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Just an observation

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I have never been a fan of combat mission in past years, always seem to like the board game look, Panzer general, Strategic Command etc, but after downloading Combat Mission shockforce demo I was very impressed with the graphics and game play, I also downloaded the demo of Beyond Overlord for comparison sake, I cannot believe the difference in what has transpired over the years to this game, to Battlefront my deepest admiration for what you and your programmers have achieved in bringing this series to what I believe to be a masterful creation of war both in graphics and in game play, and Normandy looks terrific also, and you combat mission players who through the years have hung in there till you got the games you so deserve, for your perseverance, kudos also. I am stunned by the tremendous difference between the cartoonish figures of Beyond Overlord as compared to the striking graphics of Shockforce and Normandy, not a dig just an observation. Enjoy these games gentlemen you deserved them.


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Hey, thanks. That was a nice post!

CMX2 has really come a long way since 2007 and CM as a whole has come a loooong way since 2000. CMX1 was a a blast and CMSF and Afghanistan have been a blast as well. I can only imagine the amount of fun I am gonna have playing Normandy...judging by those screen shots I'll probably buy me some man diapers and make some sandwiches on release day...LOL I won't have to get up for at least a week.

And yes we are definitely in a new age since the table top look of CMBO...I think each title from CMBB on kind of got a little further from that feeling until finally, CMSF, which really felt like an organic environment. Again...Normandy is just gonna shine...It looks stunning.

...take a look here for some mind blowing comparisons.



Have a good one.


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I fired up CMAK the other day to play a bit with the CM:BN equipment. I was a bit shocked with the camera and the whole user interface and how simplistic it looked and felt compared to CMSF. "I wasted my youth playing this?" I asked myself :D

Things I liked were still there though. Terrain that doesnt flicker and redraws, vehicles that dont hover over ground and the nostalgic wargame feel with the flags, the hit texts and the sound contacts...But really, never, never underestimate the power of nostalgia! The contrast is striking..

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What I find intriguing is that CMBN is the only game in years that I can remember waiting for this eagerly. I find myself regularly checking this forum for those little tidbits of info to ease the wait. :D

"Oh, another WoW expansion, hey cool...Nice, a new Call of Duty, that's neat...CMBN??? OMFG GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!!"

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I also wanted to take the opportunity to thank Battlefront for all their hard work.

I know it's a rough crowd and we all have our own peculiar ideas about how everything should work and which features are "must haves." But, on balance, I think we agree that Battlefront does a great job. We only complain because we care.


Can't wait to purchase CM:BN!

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