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[UFC #6] Seems Like Old Times Match ---> Jollyguy (Allies) vs Rambo (Axis)

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Wow, has it been 8+ years? Jollyguy has returned to fight me, Rambo. The two of us actually playtested Hubert's patches for the original SC. The first couple of patches if I remember right.......just after 911. It's good that we're both still alive :)

SC-1 was a hit, an absolute addiction. SC-2, well, it was okay, but not my drug. SC-Pacific well, was a builder for the future. But SC-Global is a blast.

I must say, really like SC-Global.

Jollyguy loves the Allies, that's all he normally plays. Jollyguy played a ton against Terif, he has learned from the best, an Attack of the Clones learner. He plays a strong type D-Day, never comes in weak. Loves to build-up then kick ass. I'm expecting him to respect the historical backgrounds of the game, play really passive, then use MASSIVE MMP pressure to strangle the Axis. He isn't somebody you need to bluff so to speak, he's on his own plan. He's tough. From what I've seen with SC-Global, he's going to love the MMP of the Allies. I'll need to go for a choke hold early.

[september & October 1939]

First two turns are done. We really don't need to discuss Poland, they are gone. Did some U-boat raiding. Sent GraffeSpree-CA to the Carib for a surface raid.

Jap side more interesting in the early years. When ahead on the first turn with a the "Middle" attack. Sent all rotating Jap Armies near the ChengChow middle Army, got the kill. On the 2nd turn, he, Jollyguy, weakened one of my Japs down to strength-1 there, no worries, just reinforced. Went ahead with another Middle attack. Killed 2nd Chinese Army East of Chengchow. The Chinese filled Chengchow with HQ. I also did the normal rotate attack with Special Forces in the North, pinging the Northern line of Chinese Corps for hits.

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OK Rambo, I'm going to let you in on a diversion I've developed. Go all out in the west, do not wait for good weather, attack, attack, attack, but don't be foolish at extending your forces, play conservative. Plan for Sealion from day one, but be wary of the early Barbarossa variant. As soon as the French surrender is pending, op most of the big pieces other than garrisons and air to the east(unless Sealion presents itself), just like you did in the west and do the Autumn 40 Barbarossa while planning for the big push first good weather turn of 1941.

The weather is better in the west for flying than in the east, so you can keep Sealion on the back burner, just in case

Don't respect Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, you'll be in awesome shape for the Spring-Summer push because you've had all winter of 40, 41 to position your forces and soften the Soviets. The east will be over early.;)

Oh yeah put a chit in infrastructure.

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OK Rambo, I'm going to let you in on a diversion I've developed. Go all out in the west, do not wait for good weather, attack, attack, attack, but don't be foolish at extending your forces, play conservative. Plan for Sealion from day one, but be wary of the early Barbarossa variant. As soon as the French surrender is pending, op most of the big pieces other than garrisons and air to the east(unless Sealion presents itself), just like you did in the west and do the Autumn 40 Barbarossa while planning for the big push first good weather turn of 1941.

The weather is better in the west for flying than in the east, so you can keep Sealion on the back burner, just in case

Don't respect Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, you'll be in awesome shape for the Spring-Summer push because you've had all winter of 40, 41 to position your forces and soften the Soviets. The east will be over early.;)

Oh yeah put a chit in infrastructure.

Love the idea. Operands will drain all of that. Racing the weather is impossible in France. I can be beside Paris in December & still not have the cheese until May. You gamble with God's weather.

Against Xwormwood I suffered my worst loss ever in Russia. Said no to Stalin pact, went in strong with Air out the yingyang......got thrashed......unreal.

We know what JollyGuy will do. He's a build-up specialist, a logistics type, counts every MMP, and clones Terif on the tactical.

Need to choke this cat out of Europe. I'm finding the Pacific side my fav.

I'm addicted to SC-Global, just getting started. Might be my final forever game. VC are the key, really haven't. Thought it all out. SC-2 & SC-Pac were lame, building blocks for GC

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Hey you two, I can squeeze in one, maybe two more games, that's it. If you're up for it send an un-zipped (if convenient) first Axis turn my way (I like the Allies). I'm new to SC Global so learning along the way like the rest of us. I can do one turn a day during the week, perhaps 2 or 3 per day on weekends. The breadth of this game is amazing, and no way you could easily wrap you're arms around all the scripts and decision events, so it makes the game more variable.


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Report to duty Jolly !!! Would enjoy SeaMonkey (Axis) v Jolly (Allied) UFC. SM is a walking Axis alternative strategy guide. JG is an Allied icon. If u started now, would echo our game.

As for myself, my game needs an overhaul. Over Tactical Air builds and lazy ground moves hosed my Nazis against XW. Bad weather prevented total stopping of DDay v Minty.

Need to brew something up.

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Got to admit the game is compelling, JG a worthy adversary, perhaps nearer to winter. I just never seem to be able to consistently dedicate time to the game and I feel my opponents aren't afforded the consideration of expeditious play which of course causes me undue anxiety. Its the "SeaMonkey" dilemma.

Anyway...since logistical management usually dictates the victor, I'm sure I would go down in flames at the hands of Jolly. We'll see what the future brings, there's always a glint of SC in the corner of my eye.

You've got a handle on it Jon, those Tank groups with the powerful double strikes, just don't forget their accompanying screen, those corps(AT units in the mods) with mobility and high AT levels to vanquish the opponents armor at lesser cost. Its Rommel's MO, TAC is just icing for the fair weather hammer when you have the initiative.:)

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"Bad weather prevented total stopping of DDay v Minty."

He never stops complaining about the weather does he? Actually you suffered just as badly if not worsedefeat in Russia than xwood and that was due to your late barby. Seamonkey's 1940 autum barborossa is interestig, I may have to try it out soon....

anyway smart money on JG but lets see what Rambo can do.....

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November 1939

[Europe] Brussells is trashed & tank. Lead Panzer is 2-spaces NE of Paris. He has M-Line manned & the rest of the units are in line formation at Paris. Did a little bit of raiding.

[China] All the action is up North. First couple turns made two kills in the Middle on Armies. Third & Forth turn, killed two Corps up North. Trying to exploit the hole, sent Jap-Corp two spaces NE of Langchew behind his lines.

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My e-mail is rrweeks@comcast.net. You can send an e-mail to someone by clicking on their profile.

I'm in about the same boat as Rambo, learning as we go. When he folded my northern China flank I wasn't too concerned, thinking I'll just fall back to the immediate hills & mountains. Then I looked west into China and saw all those cities out there, I didn't even notice them before! But luckily there must be a script, as a 5 strength unit popped up at the beginning of my next turn in the first city in his way. I'm going to ask Hubert where all the scripts are posted, as you can read the decision events but I can't find a good summary of the scripts. I also like the lower limitation on research chits, as it makes you choose wisely.

This is truly a grand strategic game, and at first I was intimidated by the breadth and a bit overwhelmed having to switch between theatres to move all your pieces, but like anything you get used to it, now I can do an early turn in 15 minutes or less. The size of the board means either side can pull surprises in distant theatres if they're daring, i.e, Africa or the Middle East, as the Allies don't have enough units to garrison everywhere. I know I'm going to enjoy this one, probably as much as enjoyed SC 1. Unlike Rambo I liked SC 2, but imo SC Global is clearly the masterpiece of series.


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Lookout... Jollyguy is back! :)

Great to hear you are enjoying the game and thanks for the kudos as well.

For the scripts, I'll be honest in saying there is no easy way to tell you what each one does as the writeup would be very long and detailed as we have grown now to literally hundreds of events.

Probably the best bet would be to crack open the Editor and review the unit script list under Campaign->Edit Event Scripts after you open the desired campaign. From there you will see all the descriptive headers for the unit events and after that you can then open the file and review the actual events for all their conditions etc.

Hope this helps!


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December 1939

We're having Christmas dinner beside Paris, we move 3 power units adjacent, no reason to wait. Luftwaffen moves up, couple fighters ping Paris to weaken entrenchments.

Japs exploit on the Northern flank after the two kills. We bring back the Corp on the Feint. No real attacks this turn, weather sucks.

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Rambo listens to SeaMonkey's advice out west for an attack, attack, attack strategy, but pays. One of Germany's power units gets buried outside Paris, hit by multiple infantry attacks and then finished off by armor entrenched in the city environs. The poor Hun are unable to enjoy the golden city's famous brothels and curbside cafes. The Marseilles corp is operated to the freshly vacated real estate to block, and winter sets in. Med French land units are ordered back to the homeland, delighting Mussolini, but the French High Command feel it necessary to defend the European Continent and let the colonies fend for themselves.

Chinese units move up to try to seal breach in the northern flank as winter sets in on that side of the world, hoping their scientists eat enough chow mein to get inspired to advance to infantry weapons 1. The Russian scientists have downed enough vodka to get inspired, and enjoy an avalanche of discoveries that will await the Axis hordes should they decide to break any non-aggression pact.

Meanwhile an Australian cruiser bumps into the Graf Spee around the Horn of Africa, sending an alert to French naval units in the vicintiy. Whether the German raider can escape from the trap will soon be determined.

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January 1940

LOL, reading JG's report, about spit my RC-Cola out :) Nazi Army #5 (I renamed the original gangstas) did get waxed SE of Paris.....the French went all out on him. All the combat was an exchange, so the French took damage. The counter-attack in winter snow was rather tasty. All of the M-Line was cleaned out, destroyed 3+ units, ping HQ....standard Legend. Once that weather clears, nighty-night.

Graffe-Spree continues on the world wide tour, it truly is a Cruise-r. We sail right around that rowboat which made contact. We're on our way to Madagascar.

Asia, news is good there too. No bad weather means bad news for the Chinese. We are going all out gambit in the North. Japanese show Long-Range CV's aircraft. All CV's launch to Chinese-Army West of the Fortress (forget the name), then it's finished off with SF, Army, SF, Corp. We advance behing the Fortress, stringing to the city. Time to put a choke hold on the fortress or the city (which has HQ in it).

Not sure where I wanna take JollyGuy. Maybe a skill round-house, ground 'n pound, tech, political......Time for a mental strategy meeting.

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Annoyed by Rambo's LOL post, the French empty casks of red wine and charge into the field of battle, sending another German army into an early grave. This was proceeded though by initial combat for the RAF, with fighter and bomber wings joining in, followed by flyboys from the RN plus RN shore bombardment. All they needed to embolden themselves was a taste of good old English rum. The Graf Spee escapes for the moment...the South Atlantic is a big place, and the French and British, drunk from extra rations of vino and rum, might loose sight of the Kreigsmarine raider, unless they themselves are hitting the cognac. In China the Japanese, downing sake, continue to press forward. The northern front is stabilized for the moment, but the Japanese do have the initiative. Mao and the Generalismo set aside differences to deal with the common threat.

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Paris was taken in March, but the French did not surrender until this turn April. I lost 2-Armies & 1-Panzer in France with extending for quick play, probably not worth it. The Legends #1 Panzer was waxed just East of Brest. I quickly countered the British Corp in Brest for 6 hits, and beat on the BB doing bombardment with Tactical & Fighter....so at least he took some damage. French have now surrendered in April. Vichey France was allowed to form. Italy has obviously joined the world domination plan.

Japanese surrounded, destroyed & captured ChengChow. We are advancing in the North. Sian is being pinged & the fortress 2 hexes to the North is surrounded. We are only doing light operations in the South, thus the Allies easily control Nanning.

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Yes, the French put up a spirited defense. I don't know if Brest is worth trying to hold like in SC 2, as those double attack tanks exact heavy damage. The Brits pack up and leave. The Allies also discovered several turns ago that having the French raid the Norwegian convoy near Denmark serves a double purpose of keeping an eye on the Kreigsmarine fleet, and doing some raiding. In addition the French sub dished out about 4 damage to a German cruiser. But in China Rambo has the initiative.

Now we enter the unknown in this game. I don't know how all these decision events play out, but I am keeping an eye on China, as if the Japanese committ too many forces there it might give an opening to the sleepy Yanks to exploit the Pacific. We'll see how this all plays out.


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June 1940

Germans have done some scripting decision events, I have no idea whether a couple or worth it or not. The Germans now have a gold mine in the Carib.

Royal Navy is surrounding Brest, expecting an attack? He may try thee ol' quadriple naval bombardment then air support move.

Speaking of navies, we are raiding: Rhodisa, CapeTown, Egyptian convoys.

Japanese are going nuts in Northern China. Great news the capture of Sian has happenend. Pinging some lonely Engineer in the mountains, he must be building a fort for nobody to use. I'm charging with everybody, forget about having garrisons :) Only thing, the Chinese hold the fortress......but I want the well built railroads. Carriers with LR wipe out a whimpy partisian.

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June 1940

[China] Oh my, the Japs are charging again. We take Changsta. Big surge against the mob of Chinese at Langlow is now on. We wax a Corp sitting on the dirt trail two hexes NE of Langlow. Chinese Tactical sitting in my way, it deserves a ping. My strong Jap-Army in the mountain way to the East of Langlow pops some dude for couple hits. I do have Sian, but not the fortress, don't care.

[Europe] Time to bomb London, why, because we can. No Luftwaffen intercepts, bombs away. Raiding Egyptian, Capetown, Rhodesia.

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I predict an early barby with Japs coming in from Siberia too. Notice all that talk Rambo spouts about an interesting game and fun decisions goes out the window when he has Jolly guy in his sights. Rambo wants the win and he wants it bad.

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Summer 1940

[Europe] Fighter shows up to London, there's also DD in port. Herman Goering sends the Bomber again, and the Italians use theirs also......London is leveled to 0.

[China] Little bit of rain never stopped a good offensive. Japs kill Army and Corp. We now have 3 hexes beside Langchow. The kills were in the mountains & plain.

[Africa] Wow, the BlackShirts took the Sudan! Brits didn't reinforce, was surprised. Tactical Bomber chopped down the ultra weak defender. The Brits have taken alot of units into Egypt via scripts, shocked, figured I'd gamble, was doomed anyways. I did pay for the Italian HQ down there......dumb gamble.

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