people would actually be able see on a battlefield. So any delay you see isn't a lack of CPU resources - how would that work with two opponents on vastly differing systems - but an attempt to make the spotting more realistic. Given flamingknives illustration above I think spotting movement at 600m would take some time. Especially over hot ground. *this is all public domain + my guesses so make of it what you will.
  2. There was a thread in the last week that stated lethality was under- modelled. It's never going to seem perfect to everyone - currently it feels fine to me.
  3. That's exactly what they're doing. That or going and having a look.
  4. Equipment defines tactics so it makes a difference.
  5. I still think the targeting line should come from the waypoint. Bit confusing how it is now.
  6. Me too. Given that a lot of the time delays etc are informed supposition I think to err on the side of better capability would be more useful (for RL - if you want to fight, fight the best) and more fun.
  7. It's still the case. You can associate targeting orders, covered arc etc with waypoints. So GSX, waypoint to the top of the hill. Select waypoint and target the building. It's a bit confusing that the targeting order still looks like it comes from the unit but it will snap to the area if LOS is possible.
  8. I think you're right. Do you have a save of the guys throwing grenades and not being spotted? I think with them standing on a roof is one of those things I accept as an abstraction - I'm usually not looking at their actual stance. I accept that although the game portrays them standing they're actually hunkered behind the parapet lobbing over it. But I'm probably wrong to do so. Email me the save so I can have a better look at it please. Ta. To my mind "Fast" on the roof should be easy to spot. Fast in a building not - but still possible. Steve has it from the horses mouth that this is what happens so I'm not going to argue against hard data. ...although I'd have thought being looked at with thermals - especially at night - would give a chance to be spotted. I think recon-by-fire should work a bit better as well. TBH this is one of the hardest things to tweak because there's compelling arguments from both sides. Worth having the discussion though. As I say, send me the example you're referring to and I'll see if it seems wrong to me as well. Thanks.
  9. I think the point about the "Fast" moving infantry is certainly valid. But stationary enemies in a building? I don't think you'd be able to spot them if they didn't want to be seen.
  10. The MGS has too few rounds and can be knocked out with course language. Close support like that afforded by the Sherman 105 is so much more flexible than arty. MGs & big accurate dollops of HE winkles infantry out of holes like, well, winkles. Or it should. I still think arty HE is over modelled in SF.
  11. Probably an RPG. FYI, weapons can be recovered. So if another squad went to the position of the RPG gunner someone could have picked it up and used it. Or it could have been a grenade. Or a mine. Or most anything - it's a complicated world in there.
  12. Damn yeah. Stay out of faust range though. I think that kind of basic direct HE chucker is badly needed.
  13. I always "fast" some light *cough expendable* armour to an exposed position, with an FO etc close to knock out what's found. The waypoint goes straight up the hill - then reverse straight back so there's no turning. Select the waypoint at the top and give it a 5sec pause order. You can stack many orders on waypoints, like targeting, covered arc, deploy etc. Just pause in this case. If it doesn't work - send it back with a longer pause. Remember: if it don't brew - try number two.
  14. Welcome both. No you can't move waypoints right now but it's on BFCs list. It's a long list though. LOOOONG.
  15. Isn't Texas, like, a failed nation or sumfink?
  16. It took a bit of tweaking but I like where it's at currently. M1s in particular used to see everything straight away. Now you've got a chance to use AT assets properly - they're dangerous but have to be used with stealth. We still need to lose the lack of FOW on smoke trails but apart from that I think it works well.
  17. You may find my hotkeys more intuitive. See the sticky at the top of the forum.
  18. Salem is always welcome To be honest I'd just look for small scenarios on one of the forums. CMMODS is an excellent one. You have to register but it's free and COG who runs it won't sell your details on. Byte Battles are small but very intense. Designed mainly for 2 player as well. Honestly - most games vs the AI are training games. Playing another person is when it comes into its own.
  19. I use headphones. The PC is in the same room as the telly otherwise Mrs Means and I wouldn't see each other. Besides, headphones are much the better option - why have sound pass through more air than it needs to? However my headphones are Sony £15 ones - great value and reasonable quality but nothing special. I seem to go through quality ones quite quickly though. These have lasted ~2 years so I can't fault them for that. I've bought £70 ones in the past that last 6 months.
  20. You need to watch out for this one. It could get you in a lot of trouble.
  21. I'm certainly brave enough to watch the video. Sure, I have to hang on to my chair and look away frequently but it still counts. Building that walkway was a feat and a half. I've seen mountain riding on tiny goat paths on t'internet. Insane.
  22. I'm just glad it's back. Bring on the battalions.
  23. Got to be the server. You can get JS includes that spider the DOM and put innerHTML in but it wouldn't show up in the source. So it's your hosts or template providers. Usually the same people.
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