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PowerGmbH's World in Flames Mod

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For those of you that tire of the basic 39 WW2 campaign you'll need to examine this very unique custom that David has created. I admit it was kind of tough at first trying to rationalize some of the features, but slowly, surely as I continued into the scenario I started to warm up to the task.

Now, into 1942 and with the Amis coming on line, first turn of war they get a whopping 651 MPPs after 0 for like a dozen turns it seems, things are really getting interesting. Like I was able to spot the Kido Butai maneuvering for their PH strike and got most of the USN into open waters thereby saving the fleet.

Now there are some weird things too, like the Italians DoWing the USSR and attacking through German occupied Poland(or maybe it was through Romania) and Germany and USSR are not at war....go figure! There is real diplomacy potential here too, albeit at a large cost of MPPs, but you could get all the diplomatic players together on one side and probably get at least a 60% chance, or greater, of a diplo hit per turn.

There's light(single strike) and fleet size carriers and the cost of making a major upgrade to an existing(obsolete) warship is unbelievably expensive, so much as to really make a player ponder thoughtfully before proceeding. Isn't that how it should be? Of course David made a major jump with double strike fighters and TAC also.... depending on the nationality of origin, the minors only get the traditional single strikes as well as some of the majors' pre-existing(obsolete) plane types.

So now...in 1942 there is a natural parity of the two opposing forces and the USSR is still not in it(although 100% mobilized and could DoW Germany), but is building a formidable armed force. Japan is running rampant(except in China), UK is holding in the Western Desert where there has been a massive fight going on as the RN was able to deliver a "Tiger Convoy" to Egypt. Like I said, there is some strangeness, but the feel of WW2 comes through, its very different, and I've been taking notes, so hopefully David will be receptive to some criticism...the constructive kind later on.

But overall....good job.....and thanks David, a very refreshing twist. I urge others of you with an imagination to give it a try.:cool:

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I'm playing as the Allies on intermediate +1 to the Axis AI. What a battle going on in the Desert as the Germans are not invading USSR and have the bulk of their air assets in the region. TAC is deadly in the desert, I've lost numerous tanks and the entire WDF, Indians and Sudanians are helping. German FJs have taken Crete and now bombers and fighters are hammering the Suez ports....its nip and tuck, but the Yanks are on the way as a convoy has been organized under Omar Bradley with a couple of Carrier TFs escorting.:)

Its a long way to Egypt!:(

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But overall....good job.....and thanks David, a very refreshing twist. I urge others of you with an imagination to give it a try.:cool:

Thanks Seamonkey! nice to have some feedback, i thought it will pass by without remarks, after long nights of testing.

Tanks for the feedback, must say i almost allways played Axis ( as German;) )

1)so how is the feel of the Decisions for Roosevelt to force or not the Oil Embargo? not too much conspiracy theory critrics?

2)Was the Axis Invasion in Crete well played out by AI?

3)as you are in 1942: did you force the Argentinian Issue? this is quite more vital in this Scenario...

4)How where the Decisions abóut Mobilizing the British Commomwealth? did you force Burma? or only the Crown Colonies? Some comments?

5)What you think on the Light Carriers?

6)Did you see the Axis raiders in the Pacific? did they cause the headache as expected?

7)didnt Axis AI not DoW on URSS until now 1942? if yes would be helpful to send me a savedgame of 22.6.41 and 31.12.41.

8) how did you see the Japanese Invasions in Singapore? or are you still not far enoug in the Game. The Axis AI this time really Invades Singapore.

9) What about the Phillipines Annexation Issue? Realisitc or too much critics / Conspiration therory?

any other thougths are welcome.

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Sounds very interesting is the mod HvsH or Ai capable?

Its FULL AI capable. so you may have fun playing AXIS or ALLIES, no Problem.

I hope the Repository is up early, as i have no website for downloads. Hope also to get some arrangements done for the Next patch.

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Wow! This is so cool, I'm completely unplugged on highway 37, travelling and keeping up with this thread, WiFi is awesome, I can even trade stocks and make money...I love technology!

OK back to David's questions.....hope I don't lose the connection...I'm out in the middle of nowhere!!!

1. FDR decisions on Oil embargo are great, really like the perspective, feels historical.

2. The Op Herkules was alright, I got two notifications of the event and on the second the Germans actually took the place and immediately set up shop.

3. I said no to Argentinian diplomacy, seemed iffy at the time and with the USA at 0 MPPs, all I had was UK to fight with, needed every MPP.

OK let's try to post this.....I'll address the other questions later.

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Wow PowerGmbH, your scenario and Seamonkey are making me drool over the keyboard, why don't you upload it to Megaupload or some other similar site, until the repository is up again.

I'll load this up on www.Panzerliga.de for this weekend and will post a link here.

Any comments and Ideas Welcome. Anyway you will be surprised Playning Axis OR Allies. I suggest to buy a German Auxiliary Cruiser, is a nice feature.:D

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The auxiliary cruisers are a nice touch, Haven't seen them in the Pacific yet but were prevalent in the Indian Ocean. Hard to track down, I had two CAs, a BB, and a light carrier task force hunting for them. I get in a couple of hits and they scatter.

The Philippines US military takeover is appropriate I believe as the situation was escalating, seems to me to be a viable what if....I like it.

Still no German DoW of USSR, I'll send you a turn when I get a chance, its still early 42.

I did not force Burma and the Partisan unit showed up, I also lost Rangoon very early to a significant Japanese force that will now probably threaten India.

The Japs have not yet assaulted Singapore which I have significantly reinforced, we'll see how this UK colony holds out as they'll not have any RN/RAF support. The RN is a formidable force with the majority of the task groups located in the Atlantic. They have completely swept the Atlantic of Uboats and/or surface raiders and could at their leisure dominate the Med.

The fricken North African theater is a real test of wills between German/Italian forces and the Commonwealth, very bloody, lots of air battles, both sides at level 3 advanced air. I really like the air battles, quite extensive, even naval forces venturing into the area better have fighter support, I've lost a BB to Ju87s and a couple of ground units even with 3 RAF fighter groups in the area with HQ support.

There may be a case for anti-air units, perhaps with double strike capability, I'm still sitting on the fence about this as my fighters are intercepting with good results. The area of deployment is very restricted as the UK forces are largely fighting behind the Nile and in the Sinai. The situation is highly in doubt.

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I hope the patch comes soon as I'm quite embarrassed about what the German AI has done in USSR, made Smolensk in two turns.:o This is the greatest disparity in research levels I have ever been exposed to in SC. Germany has both level 3 IW and HT while the Reds are still without an advancement in AT.

The AI has 8 PanzerKorps and about 18 armies in USSR presently and they are eliminating 5 Red Army units per turn. :eek:The weather didn't even help as the invasion kicked off in March of 42 and has been clear ever since. The Dnepr has been breached, Luftwaffe is bombing Leningrad with the Heer just outside in the suburbs, and panzers have spotted the spires of the Kremlin......really bleak!

Now couple all this with the IJA at level 3 IW also, they have swept Burma and are poised to invade India. All the Allied MPPs have been used up trying to equal out the tech edge and there are very few units available to stem the tide, and with the extra experience afforded to the AI and the plethora of units at its disposal I don't see I have a chance.......whoa is me!:(

I need a restart.......hurry with that patch!:P

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I hope the patch comes soon as I'm quite embarrassed about what the German AI has done in USSR, made Smolensk in two turns.:o This is the greatest disparity in research levels I have ever been exposed to in SC. Germany has both level 3 IW and HT while the Reds are still without an advancement in AT.

I need a restart.......hurry with that patch!:P

I got the impression that Hubert wasn't changing the research lottery until he made a new engine. Am I wrong? I hope that I am.

I just finished a game where it was 1946 before the USSR got a single advance in AT despite having a minimum of 1 research chit in that since the 3rd or 4th turn of the game. That type of thing just frosts my tookus.

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I hope the patch comes soon as I'm quite embarrassed about what the German AI has done in USSR, made Smolensk in two turns.:o

:D This is due to a AI Helper near Riga: there are no Units "Cheated" nor gets AI Extra ones, but the Allied Player due to "Defense Chaos-near Riga Stalin Furious as Officialy order Withdraw" has 2 Unit Positions withdrawing against his volunty, this is quite historic, as not allways the Generals did what they where ordered to do...specially in Russia at the beginning lightening campaign.:D

Good news for All who desperateley wait for Downlaod this MOD. I have Uploaded It on Bluestews Server. Thanks Bluestew for your help!

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I'm enjoying this campaign! I did notice that the US MPP's slow down significantly as you approach 1942?

Well, yes this is a highly controversial issue ignored by the actual Mainstream History, that FDR won the Election partly due to his speach AGAINST entering US into War, and from stay away from European Wars, a situation which continually until PH , helped "demobilisation-peace" propaganda.

Citation from Wiki:

"in response FDR, in a pledge that he would later regret, promised that he would "not send American boys into any foreign wars." On election day - November 5 - Roosevelt received 27 million votes to Willkie's 22 milli..."


hope you have fun as YOU must decide on forcing an OIl Embargo to Japan or not...:D

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I'm OK with this David, but ...really...don't you think that there was some clandestine maneuvering going on behind the scenes and actually, budget allocations for the armed forces were not accurately portrayed to the public?

Come on think about it! As I remember reading there was a significant program of ship building going on in the Navy and it was reported in the newspapers from time to time. I'm sure some of those resources were redirected "other places". Shouldn't this be left up to the US player?

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As you probably have seen playing the Allies i point on the issue of the "Remeber P.H. Propaganda" representing them US a peaceful nation attacked by truly evil forces without absoluteley "any" reasons.

Therefore the "activation" of the US Player shall remain "low" as part of this proclamation. as these MPP jump up astronomically after the entry this is i think largeley enough to represent the immense warpower that entered the day after 7.12.

Admit this to be quite controversial, but not too far from the Historic situation

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By the end of 1940, 10 Essex class CVs and the original 4 Iowa-class BBs had been ordered, and several of the South Dakotas were already being built (and the North Carolinas were already on shakedowns). I could probably find some analogous figures for the army (and army air corps). FDR may have promised to maintain the country's isolationist stance, but he certainly didn't do so in reality.

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