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No fog with 275 GTX

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It's me me again with a problem guys :P

I just noticed I have no visible fog in the game itsself. I made sure it was switched on via the hotkeys and enabled this fog table thingy with RivaTuner.

Still no fog. I thought this was an issue exclusively with ATI graphic cards and not NVIDEA ones. In case you overread it in the title, I got a 275 GTX.

I would be really thankful for any answers on this topic, as I tried out everything that I know could have been wrong. I even restarted the computer after switching the fog table thing on.

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That seems to be my problem. I'm a Vista user (I didn't have an option or I would have chosen XP :P).

But you are correct, Schrullenhaft, really a strange reversal.

Anyway, I guess as this is a typical Vista problem, there is no solution to it?

I sure can live without fog (everything else runs fine), but is there anything else not working properly? Like missing rain and snow? Or no cloudy weather? Or is it just the missing fog?

This may be a stupid question, but the fog is still there from a techincal point of view, it's just not visible right?

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No, what you see is what you get! Eg. in tank combat when my tank is taking a shot I make the units bigger so my guys would have a better hit chance. When the enemy fires back I hit shift-v to cloak my tank and the shell passes right through.


LIES! All lies! :P

Thanks for your answer to my question though. Made me chuckle :)

Still the other question still exists: is anything else, except for the "invisible" fog, missing. Or just the fog and that's it?

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something about the Fog Emulation table being removed from the NVidia drivers, I think. I did a google search for this and noticed that on some of the older NVidia Control Panel programs, there was the option to click 'fog emulation table' but as of driver release 186.44 which is the one I have, and more than likely previous ones, it doesn't exist anymore. If anyone can provide some insight on to why this was removed, much appreciated!

ATI fixed the problem in 2008 with one of the catalyst releases.. but NVidia went the opposite route.

It really sucks that you can't see the fog anymore as it really added to the atmosphere on some of the maps, one of my favourites being Gozlow.

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A user selectable "fog table emulation" check box disappeared a long time ago in the Nvidia drivers. The support was still there for quite awhile, but when drivers for Vista were released a lot of older DirectX features seemed to have vanished. Under Windows XP the feature appears to be there, but there is no user selectable option for it (it's just supported).

I just tried it under Win XP with 186.18 drivers and CMAK - fog supported (GF 8800GT).

So it appears to be one of those problems that Nvidia and ATI had with Windows Vista. They dropped a lot of earlier DirectX call support in order to support newer DirectX 10 features. They eventually fixed some of their bugs, but it looks like they dropped fog-table emulation.

I'm not sure really where to complain to Nvidia about this. There are some user forums now on their site, but I don't know if driver issues get looked at there by actual Nvidia staff.

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