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[UFC #1 / AAR] Minty Monty (Allies) vs Living Legend (Axis)

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May 1941


-Triplitz-BB is tripped up trying to leave Spanish port by Sub, not good. He will die.

-British troops mopped up terror training camp in Eithopia

-British are rolling in Libya

-British are now sending more troops into Norway, we are pinging Oslo, but cannot take it.

-1st & 2nd Rambo SS Panzers capture Gibraltor, I control the left side of the swimming pool.


-Japs head West, looking to finish off the Chinese.

-Austrialian Cruiser is watching the Jap Navy train & exercise. Rather fishy using neutrals to spot.

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Fishy or not, i think you make a valid point here.

Maybe the UK navy shouldn't be allowed to provoke Japan without some kind of penalty.

The USA should react, and maybe even the Anzacs.

Diplomatic effects, something.

In case our game-creators (Hubert / Bill101) are reading this AAR:

if possible, please think about this.

I think this would be a worthy addition to the game, if the "not at war with Japan" UK / Commonwealth would have to pay a price for showing up to too near to Japan and her colonies.

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We didn't agree on any house rules, so anythign goes, I guess. It does make sense though. Any agression against Japan would be seen as negative press in the American POV before Pearl Harbor. It also give Allies a clear picture of the Japan carriers and in this version of SC, planning is huge.

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Aussies go back to "neutral" waters just to stop Rambo whining. he still keeps pinging Foochow for experiene though.

Tirpitz is caught by UK ships lurking in Bay of biscay. bismarck, cruisers, tirpitz and strasbourg all cheap wickets that couldn't hold out against the RN's pace bowling. just a few tail enders left to the innnings although could take a while to get these boys out. Ark Royal flies over Greece to attack albanian port but nothing there. Britishh advance west into Libya.

China all is calm but only as he is upgrading his 3 tanks to level 2. going to be another tough summer for the chinese.

Rambo has brought a Gerry HQ up to Norwat to match my British one there. Oslo can't hold for much longer but UK reinforce Bergen further.

All quiet on the eastern Front. June 1941

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June 1941


-The British are kicked out of Oslo, Norway. Axis have liberated the Capital & ore shipments have begun. We pop the port of Bergen, there's a BB in port. Also, an unknown HQ is lurking nearby it.

-Bomber from Sicily puts a couple hits on Sub lurking near Athens. British steam rolling Libya.


-Upgraded +2 Jap Tanks move West, attack the new capital, we do 3-point damage to Corp.

-Yes, the Austrialian newsreporter Cruiser has sailed away from the Jap Navy. I move my Carriers away from the Chinese shore training center.

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Rambo has decided to consolidate his naval forces in the med. A couple of kraut subs turn up and the Italian destroyer which has been round the whole of Africa and back in through gibraltor. I land a corp on coast by bordeaux to stop him operating any tanks and hq out of spain, may have been too late but any delay in gettin them to Russia is useful

August 1941. he must barby soon

Aussis Navy and USAF in Pacific spot a few carriers moving east

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August 1941


-Norway has been secured. BEF-Army is in Bergen along with General Hort. There is nowhere for them to run, the port has been leveled.

-Uboats raid.

-Royal Navy BB in Malta is reduced to strength-3 by 2-German & 1-Italian Subs.

-Suicide British Corp who took the rail in Western France to reduce my MMPs, has been reduced himself, to dust.


-Just pounding away on Corps as I battle for the new Capital.

-Japs takeover 'Nam.

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Ok time to throw it all at the last tail enders of the Kriegmarine and declare this innings over. He'll get a a few runs with such loose bowling but I'll have him all out before Tea. RN should finnaly lose some ships but numbers are now massively in my favour. Axis navy clustered around Malta, that I know of there are 3 subs , 2 Crusiers, 1 destroyer and a BB somewhere. RN BB in malta has been hit buy multiple subs but still floats. From the east the RN cruisers and a BB attack and sink the DD right out freash from it's african tour. . Ark royal stays back along with another BB for the counter. From the west the RN blasts the german defenders in Gibraltor a and sends over 10 units past the rock the med. Think Guns of Navarone. DAvid Niven would certainly have been involved if I were make a film of this.

Axis navy is trapped. it will be get messy as there is air cover from Libya for RAF and from TAC and LFT fighters in Sicily

September and still no barborossa. In my experience leaving it late rarely works but it is easier in GC than in SC2 or WaW. The world holds it breath.

China is being hammered by his tanks. Blue line holding to north but his tanks are rotating around lanchow and will reduce it to rubble soon enough

US oil embargo starts.

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Late Summer 1941


-The Entire Allied combined navies sail thru the Rock to join Egyptian naval units around Sicily/Malta. Yep, I lost a Destroyer, but I kill a Cruiser all the way from Austrialia. Axis naval doesn't stick around to slug it out.

-In Norway, we bomb port of Bergen & Bergen which houses BEF-Army. German Corps rotated pings on HQ-Hort, we do nothing, he is strength-5.

-German forces build up near Russian border, a couple turns or two isn't going to make or break things.


-The Capital is moved to its 3rd home. We destroy couple Corps with ease, no real damage taken. I'm attacking with 3-Tanks+2 tech, along with plenty of Armies.

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Swap on the high seas, Understrength Cumberland is sunk by 2 new lv2 subs coming out of Brest but the last german cruiser Gnuiseau is pounded by Duke of York and then blown out of the water by the Prince of Wales. Axis fleet in Med hiding in port which is fine. British troops approach Tripoli

Bergen nothing. China retreats into her forts to hopefully survive Winter. It will be all over in Spring 42 but at least ensures the Japs are too busy to open an early second front on Russia so overall I'm pleased with China considering the vast resources Rambo pouring in.

Turns ends and I can see snow in the Soviet Union. I can only assume Rambo is thinking that Japanese morale bump from rampaging countries plus lack of soviet winter will make the germans uber powerful come the spring. Still a bold move not to invade russia until 42.

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October 1941


Yep, I thought all his ships were in the MedFront, the Cruiser sent to Bergen is sunk, we did minimal damage on defense. General Hort must be Minty's long lost cousin or something, because he's getting supported in Northwest Norway. German Corps reach him, throwing punches, but do no damage. The BEF in Bergen is dug in. German Bomber in Denmark with Fighter support from Denmark & Oslo are hitting the Bergen port.

Allied ships blast away on Gibralter, it is there revolving door naval policy to sail anywhere.

He must really want the Russians to join the war, but the Fritz & Wolfgang aren't attacking this turn.

Italians attack with Tactical & Bomber from Sicily against BB in Malta.


The Chinese are dying breed. Fortress destroyed with Corp inside it. We destroyed another Corp beside that. Troops ping HQ. He has SF entrenched fortress, 3-HQs, 3-Corps, and couple planes in the way West. Nothing will stop this onslaught.

Massive Jap Navy inspecting Pearl Harbor. We give in the white glove treatment, nobody home? There's a fighter so I've been spotted, else I wouldn't mention it. Where is the Arizona? Where is the Carrier? He's probably hiding in San Diego where it's safe. Isn't there a penalty for not guarding Pearl Harbor? Anybody know, else I will make my own penalty.

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November 1941


-Royal Navy has left MedFront, has a few units pounding the Rock. The BB-Rodney was left in port of Malta. Adolf Hitler sends 2 German U-boats, 1 Italian U-boat with air to wipe out the Rodney.

-Norway, we continue to throw punches on HQ-Hort, the port & city.

-Snow flies in Russia, we do not attack. Russia DOW on the Axis end of turn.


-Chinese-SF is reduced to strength-5, not much left for him except delay.

-Americans, nobody home at Pearl Harbor, nothing to attack there.

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Uncle Joe can't believe his luck. He decides to liberate the Persians from the Tyranny of self rule. Hv tank lv 2 attacks Tehran wiping out defender.

China has a problem. Basically despite my frankly excellent defensive play I am left to conclude there is one fundamental problem : Too much legend.

China will hold a few more turns but fall in spring or early summer.

Med is a bit cagey, RN pings one of the U boats buy holds back. we will revenge the Rodney soon enough. Tripoli pounded by Mathildas, Canadian corp lands north of madrid, cuts the rails and threaten the u boat pens on the north coast of Spain.

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Kicking off all over. Rambo's mad german army decides to invade Russia in January. little progress. persians donate their oil to the cause of global solidarity with their new comrades.

U boats and Destroyers at it in med and Biscay. damage all round, 1 u boat sunk , 2 destroyers. Tripoli falls.

Bergen holding fine. China not. Jap tanks crush some chinese Hqs. He also lands in Malaysia and is attacking Singapore. No US attacks yet.

So we're in early 42 , enough for poeple to go on . lets see who is actually reading this? bets on the outcome of the game please?

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Lots else going on but main news is - 1st and 2nd Legend Panzers (lv2) advance on Minsk. Pair of T34s (Lv2) launch from Smolensk and smash the 1st Legend Panzers back to the fatherland. Dead Legend. More of that to come from the Russian Bear I hope. How many Tanks does Uncle Joe have? Can I protect them with fighter cover?

Oh and USA prepares for war and things like that. China doomed blah blah blah

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Well, I will JJR a hand at trying to be not fomulaic in his approach in both games. I also think he is trying things from past SC games that would lead to victory, which sadly, really don't seem to matter much any more. Really depends on which Legend is playing right now, if he is focused, it can be a close thing. If he has lost focus, enough psychological bombardment will push him to surrender.

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Feb 1942


-The British have Bergen with BEF-Army and HQ-Hort Northeast on the Coast. The port is strength-3, soon to be 4 since I cannot bomb it this turn. We attack Hort with 2-German-Corps and Swedish Army, we do a couple damage. Hort must be Minty's cousin because he gets fresh supply. The port is the key issue for reinforcement of troops for British.


-I've got a rouge Allied Corp in the Hills, we hit him with 3 Corps in the Nation State. He's down to strength-1. Will die next turn.


Snow of course, as expected. We lost Rambo Panzer last turn, the funeral and medal was given. Other original Panzer helps do 8 damage on Russia blocking corp, then it is finished off by an Army. Not bad in full snow. Rest of my frontline troops touching the enemy attack with mostly 0-0 odds, then back off the line for snow rest, don't want the Russians to get clear weather to double pop me.


Things roll in the West, we destory another fortress unit, go forward to the next city, we reduce it to like 5, then we're off to the last capital. Jap Bomber levels two different mines for the second straight turn, reducing them both to zero & taken MMPs.


We declare war, head to the capital. The defender is dead, but we don't have the units to move in. It is secured and surrounded with 3 Special Forces (SF) units. Paratroops jump in, capture the middle town near the oil well, help with forward operations, don't want some weird operand to the capital. An Army of the Japs moves into Burma Road from China, Bride on the River Kwai or something.


Ground & pound with 2 SF & HQ. It will die soon enough, no rush for air there.


since the USA was ticked at the Burma invasion. we decide to DOW on Phillipines too. Great success. We spot American sub to Eastern Island, he's wiped out by a carrier. 3 SF units land on Phillipines. We capture Daveo port after killing the fighter with different carrier support. We also kill the bomber NorthEast of the capital. 3rd Carrier wipes out the cruiser in port. Naval bombardment on the rest of the island, the mine.

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Wow big turn. all kicking off, very Global indeed. Rambo's burma invasion was top notch I must say.

All good details above but he's the main part: he's RETREATING OUT OF RUSSIA. That's right folks he can spin it how he likes but the Wehrmacht definetly went west not east and he only has Riga. My tanks that finished off the 1st legend(ish) panzers are not counter attacked and pull back to get patched up while the crews are given extra vodka and ukrainian farmgirls. Let your balarakas ring out.

In other news - Tunisia falls and so does ESSEN. That's right , we own German property. British corp lands on coast, gets badly shot up by a Swedish cruiser in Kiel but marches on Essen.

He doesn't Pearl Harbour so full USA BB fleet being retooled up...

China doomed and thanks to his bombing my mines completely skint as well. On a plus note less for him to plunder

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March 1942

Folks this UFC = Ultimate Fighting Championship #1. #2 is agains Xwormood. I'm playing the Godfather role of the league. If any two of you (or anybody) would like to participate in UFC #3 or beyond, I can help that happen. You guys can fight yourselves too. It's all about the game.


Minty loves commandos, raiding my surplus cities and threaten and empty fortress. His commandos passes right beside an Engineer digging more trenches. We have to send Corp, from Brussells, do nothing. Axis minor troops brought from Hungary & Romania, etc...to fill the key Nazi cities from further raiding.

[The Rock]

Minty loves a mobile Navy. I have no idea where the RN is, but I know there's door keeps pounding the revolving door port of the Rock so he can swing between fronts, making himself a true British player......raiding, fighting naval battles, etc.


Can't pound the port or Army, snowy weather. We keep hitting Hort, he keeps reinforcing, oh well, nothing I can do now.


Snow, only a few pings at Mintz, notta going on, not my best Barby, it was late.


Surrenders, we push to the middle of the country, on the India border is the enemy SF, Corp, and HQ. He level a city with a bomber from China. The line is drawn there for now.


Or is it Singapore? Whatever, they are dead, surrender + plunder.


Capture another city, we are beside capital #3. Kill a partisan near the coast with tactical


Man attacks with multiple carriers on Manilla. We go conservative, no reason to take damage, we should be safe this turn for sure. SF ping capital to strength 5.....it should fall next turn. We also level the supply of the capital with Yamamota big daddy BB.

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yep I do love commandos and keeping the British Mobile. we've got the germans engaged in Norway, pulled them into Spain and back and now taken Benelux. That's right - liberation in 42. Can you feel me now?

Rambo surrounded my first corps in Essen so he couldn't escape and wreck siegfried line etc but brussels temporarily empty as othe corps stuck in spain with low supply to operate back I guess. 2nd corp in amphib already and take the city. rest of british army uses the port.

Germany looks a little stretched

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