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I'm not sure if the new patch has changed anything in regards to tank crew behaviour, but this crew took a serious slapping. As you can see everything on the tank is destroyed except the gun and yet they arent really that bothered.

Oh yeah and about the turret through the wall thing.. Im not sure if this is a result of the 'invisible' damage rendering of buildings that is apparently in the game or just a cheeky bug. Ill let you decide.

10 points for guessing what happened next

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The soldier threw a grenade at the tank and it blowed up good(?) (Thanks to US bias hehe.)

Actually pretty much spot on. I don't think it was this guy but someone threw a grenade and although it didn't do any damage as far as the gun goes (that I could tell at least) it made the crew bail who then got machine gunned from all directions. What a waste, especially considering it had taken on 3 strykers firing 40mm grenades all at the same time, stripping everything away 'cept the gun. It blew one of them up and then another .50 cal one when it reversed for no reason at all around a corner and into the line of fire.

It popped smoke, started taking fire from that squad and turned to face them, and just as it was about to bend the laws of gaming physics with its through-the-wall shot, the firecracker went off and your intrepid american soldier got away, and my foot nearly went through my computer monitor.

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