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Using helicopters in missions

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When I was working on the 'CAAT Fight' mission for the 'Gung Ho!' campaign, I noticed that helos can do something really cool. I am curious to see if any of you are aware of this neat feature.

Namely, when I'm preparing to attack an enemy position I issue a helicopter with a target arc that covers the terrain I expect to be occupied. While waiting for the helo to prepare its run-in I get my troops into position and then begin my attack when the helo comes in. Now, something cool happens. Instead of spraying random targets within its target arc, the helo spots the firing enemy units within its arc and takes them out for me. My ground units don't even need to spot where the incoming fire is originating from. The helos are good at spotting and they work in conjunction with the boys on the ground.

So how do you guys use your helicopters?

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I've never noticed this but I assume that the AI that controls aircraft is the same as for ground forces and is more likely to spot the enemy when they open fire.

I still get frustrated when using air support, specifically the ammo bars, I can usually get it right when the aircraft has three bars that I believe correspond to light, medium and heavy missions. However when there are four bars or sometimes two I call in a mission, wait 5 minutes or so until I hear that the aircraft is 'cleared hot' then get the message "guns are dry I'm RTB". :(

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I've noticed this as well - do air assets have to spot a target in order to fire? I've just had two aircraft lined up ready to pummel these two buildings. I was waiting, and waiting. Then I receive the message that they are returning to base. I can see there are enemy forces operating in and around these buildings but they do not expose themselves. I don't get it really.

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I LOVE using air support. I've also noticed the same behavior that Paper Tiger mentions. I normally don't pair my inf assaults with my heli runs that much though so I don't see it often.

I only use area fire if I know there's tanks hanging out on the map otherwise I save the heli for direct targeting of individual units. Sometimes I'll use area fire with a light attack run in the hopes that he'll fire on a hidden enemy thus revealing their general position. I almost never have a heli engage a structure, I leave that to the tanks.

I notice the helis sometimes come around for a second attack on a vehicle even after that crew has run away. Paying attention to this and manually ending the heli run will save a precious missile for later use.

Phil, as far as I understand if you were using area fire and not direct on the buildings, the heli won't fire unless if can see the enemy firing themselves. If they're just hanging out and not doing anything then the heli won't engage. If you did a direct target then the heli will fire until the building is destroyed or they run out of ammo. I'm pretty sure enemy on roofs will be fired on when using area target though even if they're just sitting there.

The ammo bars are frustrating. It took a while for me to pick up on what bar corresponds with that ammo type. I wish they's give it the same ammo screen as ever other unit n the game.

'CAAT Fight' was lots of fun BTW.

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So how do you guys use your helicopters?

In general, I use helos to inflict damage on the enemy before my pixeltruppen get within LOS/LOF. If provided rotary-wing CAS at the outset, I often assign max-radius target orders to areas where I figure the enemy is lurking. If not provided helos until later in a scenario, I usually assign fairly wide area-target orders so that they help clear a path to the objective and/or bring fire to bear on targets at the objective.

Whereas a helo won't fire if it has no target, sometimes a fixed-wing air asset will make an attack run on a specific target (i.e., not with area-target orders) but not deliver any ordinance, even though the ammo counter goes down. This tends to be rather frustrating, especially if the air asset in question carries few bombs/missiles to begin with. It's great to be able to deliver an LGB/JDAM on a target, but helos tend to be more efficient with their ordinance.

The next time I play, "UK It Ain't Half Hot, Mum", I'll be sure to keep in mind what you pointed out above, PT. =)

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I notice the helis sometimes come around for a second attack on a vehicle even after that crew has run away. Paying attention to this and manually ending the heli run will save a precious missile for later use.

I like using helo support as well, but this is the issue that bothers me the most with them, especially when;

a.) you know that there are multiple enemy vehicles in the target arc and

b.) you have crews on the ground that have confirmed that the struck (but not burning) enemy vehicle is knocked out and apparently don't confer this data to the helo.

These are relatively minor issues as they usually just cause an extra missile or two to be used, but sometimes it becomes a headache when my AT assets on the ground are limited.

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Whereas a helo won't fire if it has no target, sometimes a fixed-wing air asset will make an attack run on a specific target (i.e., not with area-target orders) but not deliver any ordinance, even though the ammo counter goes down.

I've heard these are duds/screw ups by the pilot. Some times they seem surprisingly common, I've only seen em with what I think were bombs.

Both fixed and rotary will seek out targets if given area targets. If given a point target they will attack that exact spot reguardless of spotting anything.

I don't know how/if information on targets gets passed up the chain of command, that's an interesting question.

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