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Anychance at some point?

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What would really help us WEGO players is if the time it would take to finish a move would be shown at the end of the movement line (obviously be different depening on the type of move), so the further you went out with the movement the longer the time calculation would be, this would make it alot easier to work out how far ahead you need to set your waypoints and thus you wont have ended up with something finishing way before the end of the turn and just sitting there...especially if you want to do a small move to finish at the end of turn...you would then know how long to pause and then set your movement accordingly...

This would overcome any negatives that WEGO entails... I always thought it would be added to CMBN but obviously not...as I expect alot of old WEGO players will notice it is harder to play the game ucsing WEGO than the old CMx1...this would have helped alot...

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I don't see how that's possible. The TacAI doesn't know what route it's going to take until after you click the red button to finish your command phase. At that point the AI has to pathfind from Point A to Point B. That could take 10 seconds or it could take a minute, depending on what is in the way, how far it has to go around an object, what the terrain is like, whether or not a unit bogs, etc. Way too many variables to know how long it will take before actually performing the action. The only way this could realistically happen is if you were shown exactly what the AI planned to do before the orders phase was over. But even this wouldn't be helpful a lot of the time because unplanned things happening on the battlefield is the nature of the game.

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I'd rather not have it tbh. I enjoy the unknown part of trying to excute orders and it seems fitting for time period covered. Maybe for SF it would be nice but for nitty gritty WW2 I think it's a bit to much, even just a ballpark figure. I do ballparking in my head which I would imagine took place quite a bit back then as well so it helps imo with immersion. I just get tired of the GPS's and lasers and plastic parts after awhile. :P

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I'd like it if it gave a rough idea of the arrival time, just to help planning a little bit. But nothing too precise -- that would allow too much micromanagement. Troops in the heat of battle rarely arrive exactly when or where they're ordered to be.

But you will have a rough idea about the arrival time yourself, won't you?

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Those are all more or less boilerplate measurements that anyone can make.

Make a map with varying inclines and terrains.

Place a squad on each terrain type.

Give move order.

Repeat at least 10 times for each variable introduced.

One day of testing will give you a gut feel of what your troops will do in a majority of situations.

You will never get exact times, but you will be close enough that most units will not be taking a smoke break at turn's end, and they will not be roaming off into the great unknown either.

I did this with all three CM1 games. It helps a LOT.


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I'd rather not have it tbh. I enjoy the unknown part of trying to excute orders and it seems fitting for time period covered. Maybe for SF it would be nice but for nitty gritty WW2 I think it's a bit to much, even just a ballpark figure. I do ballparking in my head which I would imagine took place quite a bit back then as well so it helps imo with immersion. I just get tired of the GPS's and lasers and plastic parts after awhile. :P

+1 on that one.

I would hate for CM to become a Formula 1 type game where you could calculate and predict everything to the microsecond much better for my mind to play by "feel" . The more fuzziness in your command process the better.

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I just hear people complaining about this area when playing WEGO which puts them off that way of playing, having a vehicle finish moving ten seconds before the end of a turn and left in the open for the last ten seconds because you mistimed it is abit of a pain at times...I do estimate time and the Pause command is a command that if used well can really help overcome the issue...

Also the ability to get troops to mount, take ammo and dismount in one turn would be great...has this been changed since CMSF?

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I agree that this is the sort of variable that's probably best catered for by experience. I don't think it'll take very long to get a 'feel' for how movements can coordinate. What I'd like is to be able to plot a move for a dismounted vehicle crew in the same turn they dismount (and for a movement of a dismounting unit to end up with a mount in a different vehicle, though that necessity would be reduced if I could look at the inventory of a dismounted vehicle without remounting it).

There may already be a way to do this, but so far my experience is that a crew unit (I'm thinking of the way CMSF handles things like Jackal crews) ordered to dismount and then move actually drives its vehicle away from the dismount point... If it can already be done, that's great, if someone could kindly edumacate me :)

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