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Posts posted by Moon

  1. You can always unlicense Marines by using the manual unlicense method described in the Knowledge Base at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk. In short: create a shortcut to the CMSF Marines Module.exe inside your module subfolder. Right-click on the shortcut, select Properties, and add the following at the very end of the Target line (do not change the contents of the target line otherwise):


    Save the changes. When you now launch the shortcut, it will prompt the unlicense screen.

    Normally this should be triggered automatically when you use the shortcut in the Start->Program group, though, so it shouldn't be needed to do it manually.


  2. I wonder how our "first contact" with Brit and Moon would have gone if I landed on that central island earlier. I was going to take the island much earlier, but the invasion force was diverted from the shores to bolster Steve's defense as the AI began to overrun him.

    Most likely it would not have went much differently. I was not aware how strong Brit was at the time, but I was already suspecting (from reading between the lines of the open chat ;)) that you and Steve were working together. So I was leaning towards joining with Brit as it was, to oppose what looked to me to be a team. I believe that the diplomacy screen was already showing you guys as allied in some way, too (I'll try to get a screen of that in my AAR part two that I am writing now).

    The aggression on the middle island was merely the tipping point that made it easy for Brit and me to for an alliance, and if you had taken it already it probably would not have changed things much.

  3. Yup. All players assign orders to their cities and units (simultaneously), and then, once everyone has submitted their turns, everything happens simultaneously.

    To add to what Brit said: the game takes the whole WeGo idea to the next level, too.

    For example, you can submit your orders and if you are unhappy with them, you can unsubmit them again - at least for as long as not all other players have submitted theirs. You can see who has submitted theirs and who hasn't, and the last player that everyone else is waiting on also sees a little alert. Lastly, you can play with or without a timer.

    A typical game can easily end up having several hundred turns, but the gameplay flow is very fast. In the upcoming AAR with 4 players (+1 AI) I believe we did around 200 turns before ND and Steve threw the towel :P

  4. I seem to rememeber that they had a problem with their patch recognizing the original CDs with certain configurations, most likely due to the copy protection they're using (which is different from what we use). They *should* have a fix or updated patch for that.

  5. I'm sorry if this seems overly critical...

    It does. And the main reason for that is the fact that you fail to mention even one good thing about the campaign. From what you write, it sounds that you found 100% of it bad, unrealistic, borderline unplayable, and almost stupid. This greatly diminishes the value of what otherwise could be constructive criticism.

    As it is, your post has to be taken with many grains of salt. The 100% negative score shows that either you're not really interested in a "discussion in more detail" or that you have a hidden agenda or that you evaluated the campaign based on solely your preconceived opinions about it. No matter what it is, it will make discussing your points rather futile. I could for example explain to you a few things about missions 4 and 5, which have been made by me (such as for example why you only have 30 minutes for the recce in mission 4). But as it is, I don't see the point why. Too bad, all the time you have taken to write up such a lengthy "review" could have been put to a much better use.

  6. If i understand it all correct i now just have to install the MARINE Module (then it will be 1.10) and then the BRITS Module (then it will be 1.20)...and its done ?


    Why it says "copy this file to a folder on your hard drive" ? I mean...if i downloade it it is anyway in a folder on my harddrive ?

    Often downloads end up in temporary folders. But it may be a good idea to copy the file you downloaded to a permanent place, because you cannot re-download forever (downloads expire automatically after 365 days)

    I sometimes have problems with my internet, now if the download of the file breaking off because my internet connection makes problems one more time ?

    Then i have to buy it again ?

    No. You get 10 downloads (for up to 365 days). Normally you will never need more than one download however. Simply use a so-called "download manager". Some browsers (such as Firefox or Opera for example) already have one "built-in", or you can use an external one like Download Express, or GetRight etc. With download managers, even if your connection breaks off, you can resume your download from where it stopped. This resume does not count as an extra download.

    Our store, unlike many others, does not use a "special" downloader and will work with pretty much any download manager out there.

  7. When you email elicense@battlefront.com, your email is automatically parsed int othe helpdesk :) I am pretty sure it was you ;) You should have received an auto-reply to your email on how to check your ticket status, but it looks like your email provider is blocking that, too. Please go to www.battlefront.com/helpdesk and look in the Knowledgebase on how you can retrieve your ticket replies online by logging in.

    It may also be a good idea to whitelist sales@battlefront.com with your email provider. Email them, or sometimes it already helps if you put the address into your address book.


  8. Actually, if you are the person I replied to earlier this morning via the helpdesk, you should check your ticket status at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk because you have been replied within minutes after you submitted your ticket. If you didn't receive the email, then it was spam-blocked, but all replies are stored in our helpdesk online.

    The error you're seeing is triggered when you exceed the 2 concurrent activations you are allowed to have per key. This may be because you forgot to unlicense one of the previously activated copies. Check your ticket status for more details.


  9. Thanks for the link. This is in fact a legitimate copy sold in the UK by one of our distribution partners. It does not include a key because it doesn't need it. The only thing you need to do when patching is to use the correct patch for it. If you use one of our Battlefront patches, you will be asked for a key. But if you use the correct patch, then you won't need a key to play.

  10. Ah now that is far better an explanation for the entire purchase process than is listed on the product page, thanks Moon

    Yes, I'm aware of that. Problem is that people do not seem to be reading anything that is on the product page before ordering, let alone a long and dry explanation of how licensing works :) So I am not sure if adding it to the already fairly long-winded sales policy and order pages will do much. But I'll keep looking for ways to make the info more visible via at least an info link in the near future.


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