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results of blast command

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simple question:

What factors govern the size of the gap made by the blast command? I can't figure out why sometimes a blast command results in a breach large enough for a vehicle and sometimes one large enough only for infantry. i can't spot any difference in the bocage, so is it some random result?

guidance/wisdom appreciated.


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Gotta love blast.

I had a team all set to make a breach, and they did. In the wrong place. The blast pinned the squad on SBF, which got the assaulting squad killed, which un-pinned the schreck I was ignoring, which KO'd the Shermie pumping rounds into the MG across the hedgerow, which routed the SBF squad, which collapsed my left flank.

I don't think I did a thing that whole time. I just sort of admired the beautiful friggin pseudo-randomness of it all.

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