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The Peng Challenge Thread's Got Talent!

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This is creepiest if it's

6) Boo whimpering to his thingie

M) Boo wheezing to his RealDoll

IX.a) Boo yelling at his pillow

I report, you decide.

No... if you had the ability to read and comprehend, you would have known I was speaking to Nidan.

Which still doesn't sound too good, does it?

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Honestly Michael, if you can't pay attention then you'll be asked to forgo posting until you can.

Just because the SSN mentioned not putting in a comma doesn't mean that you have to sprinkle them willy nilly throughout your post ... of COURSE SSNs are meant to be booted ... I would think that would go without saying.

However, I see no horror in the prospect ... frankly I rather enjoy booting them.

Joe, either wake up all the way or go back to your never-ending nap. This thing of talking in your sleep has got to stop.


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And from an SSN, to boot. The horror, the horror...


The SSN revolt, chapter 43b-section I

42. Elder pooligans are inferior to SSN because they are not SSN (I. M. Prehhty, EP's and the Truth of Equality 1946, Legit Press)

B. EP´s are in the pocket of the Reactionary pooligan Media. (Poor's Piss Plahnh, EPs are in the Pocket of the Wrong Media 1999, All's good Magazine)

7. EP's should be shipped back whence they came, no real reason why.

11. EP´s have big fat bums and are therefore incontinent. Since they are incontinent with their big fat bums, we should hate all of them forever and either revolt which is rightgeous or ignore them. Sure wish we could ignore them but the damn reactionarians and forum moderators get upset about that idea, and they are sooooo incontinent with their big fat bums that no other forum will take them. ITS A FACT! I READ IT IN A BLOG (Gene Poole, Big Fat Bums Make You Incontinent and Its Genetic, 2001, Grande Culo Friends et al.)

B3.7~2 Et cetera et ad nauseam, SSN dixit

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He appears to have a derrière fixation. Freud would have something to say about that.


Nah, Freud's overrated. His theories are largely criticized now as lacking in substantial corroborative data. Kinda like Global Warming or the relatively imminent release of CMx2:N.

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Gojiro's a bleedin' Dane. We may need Lars to translate.

We got anybody who can translate Lars?

How could I be Danish and deny Global Warming all at the same time! Disapointed in your obvious lack of quality grey matter. People travel sometimes you know.

But then again, what can you expect from a provincial hillbilly living in Akron, Ohio, where East Avenue is located on the West part of the town?

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How could I be Danish and deny Global Warming all at the same time! Disapointed in your obvious lack of quality grey matter. People travel sometimes you know.

But then again, what can you expect from a provincial hillbilly living in Akron, Ohio, where East Avenue is located on the West part of the town?

So you're a faux cream Danish.

Oh well... gotta love Copenhagen, though. They've got a statue of Danny Kaye there, don't they?


Too right on the East Ave. bit. We did it to throw off the revenoors.

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I could not care less about your generals names but, man, you must really suck at Dominions III. Everyone knows that Horrors are not Undead. Further, you can not rename Horrors as they are not recruitable, unlike Undead leaders. Geez.

Either that or you just forgot to type a comma in there... nah, you suck at Dominions III.

Ah. I've used language like a brush to paint a picture, and you've taken the terms you've garnered from reading a gaming manual, and then used them like rocks to hammer away at your own verbal droppings.

I don't recognize your screen name, but that doesn't really worry me much, because currently I think you are a very stupid person.

I am sorry for you. It must be a very sad existence, being so literal, and embarrassingly arrogant and yet, ultimately, very mentally slow.

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We got anybody who can translate Lars?

Of course. Lars merely speaks a polyglot of 'Western Metro Lakeside', 'Mound Exurb Third Convocation' and 'Extremely Goofy Drunk Danish Bastard'.

Hell, I learned the first of those before I ever left High School, picked up the second working with Bail Bondsmen, and a life of aimlessness and chemical use left me fluent in the third.

On any given night, I can translate Lars with a 95% accuracy rating.

Hell, Lars can't translate himself with that much accuracy.

Should I mention his latest bit of illogic when he tried to explain that a 'Card Held at the End of a Turn' was the same thing as 'A Card You Can Hold In Your Hand'? And by 'hold in your hand', he appeared to mean 'unlike the cards you can hold with your feet'.

Seriously, playing a game with Lars is like watching chipmunks do gymnastics. You can see it happening, it's bizarrely and even impressively athletic, but there doesn't seem to be any point to it.

You just keep wishing the cat would come out and bite his head off.

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Poseidon, look at me...

Lars's was good. Felt like absolute arse all night and I tried to eat a steak bigger than Salma Hayek's left hooter, but at least before I left I got to wreck his downstairs bathroom, and I didn't take all night about it like Papa Khann does. I did my business in the corner, scraped some shame over it, and went proudly on my way, head held high.

And yeah, we played games. Twilight Struggle ended as it should, with the side I'm on winning. Go Communism, yeah!

And then I shot some dumb buggers down into the Pacific.

Good times.

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Ah. I've used language like a brush to paint a picture, and you've taken the terms you've garnered from reading a gaming manual, and then used them like rocks to hammer away at your own verbal droppings.

Really poor excuse for still obviously sucking at Dominions. Which probably means you suck at any other task in life you undertake including painting, whatever type of brush you use, which I presume was an XXXXXL size this time around anyways.

I don't recognize your screen name, but that doesn't really worry me much

That is ok, I understand. You would not probably recognize your own screen name either, and therefore have to rely on the forum password and login remember features to not be left forgotten. Prolly you are one of these that need to create a whole new account each time the system asks you for your log in details again for security from time to time eh? Of course you are.

I would not bother dwelling too much into your question about if we know who you are or not. Try asking the question around and see the ensuing amusement. Aren´t you the one who lost to another short-term-memory-only individual and had thousands of posts publicly aired to celebrate it?

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All this talk of painting and brushes with respect to Seanachai makes me grin. The only painting he's really capable of involves him dropping his pants and scooting across a white carpet.

You're spending too much time in the bathroom, both mentally and physically.

So, you're moved to take on 'Viajero' as your own little lost lamb then, eh? Willing to spend the necessary time cleaning his teeth, clipping the hair around his bum, making sure no Aussie creeps up behind him to play 'hide the pickle'?

Is there anyone who challenges Dalem for the right to take on the annoying halfwit known as 'Viajero' as squire?

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Thoughts that constitute something like a Story of Small Friends:

America. That's on my mind. Where are we going?

I have decided: I am going to the Zoo, and America can either come along, or stick it's finger up it's arse and then suck on it like a popsicle stick. I will bring my Small Friends, Emma and Nora. We like the sea otters. Bears are cool. They need to give the Snow Monkeys more to be entertained by. In the summer Tigers are like throw rugs. The whole Minnesota Trail is WAY COOL, now, since they re-did it. The Butterfly House is like fairyland. The Komodo Dragons aren't as scary as you'd think, unless they suddenly move fast. Wolves don't hurt people. Wild Boars are scary looking, but probably taste great. The dolphin looks so lonely now that almost all the other dolphins have died. This is Minnesota. Why do we keep doing dolphins? The Shark is so spooky. That Shark is so spooky, too! I really like all the fish, especially the funny looking ones. Nora likes the fish the most. Why aren't there any Meerkats, anymore? But they didn't ALL bite the stupid girl who climbed up to stick her hand in the cage, why are they ALL gone?

What's that? That's a Takin, from China. They call it that because it's 'takin' it's time' (Even 7 year olds think this is a hugely stupid joke). The reason the Prairie Dogs stand up like that and make that weird barking noise is because of predators. Yes, they're in the Zoo, but they're not safe. Do you know what a Red-Tailed Hawk is? There's no net over their enclosure. Usually the Wild Horses do that in the Spring. They're not fighting, it's like...playing. No, we're not going to the Musk Ox area. Because in summer the Musk Ox are a quarter mile away and look like couches with dreadlocks. Oh, gods, no, do we have to walk to the 'Wells Fargo Family Farm' exhibit? It's even farther than the Musk Ox. Did you girls know that Wells Fargo has probably foreclosed on more family farms in the last year or two than you've had breakfasts? Yeah, I know the baby cows and pigs are cute. And the sheep. But chickens are largely scary. Geese are mean. And the whole thing with the rabbits is weird. Don't put your hands there, the horses bite. Okay, only feed the small goats, with the nibbly lips. They are very nice. Okay, when the large, aggressive goats come, throw the pellets into the air and run. It was okay that Nora screamed like that, it upset the annoying goats. No, we can't let her have her stick. Goats are probably expensive.

No, there are no giraffes this year. That was a visiting exhibit. Yes, I remember the year you fed the giraffe. You were very brave, and fed it very well. Okay, we can play here for a while, keep an eye on your sister. Grandma Steve is going to have a lemon ice. Sigh. Yes, I will come and play with you both. Yup, this is a really good playground. Yes, it is pretty hot. Drink your water. Make sure Nora drinks her water too. No, the Bird Show is over. Yes, I've seen it, but it's been a while. It's pretty good. Tell your Mom you want to see it next time. Those? Those are swans. They're pretty. Our native swans are Trumpeter Swans, I've seen them at Lake Rebecca. I've even seen them at lakes near there, when I was paddling. They're coming back. We almost killed them off, but they're doing good. Sometimes it's hard to live around people. It makes me happy that they're coming back. They're very pretty. I think we've seen most things. No, I don't think Mommy will buy you that...or that...or that either. She might let you get that. Do you want that? Not so much, eh? What would I get you? Little girl, I would get you the moon and the stars. But the only thing I can give you is America. Because that is free, and belongs to you, and all I can do is throw wide my arms, and tell you it is yours. And I hope, during your life you will redeem it, and it will become great, and glorious, and wonderful again. The way it was when I grew up.

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