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No rugby world cup thread.


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I just had the most amazing Thai red chicken curry down at Boat Quay. A smokey smell, and spicey hot but not burny hot. Outstanding. Recomended.

Also; we get the RWC for four more years. Yay,

(I thought the last ten minutes was absoutely fascinating, although I can easily see how it might be considered boring.(

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Cheap shot? McCaw coming across the top & the #10 lifts his head into the way - it was accidental - get over it!! :rolleyes: You obliviously missed the knee into the AB #8's head that wasn't actually in a ruck at all - but never mind - 4 MORE YEARS!!

Wipu is a fill in kicker & IMO the last 2 games showed that - he stepped up when needed, but the management made a mistake giving him the duty at the start.

The first line in hte local press is fair I think:

The All Blacks are hailed as worthy World Cup champions, but the world rugby media also heaps praise on France.
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Woodcock was $40 for a try, and $100 for the first try!!

As for the reffing - Bollocks - as everyone told us 4 years ago, and as we learned to do - get over it! :P

The article is more about things like referees penalising the same thing (scrum wheels) in opposite ways and the overall poor management of the actual game by the IRB, as opposed to their attention to detail on the $$$ making aspects of the sport.

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Yes the refs used to be completely biased - South Africa had an apalling reputaion, and I believe there's a chapter in a book about the 1905 AB's tour of the UK where they note that the ref's walked the field in 3 piece suits and walking shoes, couldn't keep up, and blew penalties to slow the game down - our problems with Nth Hemisphere refs have a long history!! ;)

I watched 2 replays of the game yesterday, using slo-mo on a digital recorder, and in each case the close up shots of the front rowers who were penalised clearly showed the offender as being the 1st to buckle.

The only obviously dodgy call all match was a lineout throw in the 1st half that probably wasn't straight - but that's the Assistant referee's call, and possibly it didn't deviate until it was past the lineout and low to the ground (jsut by way of excuses :)).

The French complained that time was taken to get Cruden off the park but not when 1 of their forwards was down - which ignores that Cruden's injury was exactly where a scrum was going to have to be taken, while the French forward was half a field away from the lineout that the ref told them to get on with. Also time went off when the French #10 went off even though he was nowhere near play.

the French also complained that they had all the pressure on the AB's, but didn't get the penalties that they "deserved" - but you don't get penalties for applying pressure - you get penalties for the other guys screwing up, and if they don't screw up then you don't get any penalties, and there were simply no obvious penalties that were not given.

There was nothing else on TV that was even remotely strange.

What was noticeable was the number of tacklers who were obviously rolling away & players obviously letting go of the ball when they were off their feet (from both sides) although there were a couple of penalties each way for failing to do so.

also I read somewhere that the AB's gave away exactly 1 penalty for hands/not rolling away in the semi final vs Australia - don't know what the Aus count was - maybe someone is actually teaching the top teams the rules & it is getting through??

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