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Everything posted by Blashy

  1. Thank you. Now if they can't go above 8, why does it say that 5 is 50% capacity, should it not be 62.5%? Is that a glitch?
  2. Most of the time, sometimes throughout the whole game. I'll have a port and city, actually a whole whack of them remain at 50% production. For example: if I take all of Africa from Italy those ports and the UK ports along with the city just remain at 50% even if the whole MED waterways belongs to the Allies. How do I get this to start going up?
  3. How is the Axis advantaged? By the time the war with all 3 Allied countries start Axis could be around 650-680 MPP in a best case scenario. When russia joins, they get 480MPP per tunr plus some starting MPP, 480+150(avg.) for UK that's 630 right there, add in the US 180 and it is an average of 810, lets say 800MPP per turn for the Allies. True the Axis received plunder but for the most part they are 150 avg MPP lagging behind every turn. Or does this really change when you play a human player?
  4. Where is the ranking of these players? Thanks.
  5. When I read the battles here it seems that you are playing with extra stuff. Are you playing a different campaign? I would not mind being cannon fodder to all you experience fellows :eek:
  6. I do think you forget one thing, a TON of their strategies were always turned upside down by Hitler. Allies Generals stated (after the war) that the ideas that some of his Generals had (Axis) would have given Hitler europe, but he thought he was a military genius, not just a political genius (I hate giving compliments to that bastard). BUT in defense of Rambo's post , they were stupid enough to follow his dumbass tactics even if they knew it was a lost cause. NOTE: Many of the combatants on both sides had WW1 experience, best xp you can have.
  7. I like this game and the most attractive thing about it is how simple it is to play. If more and more options are added in turns into micro management, which I can't stand. I'm not against it, but it should have options to turn on/off all these settings.
  8. I tried the submarine way. I found it a was of MPP for the return of MPP damaged done to UK. The max per round I did was 40MPP with 6-7 subs at level 5 tech. Sure I had a nice blockade going versus the US but any good player would have easily taken out some my subs earlier one as well as made the most of my spent MPP on subs rather than planes and tech in planes. I'm disapointed at how much no emphasis is put on the might of subs in wargames like these. Being an ex submariner I know how deadly they are and how a fleet of submarines should completly cripple all shipments. Hitler sub commander stated that if Hitler went to war as planned (1942) he would have 10 times more subs in service from 1939. War strategist have stated over and over that this would have been a death blow to the UK since shipping would have been virtually 0.
  9. With all the strategical mistakes Hitler made himself, since his Generals virtually never agreed with him. If he'd kept one promise (not going to war until 1942) and still made all those mistakes, , we would be living in a sad world. His Sub commander told him that by 1942 he would have 10x more subs in service... ouch.
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