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New file at the Repository: Busting The Bocage (2011-05-18)

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This was one of the scenarios included on the demo.This scenario is based on the an operation involving new combined arms tactics developed by the US 1st Army’s 29th Infantry Division commanded by General Gerhardt. Although the date of this action was the 11th July and I’ve equipped some of the Shermans with the Culin Hedgerow* cutting device (Or Rhinos as they were known), it is worth stating that this device only became more common in 1st Army after the 14th July 1944. By having Rhino equipped Shermans in this scenario it allows you the player, using the engineer sections, to trial the tactics used by the 29th ID and then compare them to the ease of using the ‘Rhino’ equipped Shermans to punch through the bocage.It is based on events described in the article at the link below. The editor notes are excerpts taken from this document.http://www.cgsc.edu/carl/resources/csi/doubler/doubler.asp


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  • 3 months later...

Well George, I started Busting the Bocage, or more accurately it started Busting me! And carried on!

I thought I was doing okay for a while. Took out several enemy inf units and a 75mm ATG with only one of my men down. Then...

... oh lordy! Six casualties in a single squad, in one turn. My stupid fault. Sent the poor lads through a gap in the hedgerow, and what a surprise! The enemy had it covered!

Four other casualties elsewhere in the same turn. Next turn, two Sherman's taken out by fausts or Shreks, and another loses it's TC.

Back to the beginning, methinks, with me bloody tail between me bloody legs.

Very nice map, and a ferocious battle. One of these days I will learn that this game is very unforgiving of commanders like me who often assume that just because I've taken out a couple of enemy units behind a hedge, doesn't mean there aren't others skulking nearby.

I'll report back after my next endeavour.

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Sent the poor lads through a gap in the hedgerow, and what a surprise! The enemy had it covered!

I am very leery of sending men through gaps in hedgerows that I haven't created in play. They are golden ambush spots. Putting smoke on the enemy's side first can help. Putting lots of guys with guns along the hedgerow to provide overwatch fire also can help. Lastly, sending a two man scout team through first to see if anybody is guarding it can save you a bit of grief. Only two letters to write to grieving moms that way.


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You are right, Michael Emrys. Absolutely right in every respect. Spot on, in fact. You have nailed it. On the head. As right as right can be. :D

And of course, I knew it, and am experienced enough not to have blundered into such a trap. But... a momentary lapse of concentration, possibly engendered with the help of a certain Mr J Beam, a false sense of security (again, all JB's fault), and the insupportable idea that George Mac wouldn't have thought of me coming through that gap...

Only myself to blame. Now, time to write those damned letters...

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Hi Handihoc :)

I played this against Sergie PBEM and had a similar experience. The game ended with the small road in the middle jammed full of KOd Shermans and dead GIs. Looked like the Falsise Gap in reverse.... My smoke screen and arty pre was not as effective as I had thought or hoped...

Good luck with your next fight :)

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Hi George, ;)

Reading that post, I looked at some shots I had saved while playing it as a demo. It was my first contact with Battlle of Normandy.

At first, playing the US side, I was a bit caught out of balance by the foliage and the hedgerows of the bocage (on real ground it is so thick, that a dog might have difficulties getting through, besides your LOS is very much impaired). It was not that easy to spot the Germans and the icons did not help me, since they seemed in that demo to seat high above the units. It has been corrected or I got accustomed to it ever since.

As usual for your scenarios, it was well done. The map had a good rendering and it was perfect for staging a tactical assault across the bocage. Thanks to the Rhino.

Knowing the challenge, I was going to encounter, I moved my units cautiously, along 4 axis.

If you look at the map below (The Germans units have been erased, not to give any spoiler), the left unit and the one on the road on its right reached the road along La croix Poitevin village. Some element on point reached Phase Line Blue. Each one was ready to assist the other during the advance.


On their right, the advance and subsequent assault was made on 2 close axis. That way, one could support by fire the other. They reached also Phase Line Blue.

The Rhino with its Cullins’s device helped me getting through the bocage. I favoured the corners for getting into the fields. First I shot at the angles, using the tank MG and gun and then in enfilade. Once across the hedgerow with a tank on the left corner and another one on the right; I repeated on the hedgerow facing them what they did earlier. The infantry followed closely. The mortar teams stayed at the opening and shelled the opposite hedgerow, while the infantry moved closer and finally took it.

That was repeated for every hedgerow facing the troops. No wonder it took time !

TLR stopped the game. It is too bad that it was the TLR that stopped it and not the Germans that I should have encounter in my next planned move. But that is another story.

I did not lose any tanks, but only because I was very cautious and took my time. I had scary moment and even a tank crew bail out of its undamaged tank. Fortunately, no German tank killer team took the opportunity to smoke it. Later on, I was able to kick in the …..the tankers and they resumed the fight, after crewing their tank, without no more problem.

I got 5 KIA against 24 KIA for the Germans and 18 WIA against 9 WIA for the Germans.

I think that I got less KIA, since I was able to treat the WIA. The Germans, retreating had to abandoned their wounded, thus their higher KIA. At least, I presume that, this is the reason.

To summarize, I liked every moment of that first battle of Normandy, I played. The only drawback, has been the time limit. 30 or 45 minutes more, might have permitted me to fare better or worse than the draw, I had.

I won’t give any spoiler, but, usually when an advance seems to go better than expected, you can be sure that the worse is not so far away. Knowing the tricks you are usually pulling out of your hat that would not be surprising. Like particularly the one you made for the “Huzzar redux”. I had not played the original one. Pretty good map too.

Thanks, George, for the great time you are offering us with your scenarios

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Great wee AAR - nice to see how others play scenarios out.

The brief for this one, as it was going to be part of the demo, was to make it representative of bocage fighting, potentially lot's of fighting, shortish timescale and all that anyone new to CMX2 would not be overawed by the game.

You can get further into the German HKL but you lose tanks and infantry at an alarming rate! By adopting the tactcis you did (which are pretty true to life) and taking your time you can slwoly chew your way through the German HKL with minimum loses. But the risk is running out of time. I'd liked to have made more time to achieve this but having a demo scenario that runs for two hours may have put new players off hence the shorter time frame.

Anyways glad ya liked it - I'm about to start a PBEM game of one of your scenarios shortly. Will let you know how I get on :)

Just to finish up - The AI Plans for the Germans do have some interesting options. OK now possible SPOILERS coming up....








I set some of the German AI Plans so that the front most troops will start to pull back and regroup. So if you move slowly the Germans will have a chance to pull back and eventually form very sturdy positions deeper in their map zone. So the US player moving slowly and methodically will gain ground but it allows the Germans to slowly pull back and regroup. Thus at some point the US player will face a very strong defence.

If the US players pushes harder and faster they stand to take heavier casualties but are more likely to encounter Germans who will stay in position and therefore are easier to kill. So if the US player can manage their casualties they can break through the German HKL and eventually encounter less resistance i.e. more mopping up than full on combat.

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Hi George,

I am right up with you about your spoiler explanation, that is why, I wrote that after Phase Line Blue the TLR stopped me instead of the Germans I should find in my next move and a bit farther, that: 30 or 45 minutes more, might have permitted me to fare better or worse than the draw.

Honestly, I think that it would have been rather worse than better, since the Germans are well positioned


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Well, George, your Bocage has busted me again, damn you! ;):)

I did better than last time - damn well should have, too, as I knew better what to expect. Made a fair bit of ground with relatively minor casualties. But then, in quick succession, lost two Sherms, with a third losing its main gun, and a whole bunch of men.

What impresses me is the fact that the German defenders don't really appear to be particularly strong in terms of numbers, but they are exceptionally well-placed for ambush, and monstrously effective. Even when I find and eliminate a unit, I then discover it has backup lurking close by all ready to punish me for any advance I make. And dudes in feldgrey hiding behind bocage, particularly in foxholes, are very resistant to HE or any other kind of fire.

I'm going to go off and lick my wounds for a while, then attempt this again at a later date when I hopefully my memory will not provide me with too many advantages. It's a tough one, no doubt, but I like the challenge of being thrashed by the AI in a well-designed scenario.

So next up is Carbide Carbide! (I must be a glutton for punishment!). I tested this one when it was in it's earliest stage, a far smaller map. It's an absolute beauty now, so I'll report back on progress as and when. V much looking fwd to the experience.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can't find a thread for Carbide Carbide so I'll post here.

This is one of the most enjoyable single missions I've played in CMN. The map is just superb, and presents so many challenges for the US attacker.

A quite different battle to the original, largely due to the increased size of the map, and the extra detail you have added. The Germans put up one helluva fight. Stubborn to the end and very cunningly and effectively positioned. They ambushed me again and again and caused me a LOT of pain!

I managed to secure the village and bridges after some very punishing skirmishes. My guys didn't have the heart to try and breakout after that, though. They were too badly mauled to risk further encounters - and I knew there would be some on the way out. So I called a ceasefire with 30 min to go and managed to scrape a Minor Victory.

Thoroughly enjoyed every minute of this. A very fine battle indeed, George!

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