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The Peng Challenge Thread's Got Talent!

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Boo writhed enough in the grip of my superior play to eek out a draw for himself, even though I did everythng right and he did everything wrong. I personally blame my MissenAllaTimenWagens Ausf Suck. The only reason they didn't run rampant all over my poor innocent Germans innocently defending their Italian homeland was because the very Earth, hearkening unto my cries, reached up and grabbed onto two of them and held them fast.

That, and 4 HMG42s cleverly placed in good overwatch stood me in good stead.

So my two return engagements were OGSF, which was a Universe-shattering victory for me, and Boo, which I described above. OGSF still owes me a setup, and Boo & I will also tango again. Anyone else interested in an AK game? It's been forever since I played BB so I'd even try one of those again.

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Anyone else interested in an AK game? .

When is a challenge not a challenge, I hear you all say. THAT* is it, obviously. Send a setup (AK) you lover of ceegars, and pointy headed gnomes. Not mention a carouser with Real Estate Agents... (shudder). And, lets not forget, Landlords, shall we.

If smiting Boo in battle to a draw is your best shot, then you got nuthin'!


* Of course to leave out the obvious, when Emrys decides to come out from behind the feeble excuse of not having a machine that can run any of the games I have no doubt that many more feeble attempts at a challenge will issue from the old fart..

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...when Emrys decides to come out from behind the feeble excuse of not having a machine that can run any of the games I have no doubt that many more feeble attempts at a challenge will issue from the old fart..

Better than the farts issuing from a "challenged" one such as yourself.


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When is a challenge not a challenge, I hear you all say. THAT* is it, obviously. Send a setup (AK) you lover of ceegars, and pointy headed gnomes. Not mention a carouser with Real Estate Agents... (shudder). And, lets not forget, Landlords, shall we.

If smiting Boo in battle to a draw is your best shot, then you got nuthin'!


* Of course to leave out the obvious, when Emrys decides to come out from behind the feeble excuse of not having a machine that can run any of the games I have no doubt that many more feeble attempts at a challenge will issue from the old fart..

I will drum something up this weekend.


Attend me! Send me a BB setup at once so that we may dance the mamushka!

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I will drum something up this weekend.


Attend me! Send me a BB setup at once so that we may dance the mamushka!

Look pal, I've no objection to beating the living snot out of you YET AGAIN ... but the only dancing that will be done will be on the shallow graves of your poor troops when I'm done with them.


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Which is a pretty serious situation when you consider I haven't even seen the map yet.
Ummm, I don't think you're following here ... if you haven't seen the map then it means dalem's sending the setup ... so it's a pretty safe bet that you will be writhing in the grip of his "superior" play ... if you catch my drift.

I, on the other hand, will be sending him a setup that has in the instructions the notation that the superior player should take the German side ... so I did.


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Dalem reveals an interesting grasp of tactics: Instead of going through the hassle of playing an actual game, just withhold the setup and claim victory. I must remember that.


Send me a setup and I'll make you remember why you fear me. I'll tear through your pixeltruppen like Seanachai tears through my liquor cabinet and my humidor.

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All right dalem ... the setup is sent ... if it doesn't get to you it means that I haven't bothered to update your email ... in which case you can PM me with your current email.

As I mentioned you will have the Russians and, according to the briefing, an advantage over me. I felt it was only fair to give you the edge since you're you after all.


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