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Platoon Patrol - Looking for some help *spoilers*

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Hi all,

I am finding this a tough nut to crack. I have played this through at least 10 times now and have about 50% in draws but no better.

I have tried both right and left approaches and can pretty much get my unit up to the bocage at the rivers edge with little or no casualties. I have tried using what little mortar rounds I have early and late, trying to suppress the LMGs. I usually find the the Fast command gets most of my unit across the river intact with some covering fire to the left on the enemy CP.

Where it all comes apart is after the river crossing. Any movement I make beyond the river bank is decimated by the LMGs.

any clues?

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I didn't find the crossing very challenging. I had the platoon in good positions at the bocage by the river, and just poured area fire on the positions I had seen machinegun fire from. Once the first squad was over, it essentially could move by the bocage there and assault the positions closest to the riverbank, and cover other squads moving over one at time.

I really felt the key was suppressing the opponent positions you had idea about properly before going over. The US squads can put out such a heavy firepower, with two covering and one moving, that it kept enemy heads down.

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1) Keep C2 intact (which pretty much necessitates);

2) Keep the platoon together;

3) Suppress; and

4) Maneuver.

Don't make big bounds. Use hunt to get to action spots which you haven't had occupied yet.

I went down the right side of the map to the river. Of course ran into Germans on the opposite side. Just poured it on em and slowly advance one squad after another back across the length of the river to the ford. From there, there's were a few teams it seems like, but you've got wider field of view and maneuver is easier.

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I only played it once and got a "major victory". As Lunsku said, it's all about suppressing the enemy prior to and during movement. I used the mortar to help suppress the LMG on the right side, but I doubt it even caused one enemy casualty. Once I crossed the river, I concentrated all my efforts on one enemy position at a time. Need to play this one again. I like small scenarios.

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