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Must have a Panzerfaust hotfix patch!

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Please Battlefront, the panzergrenadiers need AT assets. I cannot wait another month for this fix. I played McEwan's Panzer Angriffe scenario and engaged BMP 3s with my infantry. They simply did not have a chance, it was pathetic and embarrassing. This is not a small issue, this is a huge issue. German infantry without panzerfausts is like Christmas trees without lights..... It should never happen.

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I am curious...you can use the "acquire" to make them grab the panzerfausts from the Marder, are you saying they wont engage with them after they have them though? Mine have...I am not sure if they HIT anything, just know that I had them grab 3x rockets, and when I had them come back into the Marder, they only had 1 left.

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Mine have used them as well, but not nearly as often as I'd like... BMP could be 80 meters away and a whole platoon will take like a whole minute to even START to get out the thing. They miss a ridiculous amount of the time too. I could understand if these were WW2 panzerfausts, but they're not :D!

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I am curious...you can use the "aquire" to make them grab the panzerfausts from the Marder, are you saying they wont engage with them after they have them though? Mine have...I am not sure if they HIT anything, just know that I had them grab 3x rockets, and when I had them come back into the Marder, they only had 1 left.

The panzerfaust launchers were inadvertently removed in the last patch.

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I don't think BFC is in the business of releasing "hotfixes." I suspect v1.31, which took about a month to release after v1.30, was as close as we are going to see their coming to such a thing.

Frankly, I would rather they not be in a rush to push out an update and spent adequate time on adding more fixes and polishing the "quality control." The later being especially important if v1.32 is CMSF's closing act. Let's hope as much gets squeezed into v1.32 as possible even if it takes a bit more time. I sure wouldn't mind seeing "Exit Zones," which are in CMA and CMBN, get bolted onto CMSF if it was practical to implement!

In addition to the aforementioned missing PzF's, here's some stuff I and others (c3k) tossed up at various times after v1.30/v1.31 in case it got missed or forgotten (I hope this helps)...

Several folks remarked upon the ineffective airburst effects on rooftop infantry...

Multiple Flavor Objects inserted per single click.

Flavor Objects/Editor


The flight path for the MR-Spike is not visually represented correctly. As it's presently modeled, the missile flies in a straight line with its warhead permanently pointed skyward at a 45 degree angle instead of along a trajectory with the nose correctly changing its attitude accordingly. The missle shown below is not on an upward, arching trajectory, rather it is flying on a direct, "flat" course with its nose oddly tilted the entire time.

When the camera is pulled back, it also exhibits two exhaust plumes one at the correct angle in relation to the missile's depicted "flat" course and the other at a forty five degree angle. In the image below the missile is aligned with the top plume. Perhaps it should be depicted arching upward to match the angled plume instead?

Spike MR



The Eryx should be able to "Deploy" via a small tripod.

Canadian AT4's? Canadian F/A-18's?

Eryx/CF-18/Coyote AT Assets



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Is the missing panzerfaust launcher, anything in the same line then, as whatever is stopping MARDER IFVs from engaging opposing AFV/IFV with their Milan ATGM? It is quite annoying to see an enemy IFV shred a Marder,when the enemy is using THEIR ATGMs, and the Marder crew for some reason chooses to use a machine gun. One could almost come to the conclusion that someone dislikes the Bundeswehr

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Are your Marder crews “opened up”?

IIRC the issue is the crew needs to be opened up to operate the MILAN.

Closed Down = no MILAN firing.

I thought they were, but that is a good point, I will have a check, thank you.

And as far as the panzerfausts, still not sure what is happening to the ones I give out "acquire" before I dismount the grenadiers....I customarily have given out 1-3 as "just in case" items, usually before dismounting the infantry,and again they came back with 2 less than I gave them, so they must either have found a way to shoot it, or decided the &^$# thing was too heavy to carry around if they cannot shoot it haha

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I thought they were, but that is a good point, I will have a check, thank you.

And as far as the panzerfausts, still not sure what is happening to the ones I give out "acquire" before I dismount the grenadiers....I customarily have given out 1-3 as "just in case" items, usually before dismounting the infantry,and again they came back with 2 less than I gave them, so they must either have found a way to shoot it, or decided the &^$# thing was too heavy to carry around if they cannot shoot it haha

Panzerfaust ammo is shared amongst the platoon so you will see amounts changing as squads and teams move around. There is no way to use the ammo without the launcher.

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