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Like some Challenge? ( i hope Hubert is not unwilling if i make some publicity for the just renewed Upload on the Repository..:rolleyes: )

Here some Decisions to take for Allies:

DE1)Even if our most Important Commonwealth partners have joined our War effort, some Generals propose to fully mobilize our British Empire. Specially activating resources in Southast Asia could be interisting to support our effort against the evil German Empire. Our East Asia Troops would then be available for defense as well as the Light Carrier Eagle actually stationned in Singapore.

The Problem is that our general presence there is extremely weak, while demanding resources could cause serious unrest, or even rebellions among our colonies. Aditionally we would directly challenge a Japanese reaction, as their actual propaganda heralds liberation from colonial powers under their "Greater Asian Prosperitiy Sphere". would probably helplessly observe the loose of enclaves like Hong Kong, while struggle to keep control on our crown colonies, if we force their full support now. Do you anyway demand the full activation of our Asian crown colonies?

Or this one:

DE115)The local leaders of our administration in Burma are unwilling to support our war effort! It's an insult to our Empire that the Burma Office reports strong independence feelings among the local council members! The only compromise we could get without violence, would be to regularly receive supply from the Mandalay Oilfields (15MPP).

The independence movement is quite strong, so if we really want the full country to activate, we would need to crush down the rebel movement and install a military administration. Our British Burma Army, constists of about 4500 non-etnic soldiers, and is certainly able to break the rebellion, even if possibly some rebels escape to the jungle. Aditionally this is not only a matter of domestic politics, but may offend Thailandese Leader Phibun, as he could fear our agressive behaviour despite apeasements and be willing to look for protection from the Japanese Empire. Shall we force the full support to our beloved King George VI, and crush down the rebels (YES), or shall we accept the limited support to defend our glorious British Empire (NO)?

Or this Alllies One:

DE309:Our Nation MUST prepare for War!! We can't continue isolationisic politics, now as the whoole free World is threaten by Axis Imperialism!

Problem is that still our people are not supporting any War against Germany or Japan. Our President Roosevelt won the November 40 Reelectons mostly because he promised to keep our nation out of the War, so we may face enormous anti-War demonstrations and strikes, if we now mobilize our nation.

On the other side we may also get support from volunteers as the nation is deeply split between entering or not entering in this conflict. Some advisors opt to further force Axis powers into the corner in order to still leave them the first strike, as this would probably awake the people to fully support our "fair minded" war effort. Generals hereby warn you, that any further atempt of keeping out of the war now, may mean the possibility for Axis Powers to sucessfully keep our nation DEFINITELEY out, and this could have desastrous consequences. They say we can't wait any longer as Axis seem to stand back from hostility towards us.

Do you anyway prefer to mobilize our Country Now?

Or this Allies one:

DE310:We can't continue isolationisic politics, observing our Allies struggle to withstand Axis Imerialistic Ambitions! The problem is, we must further force Axis powers into the corner in order to leave them the first shot. Our democratic gouvernment and our people are mainly opposed to any open declarations of war against Axis, but the recent Axis invasion in French Indochina shows that we must react.

Strategic advisors opt to freeze all Japanese Assets on our territory, as well as to setup a complete Oil Embargo on Japan, if they don't retreat completeley from Chinese Territory. This would very probably force them to react hostile towards us. In order to show our determintation we MUST SEND and LEAVE the US Pacific Fleet stationned in Pearl Harbour, even if it means to present our fleet on a silver platter. On the other side we must act wise and not overflow the islands with more units as the exactly proposed ones, as showing too much presence there could have serious contrary effects on the Congress and other neutral Nations like D.E.I. who still waver supporting our interests.

Aditionally we would need to take control on the Phillipine defenses, by reinforcing our Far East Airfleets in Manila as "protection" for the Phillipines Islands. This, Mr. President, is the only way to get us into War with Axis without need of an Official Declaration of War against the Axis Empires, which has still no majority in Congress.

Do you want demand Japan to withdraw from China?

Or why not this AXIS one?:

DE605:United States menaces us with a mortal General Embargo if we don't retreat from China, and will freeze all our overseas assets! Also we must expect that Dutch East Indies will follow this Embargo, what means that we may also loose them as trading partner!

But if we leave our pro Axis Nanjing Gouvernment without protection it will instantly be overrun by the Chinese forces. The US President wants our glorious Army to abandon Peking, Tsingtao, Whuan, Nanking and Shanghai (Cities and Environment Fields), probably also losing heavy retreat battles against the Chinese Army, all this to comply with Anglo-American Imperialism! Not to agree with this exorbitant menaces would force us to urgently find a solution to acess other Oil resources, or loose the War with China.

On the other side an apeasement would probably influence some Asian minor nations like Thailand or even Burnei to support our "Asian Prosperity Sphere".

So If we agree to retreat, we must withdraw from China until the end of Novemeber this year, else this will be seen as a Declaration of War against the United States.

Shall we reject this insolent proposition?

or Maybe you like this AXIS one:

DE520:General Franco would directly join our war effort in some days, but we have to give serious concessions. A part enormous strategic materials ( 6x180 MPP ), Spain wants Vichy French Colonial Territory, Specially Morocco and Westafrica. They would directly occupy this areas. We would probably have a NEW WAR with Vichy France and it's Colonies, and this time United States will possibly react more severely to us. But we would get Spain on our side and have acess to assault Gibraltar..%NAnother Problem could be that Francos gouvernment has just come out of the Civil War against Socialist Wings, and there is a serious possibility (15%) that after Spain Joins our side, the Gouvernment could inmediately fail, due to strong Anglophile forces within the Spanish Military, as the Anglophile Wing as well as the Germanophile Wing are active within Francos Military. We could then have serious difficulties to get back the control over Spain, as we would need to deploy urgently Military forces to control the country and help Franco.

Shall we anyway follow Francos expectations and give him acess to Vichy Algerian Colonies ?

There are more ones like this AXIS one:

DE604:Now that Burma is in our hands we should enhance the Infrastructure. Specially the Railroad Link between Bankok and Rangoon is in Dire conditions. The rebuilding and finishing of the Line, specially the Bridge over the " Kwae Yai" (River Kwai) could permit us better Acess to the Mandalay Oilfields. The Construction costs are estimated on 160 MPP ( 16 MPP for 10 Rounds ).

Will you agree on the Railroad Link (YES), or leave the Project (NO)?

So hope you enjoy this Controversial Decisions as well as Controversial and challenging AI's of AXIS AND ALLIES. All DE's are adressed with the Hypotetic outcomes and Reactions.


The Uploaded Version is also compatible with next patch, and wont we renewed .

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I have downloaded the updaye Mod from the repository and every time it gets to the end of the Axis turn and before it saves an error pops up (handle_loop_scripts). Never had this with the first mod.

Read thru the forum and saw similar in the past and completely rid my system of the game/saves and re-downloaded but the same issue happens. Issue also happens if AI or I am axis.

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I have downloaded the updaye Mod from the repository and every time it gets to the end of the Axis turn and before it saves an error pops up (handle_loop_scripts). Never had this with the first mod.

Read thru the forum and saw similar in the past and completely rid my system of the game/saves and re-downloaded but the same issue happens. Issue also happens if AI or I am axis.

Uuups....maybe the loop skripts are not backwards compatible with 1.00.. I ll check this. Did you also use the Mod that came out before, and it worked?

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Yes I was playing the older mod until today and worked great. Unfortunately I no longer have access since I deleted it.

uups. i found it. The #FRIENDLY_POSITION must not be left empty actually in order to be compatible...Srry, i have posted (01.05.) a correction. it's just to add x and y values to the Friendly positions.

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Yes would be Nice Nubpremal, if i got some corrections for Grammar. and i would then also adress the mentionned Vichy Issue. Now as the V 1.02 is out i anyway planned to update this as well. if you want you can just post a corrected Decision-Sktipt Text here in the forum, no problem, or wherever there where the spelling errors.

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