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Posts posted by Moon

  1. If no elicense key is included, then most likely it is a stolen copy. If you don't mind, please email me the link from Amazon to martin@battlefront.com so we can pursue this. Legitimate boxed copies of course include a license key.

    We have had reports from people who bought from Amazon that they got copies without keys - so they are useless - so while I can't confirm that the listing you see is like that, it's possible.


  2. Yes, you have the completely wrong idea.

    When you buy a game, you get an eLicense key with it. That key never expires. You can license and relicense it as often as you like. You can transfer your game from one PC to another as often as you like.

    eLicense only enforces one (and only one) restriction:

    you are not allowed to have the game running and active on more than 2 PCs at the same time. This is in line with our End User License Agreement which Battlefront is using since before we were using eLicense.

    That's ALL it does.

    The download limitation has nothing to do with eLicense at all. There is no reason for ANYONE to have to download the game they buy more than once. After downloading, make a backup copy, e.g. by burning to disc or USB stick etc. You do not have to re-download ever again, and this has nothing to do with you being able to license/activate your game.

    We do offer more then one download as a service to customers who e.g. have problems downloading because of a bad connection. But like I said, usually there is no reason to download more than once if you make a backup.

    As for the second point - you only need support to reset your key if you forgot to unlicense it on a PC or had a PC crash etc., and only need this done if you have already activated the game on two PCs.

    People have many misconceptions about eLicense and lump it together with a whole bunch of draconian DRMs out there, whereas it is the most flexible and the least intrusive on the market today that we have found after several years of research.

  3. You shouldn't draw your conclusions about "campaigns" based on one of them (the very first made at that). One of the beauties of Combat Mission is that you (and anyone else) can make as many campaigns about as many things as they like. They can be small, or large, following one unit or many. There can be complex scripts or very simple linear campaigns.

    The kind of scripted management campaign that CC allows you to do is not what CM is designed to do.

  4. Actually Skinnedpuppy is incorrect. If you uninstall a game but do not unlicense it, in many (most) cases the license is in fact remembered. So by reinstalling it, you can e.g. play immediately without the need to relicense. However, if this works or not depends on various factors in your PC, so it's not 100% reliable.

    Looks like it didn't work for LT Mike. In that case, submitting a ticket at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk is the way to go. We'll reset your key from our end. Do not forget to include the key you're using in your ticket :)

  5. Chrome is not supporting FTP (file transfer protocol), so obviously you can't use it to download via FTP, which is what is used for file transfer on the Repository.

    Other than that, there are currently no other issues I would be aware of. It has been quite busy lately so perhaps the server was slow in responding or something.

  6. You can use the manual workaround to unlicense Marines, described in the Knowledge Base. In short: create a shortcut to the Marines.exe (located inside the Modules folder), add -unlicense to the Target field, and run it. This will prompt the unlicense window to pop up for Marines (and not just British forces).

    In any case, you do not have to re-purchase anything. If you ever run into trouble with unlicensing or relicensing, submit a support ticket at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk please.

  7. Note that the newest CMBB executable in there doesn't work since it is elicense but there is no way to activate the elicense for it. This has never been resolved and it seems the interest isn't there.

    Redwolf, the interest is still there, but not the time (so far). While technically removing the eLicense part is fairly easy, the implications need to be thought through in detail, and that's not something that we have yet found the time to do. Sorry. But it's not off the plate at all.

  8. Sorry, I had to delete the link, because in order to download fileplanet forces you to open an account with them, putting huge "subscribe here" links on the landing page you linked to. In order to be consistent, the link was removed. I just issued you a warning and not an infraction because I am sure it was unintended.

  9. Receipe for a successful applepie... uh, upgrade:

    You need:

    - one working installed game of CMBB

    - upgrade ZIP file, purchased, downloaded, and extracted


    - open the CMBB game folder, and locate the "CM Barbarossa to Berlin.exe" file

    - rename "CM Barbarossa to Berlin.exe" to e.g. "CMBB Backup.exe"

    - open the folder where you extracted the ZIP file contents

    - copy the contents of the ZIP folder into the CMBB game folder

    - set the new "CM Barbarossa to Berlin.exe" to "Run as administrator" under Vista, or shut down UAC

    - launch the game

    If you are still running into issues, then this will be either because of your anti-virus program blocking the new exe from being executed (falsely claiming a virus where there is none), or because your Data-execution-prevention (DEP) settings are kicking in. The Helpdesk at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk has details about what to do then (in the eLicense section).

  10. Receipe for a successful applepie... uh, upgrade:

    You need:

    - one working installed game of CMBB

    - upgrade ZIP file, purchased, downloaded, and extracted


    - open the CMBB game folder, and locate the "CM Barbarossa to Berlin.exe" file

    - rename "CM Barbarossa to Berlin.exe" to e.g. "CMBB Backup.exe"

    - open the folder where you extracted the ZIP file contents

    - copy the contents of the ZIP folder into the CMBB game folder

    - set the new "CM Barbarossa to Berlin.exe" to "Run as administrator" under Vista, or shut down UAC

    - launch the game

    If you are still running into issues, then this will be either because of your anti-virus program blocking the new exe from being executed (falsely claiming a virus where there is none), or because your Data-execution-prevention (DEP) settings are kicking in. The Helpdesk at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk has details about what to do then (in the eLicense section).

  11. That sounds like one of my missions (the recon before the airfield attack)?

    You will improve your chances of winning this if you think less about reaching the OPs, and more about accomplishing your recon goal. In other words: think more in terms of real life military rather than RTS-arcade "move to point 1" :)

    The OPs are secondary goals during the mission, and are "guidelines" by your commander, decided upon after some aerial recon. Once on the ground you may find that they work or do not work so well, and you need to adapt.

    Really, spotting Red units is the primary goal. Remaining undetected is another secondary goal. If you blow your cover AND fail to spot a certain threshold of enemy units, you may lose even if you manage to reach all OPs.

  12. Photoshop'd, I say!

    But I also have the "full game playback" file from Brit which I am using to write the AAR! :P

    A note for the unwashed masses: The playback file allows you to replay individual turns or the entire game turn by turn or continuously, including for single player and MP player games (the host is keeper of that file, and can upload/share with others).

  13. You can get your key by logging into your customer account at www.battlefront.com/store. Click on My Account from the top menu.

    Your key is the same code that you used to download the software in the first place.

    If you forgot your login to your store account (which is DIFFERENT from the forum account you're using here), then go to www.battlefront.com/lostpw to retrieve it. You get a new password by email, and your user name is listed in that email, too (called "user account").


  14. Though a bit shocked at UK postage

    We've raised the S&H in Europe a year or so ago due to the USD/EUR exchange rate. The EUR total hasn't really changed significantly for you as customer from what it was before, in fact. But it helps us to better offset the actual cost of shipping and maintaining a EU based warehouse (in Germany). The people there are paid in EUR :)

  15. Correct. You can install and uninstall as often as you like. The only thing you need to remember is to also UNLICENSE when you uninstall. That in fact is the main thing to do (you do not even have to uninstall, just unlicense). You can have as many installations as you want, but only two of them can be active at the same time (with the same key).

    The 365 day/10 download limit is for download only. Normally you never need to download more than once anyway. Just copy the file you downloaded to a disc or USB stick etc. and you can re-use it as often as you like in the future. Re-downloads really are meant for people who have problems downloading in the first place or ran into some kind of emergency, forgot to make a backup etc.

  16. From what you describe it sounds like you didn't install in the correct place. You should have the msvcr71.dll file already if you have CMSF and have run it before. Did you buy CMSF from Battlefront? If you are SURE that you have installed in the right place, you can also submit a ticket at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk and we'll send you the dll file by email. It needs to go inside the root game directory.

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