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The AI and the 1.03 patch

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After updating to 1.03 I thought I give the old AI a whirl once again to see what Bill and Co. had improved upon. I started a mirror Z about a month ago and am just now getting into the Autumn of 1943, the AI settings were the toughest SC has to offer, Expert +2.

As Japan the only other time I've played the AI was when PT was first out, just to get some initial orientation into the mechanics. It was difficult for awhile until I took out the Chinese HQs with Japanese airpower and pretty much ignored the outer islands and other theaters and from there, ie Chinese surrender, it was all downhill for the AI until Japanese victory, a substantial one. So...why deviate from success, I tried essentially the same strategy....almost.

This time I played around until capturing the SRA, excluding Burma, and then just left a screen, although I will say, Java, the last area to be conquered in the SRA did put up a tenacious defense, delaying my air deployment into China. Now with all the Oil cranking out my MPPs it was time to focus on China.

I decided this time to feint into Changsha with a couple of armies, artillery and one HQ giving the city only token bombing runs when the Chinese threatened my improved positions. Meanwhile concentrating on two thrusts, one to Sian - Lanchow - Changyeh and the other Wuhan - Ichang - Chungking and actually the Changyeh Chinese position was the first to fall, much to my amazement as it is usually the last fallback capital.

So now I'm backtracking and Chungking falls from the backdoor thrust coming out of the Lanchow - Sian area and this is where I concentrate all my airpower for the final run at Kunming. Of course the PT AI hasn't just been sitting around, the UK Indian forces were constantly raiding Bangkok and attacking to a penetration all the way to the town of Khon Kain not to mention weather permitting bombing runs on my forces in the Hanoi area. The Chinese were grouped in the area from Changsha to Kweiyang and Kweilin and at one point threaten to cut my forces off by moving all the way south to the coast decimating one of my best armies.

Here was the AI Chinese downfall constantly reinforcing and deploying units and resources to the Changsha region which was nowhere close to my focal points of attack. So stupid is as stupid AI does, I take Kunming in a raging downpour, don't even need my air assets and China surrenders, like September 1943. Oh...that's the Nationals, the Commies are still in, hah, but not for long as I turn my forces in their direction and now the British forces in Burma will receive some attention also.

You might wonder, what's up with the US of A? Well heck, they did retain New Guinea with the Aussie's help and they did kick me out of the Solomons, but now just this last turn the Japs got anti-air 3 and those US bombers are being led to pay a price for their runs at my forces in the outer islands.

Currently almost two years into the conflict, the Soviets are now in and with all the plunder from China, I just maxed out LR and NW tech investments since I only got 1 level in each. Still at IW & AT 1 and advanced aircraft is only a single level also as my focus was anti-air. Not to worried about the Soviets or the Amis just yet as my busy little engineers have been doing mucho improvements in the Manchukuo province. I'll update this conflict a little later on as the issue is still way in doubt what with the USN still unscathed, but my next post will cover the the other side of the mirror.

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Well now its Oct 43 and I wanted to give some reflection on the other image, the Japanese AI. Got to admit Bill, you've done an excellent job with the AI as far as the Chinese are concerned as they are rapidly crumbling under the relentless assault of Japanese armies backed by 6 HQs.

Kunming has fallen along with Chungking and my Chinese are hold up in the valley leading to Lanchow just as Sian has fallen. The Japanese have sustained very few casualties and I'm not sure how long the Nationalists can hold out. It may become paramount for the USA Air Forces's long range strategic bombers to enter the fray although I'm trying hard not to make that committment.

The Communists are still in even though the Japanese have applied undue pressure on them also, kind of a sideline campaign as numerous times I have tried to bait the AI to pay more attention to the Commies. So far, withstanding a few isolated transgressions, the Japanese AI has concentrated on disposing of the Nationalists.

The Japs have also run the UK out of Burma, although presently the UK led Indians are beginning to get their act together. I would say at this point we have a stalemate even though I don't think that will last for long........"The British are Coming"!

The Japanese have expanded pretty much as they did historically, I didn't put up much resistance, mostly ran for the hills and tried to preserve my meager starting forces. If I had to critique anything in the initial battle strokes it would be the failure of the Japanese to jump on the oil supplies of Borneo, and Sarawak right away and get that MPP boost.

Now for the key situation, the USA involvement. Just as historical I nipped at Guadalcanal and pretty much ran the Japs out of the Solomons, also taking Tarawa in the Gilberts, both for jumping off platforms later. Mainly though USA embarked upon research, IT and PT first, NW and LR secondary apart from one focussed purchase and that was a bunch of CVs. Why would I buy a bunch of CVs when the USA has already so many in the build Q?

Well...one reason, when I start coming back at the islands I will need plenty of floating airbases to vanquish the garrisons and I'll use my TAC attacks from those pristine carriers, no upgrades to them, they will have the singular purpose of ground support for my amphibious forces.

So my plan is coming together and I have built all the SBs, all the TACs and all the carriers and I'm just now embarking upon that cycle of amphibians. Yep...my ground pounders are in a sequential mode of embarking and assaulting where I'm constantly landing and transporting ground units all over the central Pacific.

So where's the IJN you might ask? Well guess what comes along about June 43, one year after the historical Midway battle here comes the Kido Butai straight down the old slot.....no not the Solomons one. The SC slot, that open ocean between the Solomons and the Marshalls and Gilberts, deployed right in the middle with mucho BBs, Cas and DDs in support, not to mention accompanying subs, as I remember about three.

I have to admit, I was surprised, but that doesn't mean I wasn't ready as I had TACs in Bougainville, and SBs in Guadalcanal and a group in Funafuti, all with HQ support. These landbased air units were backed by three carrier groups staging in the New Hebrides and Fiji and on they came from Truk surprising my initial screen of Australian and USN destroyers with a couple of Cas supporting, subs were lurking on the periphery.

It was a thing of beauty and blood as the IJN BBs sliced into my forward echelons sinking 2 DDs and a CA, and then the KB sprang to glory with DDs screening, sinking two of my subs, a couple more DDs and my last remaining cruiser screen while disclosing a couple of BBs I had waiting east of Tarawa. But now it was my turn.......ohhh the carnage!

With all air assets at the reigns the USA forces went on the attack, it went on for 3 turns, back and forth and finally after losing a couple more BBs and lighter assets all of the KB went to visit Davy Jones and then the mopping up started with most all of the IJN initial task force sunk and I didn't lose a single CV, close.... but no USN CV met the ocean bottom.

Now I have returned all forces to Pearl for repairs and upgrades as USA has LR4, NW3, SB3, advanced air3, PT4, IT3, ASW1, AdvSubs2 and many Marines are deploying on the West Coast. I did have to rebuild some DDs and subs for screening, but now a vast armada is coming together and there's not much IJN left to counter this effort.

The USN is heading west and Hell is coming with it!

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Sounds great, and it looks like there's still some more serious fighting to come!

Hubert deserves the credit for making the AI do so well in China, and it's good to see that you're not having everything your own way. :)

We'll take a look at Borneo and Sarawak as those MPPs certainly do come in handy early in the game. Thanks for the report, and I look forward to the next instalment.

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SeaMonkey, I like the way the IJN made the big counter attack on you. I've found that the AI usually does that at one point or another in the game. It usually comes in different places and at different times, but you are right it's a sight to behold when the IJN comes calling.

You've done well, as I usually lose at least a couple of carriers, keep up the good work, I too look forward to your next report.

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Have to admit AZG, it was a refreshing surprise to see the IJN grouped and aggressive, much like humans do. I figured after I won the first game as Japan against the AI, when the game initially came out, that the USA(Allies) would have a walk in the park, so I never played them against the Japanese AI.

This first game is an eye opener, great job Hubert, Bill, and Betas, it almost "Feels like the first Time" I ever played SC. Now I just need to clear some gaming time away from my busy schedule, you know how it is this time of year.:cool:

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This first game is an eye opener, great job Hubert, Bill, and Betas, it almost "Feels like the first Time" I ever played SC. Now I just need to clear some gaming time away from my busy schedule, you know how it is this time of year.:cool:

Thanks SeaMonkey. I'm the same actually, I'm really enjoying playtesting the Global game and it's going to be a great crack, while at the same time I'm itching to play yet another game of Op Z. I love playing as Japanese but there just aren't enough hours in the day at the moment!

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After updating to 1.03 I thought I give the old AI a whirl once again to see what Bill and Co. had improved upon. I started a mirror Z .

I'm playing a solo game of Operation Z and I was wondering what "mirror Z" means. Is it a mod that improves the A.I. or just slang for Operation Z?

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Its just slang for a two game situation, one, I'm the Japs playing against Allies AI, the other I'm playing against the Japanese AI.

I like to play one turn, then walk away..do something else, come back and play from the other side. It helps the AI's cause as I forget a little bit of what I was doing, makes me more prone to mistakes, a choppier strategy.

You've got to give the AI a break.:)

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That sounds promising. I'm going to try it now.

I do have a question for you. I feel like I might be missing an important tactical gambit. Does bombarding a port and reducing the supply number do anything for you except to maybe cut supply(which I will never understand in a million years but that is another story)? For instance can it prevent the port from being used by the enemy to reinforce?

And if I may bother you with one more, I'm not a big fan of the operate function but I have started using it. Seems unfair. But anyway, it seems so hit and miss that you cannot count on it to be available. I could have two identical units side by side, supply number is high, no opposing forces nearby and one unit will have the operate command available and the one next to it won"t. Do you know why this is?

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If you get the port below five then its use is crippled,meaning that no unit can embark from it and any unit trying to land in it has to wait one turn before thet can unload,which makes them vulnerable to enemy attack.

As far as operating goes if a land unit isnot sitting on a rail tile then it cannot be operated.You maynot have enough mpps to operate both units?Other than that I dont know why.Maybe send Hubert the game turn you have mentioned and he could have a look.

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I thought I had seen some real surprises playing this first game ever against the Japanese AI, I'll post later what happened, its not over yet.

I'm beginning to believe that in the direct opposite of what I had assumed, the Allies may have a tougher time of it than the Japs, the amount of assets the Japs have is nothing short of amazing. Reminds me of playing in the East with the Germans going against the Reds, they just keep coming and coming.:confused:

I believe Hubert must have hooked up the "Energizer Bunny" to all the Japanese industries(the build limits have obviously been liberalized) and I've yet to see any Kamikazes.....I'm shaken!:eek:

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Hey SeaMonkey,

Good to hear you are still having a great game here and yes there are a few extra unit additions for the Japanese AI. In our testing it definitely helped to create some of the tension for the Allied player as they start to close in on Japan and as with the previous releases, it all depends on how I use them with the AI as it really is not a matter of just throwing more units your way.

Hopefully it continues to be a nail biter for you :)


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I'm going to break this down a little more, probably like every quarter as the action is obviously heating up. The last I left y'all with is, me as Allies, had just beaten off a very large attack by the AI IJN forces in "the slot". Well, after taking my licks, repairing my naval vessels, and completing the embarkation of a number of amphibious formations, I was headed west.

That came to an abrupt hault as the IJN showed up again, with 6 DD groups, coupled with 3 CAs and 2 BBs with a CV group in the center, all highly teched. I immediately took losses but managed to barely get my transports out of the fray, with many taking damage. My idea was that since I had decimated the IJN in "the slot" that there would be nothing to impede my progress and I would take Rabaul, Truk, and the Marianas in one successful swoop. What misplaced optimism was that?:eek: Obviously I was at the mercy of failed intelligence...so what else is new???, so I backed off and brought my carrier groups forward to deal with this incursion, my timetable now severly interrupted.

Finally after dispatching this IJN naval armada and sending half the fleet to Pearl and harbors in Australia for repairs I managed to take Rabaul and Truk, while Paratroopers landed on Eniwetok in the Marshalls. After securing and repairing the newly occupied installations land based airgroups were brought in to continue the advance to the Marianas at the end of March 1944.

Elsewhere, the stalemate continues in Burma. The Japanese airforces have been deadly to any UK land units that venture into terrain where they do not have good aircover and the weather has been conducive to air operations all through the winter months. I need rain, storms, monsoons, I don't care what, but those damn Japs need to be grounded before I can go forward with my UK mobility upgrades.

I don't want to even mention the disaster that is taking place in China. The Commies gone, the Japanese AI pummels anything of opportunity, with very high tech/accurate TAC bombers and Advanced 2 Fighters. there is no way to replace the losses so it is just a matter of time before this attrition allows the Jap Armies over the Lanchow mountainous terrain.

The one probability to restrain this final push is to rebase all the heavy bombers the USA possesses, but one problem exists, no fighter escorts. After consultation with industrial leaders, the last remaining fighter airwings in the USA build Q have been initiated of which all 4 groups will be available by August 44. The question remains, can the Nationals hold out that long or perhaps the US bombers will have to go it alone? This situation is truly grim.:(

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Now in early April 44 I'm herding my Japanese land and airforces into Burma with exceeding successes. After four turns in a row where UK indian airforces had good flying weather vs my Jap airgroups being continually socked in, Lashio finally fell to General Hata's army group. That, coupled with GHQ Terauchi attempts to cut off a British HQ group in the vicinity of Chiengmai, vastly improves the situation and may unhinge the Allied positions all the way to Mandalay. I have 4 TACs and 2 level 3 fighter groups supporting this operation and as long as they can get into the air, the Allied forces are toast.

The Communists have fallen easily back at the turn of the year and despite intermittent partisan activities the region is somewhat stable. There are 3 Japanese combat formations supported by an HQ policing the area getting good experience training against those marauding terrorist bands.

Now in Manchuoku the Red Army operating out of Vladivostok have taken numerous losses from General Homma's forces strongly entrenched and backed by massive artillery batteries from Yenki to Kiamusze. This fortified defensive line is backed by Tanks that form a opportunistic counterattacking reserve force for General Homma's leisurely use.

Further, around the Tasitsihar region, General Okamura's mountain screen was brushed aside by Soviet Armor and Infantry teams supported by roving dive bombing groups. The rest of the army group is likewise strongly entrenched, a fighter group organizing for aircover and Tanks are on the way to form the reserve countering force.

Time to play Santa...I'll be back with a passage describing Pacific operations.

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Alright, back to the Japanese Pacific positions. My 21st recon Bomber group operating out of Singapore spotted a US amphib which later turned out to be an HQ that landed on Sumatra, but not without losses. This operation is backed by USN and RN carrier task groups and they are bombing Java locations also. I'm really not sure how much of a committment this will be from the Aliies, but presently I'm considering it a diversion, although I am tasking some ground forces with transporting to the region, just in case. I've also reinforced my garrison in Singapore and the railways are open if I need to send additional forces to the area. I'm thinking that its monsoon time and not much will be happening, but you never know with the stupid AI as its already trapped that HQ in Sumatra.

In the SW Pacific many US and Australian airgroups flying out of the Bismarks and New Guinea continue to attack my level 3 anti-air unit in Lorengau, taking losses with almost every sortie. Where's the bombarding BBs and CAs? I believe a human opponent would be using that avenue of attack, at least to disrupt the supply convoys as I'm able to replace losses while maintaining 50% efficiency.

Heck I don't know where the rest of the USN is! Only subs are showing up around the Marianas and along the Iwo Jimian coast and they are a tough bunch to eliminate. Even with ASW 1, I'm taking losses and one sub survived after 17 attacks from all IJN platforms as well as landbased air. The seas were stormy but it was a sight to behold as the USS Tirante continually dived and maneuvered out of harm's way.

That's it! About the turn of the year 43 to 44 I usually start thinking of retreating back to the home islands in the face of an Allied offensive, humanly directed. With this AI and knowing that a tactical victory only requires Chungking and my home islands, its going to be an easy win, just like the first time I played the Japanese side. I've still got the Gilberts and Marshalls, the Carolines are all mine and I've really got a lot of reinforcements going into the Marianas, HQ supported.

So for all you guys looking for a more formidable AI effort, I would stick with playing the Allied side against the Japanese AI, at least that's the present situation. Here's hoping it changes, but I'm pretty much on the defense right now and that does not bode well for the offensive incompetence of most AIs.

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More about the Allied AI. Game is now in Sept.44 and the USN and RN are all over the place invading all seas except those in the immediate home waters. Java has fallen and Sumatra is barely hanging on as my CVs take pot shots at the Allied surface vessels. One thing I've learned, don't waste your attacks on subs because at this level they dive almost everytime.

In Burma I almost had Rangoon, but now I've got to fall back as Chinese partisans are everywhere and the Red Army is coming down the road to attack Lanchow. When Chinese partisans take control of a city it is hell to dig them out, 4 HQ supported armies usually do the trick if there is some air help in the vicinity, but it usually takes two turns as they have entrenched.

Speaking of the Red Army, they have been held at bay in Manchuoku, but there are so many air attacks from both directions I've had to operate in 3 fighter groups and I replied "no" to the question of transfering the capital of Japan to the Korean peninsula should the home islands surrender. I'm thinking as time goes on I will retreat to the coastal cities in China and Manchuoku, perhaps assaulting Vladivostok on the way back to a diminishing defensive perimeter on the western ramparts of the Empire. Only one problem. To gain the marginal victory I will have to maintain Chungking as Japanese occupied, so there will need to be a strong enclave created there. That's where the Burmese forces are headed.

I still retain most of the original Pacific Island possessions although, other than the Marianas, I have pulled back most naval and air assets to the surrounding home island seas, except in the China Sea and Singapore since this is where most Allied naval power is being projected.

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Now for the real contest. Once again as I was heading west, taking the Marianas and preparing for the Iwo Jimian assault the IJN came to do battle, this is the third time. No land based air to help this time as the US forces are well extended and bases are only now being prepared to receive aircraft. 4 DDs, 3 CAs, and a BB hit my forces, the screening subs and destroyers taking most of the impact and then my CVs spring to action stations. After the battle I move in several BBs to clean up what's left, adios DDs and CAs.

So....I'm thinking Ho Hum, big deal, another USN extravaganza when what to my wondering eyes do appear, 4 subs, two BBs and a CV to clean up my BBs just northeast of Iwo. When the smoke clears I've lost the Massachusettes, Nevada and Alabama and my CVs have hardly any SBDs or Avengers left to counterstrike the counterstrike. This is unbelievable as my total count of IJN vessels to perish is 5 CVs, 7 BBs, 9 CAs, 14 DDs and 8 subs and they are still coming. Needless to say, once again all my CVs, still safe and sound, are headed back to Pearl for replenishment and all amphibious invasion activity is now on hold in the middle of June 1944.

China, what a dumb AI the Japs are. Finally they have broken the Lanchow line and are scurrying towards the last National capital. Thing is they could have done it many moons ago, but the AI doesn't know how to shuffle its forces back and forth efficiently and huddles them all up behind each other giving them no room to maneuver. Anyway I have shuttled in all my B29s with fighter support and I will try to blunt the tide, not going to be easy and I fully expect China to fall before the end of 44.

What a show of airpower is Burma. You know it rains there a lot, especially in the Summer and grounds the air forces, right? No matter, even grounded Japanese air groups are virtually impossible to kill and they continue to hold up the UK advance even in driving rainstorms. After 3 attacks by level 3 Armor, and IW2 corps at 5 supply, about the best you can get in the terrain, the Japanese air fields only lose about half their strength to be reinforced the next turn. Obviously this equals no progress, so I'm taking the entire RN to help an Australian invasion group I've put together to assault the Philippines. I'm shivering in horror at the thought of winter and clear weather coming to Burma in which case the Japanese airforce will continue the "killing fields" as anti- or advanced air technology has so far escaped the UK scientists.

Overall, still a tough go for the Allies and I've yet to encounter the Kamakazis.

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I know how you feel about the IJN! The AI does a pretty good job of surprising you as you close in on Japan doesn't it? And those stalwart Japanese airbases are truly something to behold. Let's hope in Global they aren't nearly as resistant to ground attacks!

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I'm really OK with everything Hubert and Bill have done. You've got to give the AI all sorts of help for it to be competitive. It gets a little unrealistic, but what the heck, its a game!

Anyway AZ, I snuck some Chinese tanks in during the dead of night, in a rainstorm that had dogs and cats riding on my tanks, surprised those TAC bombers from the other end of the runway. Never the less those Japs turned those machinegun fixtures on the planes into a concentrated hail of fire, needless to say, very few of the cats and dogs survived, but the 4th Indians were able to turn the tide and the airfield was finally taken.;)

Unfortunately now Jap columns are infiltrating down the Kuching road and it looks like they may retake the airbase.

Right after Iwo fell, it was only lightly defended, another nightime excursion just outside the Home Islands, ie Destination Tokyo, I sent in some very fast destroyers coordinated with some subs to reconnoitre the harbor area and as luck would have it the subs got off a spread of torpedos on the Junyo, she immediately sunk, "scratch one flattop".:cool:

Now I just got to get them out of there in one piece, so I moved in a carrier task force to cover their retreat, we'll see, but you know the drill, never volunteer for hazardous duty! Here's hoping they make it!;)

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Things have moved along into Dec. 1944 and there have been many developments as I fight the Japanese AI. Except for isolated task forces the IJN is largely "kaput", about time! The only thing threatening the Allied naval forces are the TAC bombers along the coast of Manchuoku and Korea.

Early in November Okinawa was invaded and cleared and will now be the staging area for amphibious groups headed to the Chinese and Korean mainland. I intend to invade both so as to divert the AI away from the Japanese homeland, that's what worked in China. I was able to save China by a combination of USA airforces and the British incursions into Burma which diverted the AI attention away from the Chinese operations to the south down the Kunming road.

There is still an extensive battle going on in Burma but so far, because I brought in 4 level 3 and 4 USA fighter groups, the situation seems somewhat stable. I also have the USA "Brett" HQ on the way for support and there should be a good logistical base by the end of 1944 in the India/Burma theater. Its apparent the Japanese AI is now operating the Manchuoku garrisons into the Chinese and Burma locals so I'm not sure how long the situation will remain a stalemate, but only just now is the USSR readiness creeping up to 6%.

Now back to the Japanese home islands. McArthur and some Marines with tank support landed in early Nov. 44 and took Sendai just northeast of Tokyo. Then with TAC support from Iwo and 7 USN Carrier groups Tokyo was taken and a strong armored task force garrisoned the surrounding area. Further south, Eichelberger landed and took Nagasaki and a strong airbase was established which the Japs immediately counter-attacked. The USN and RN are ranging far and wide around the Japanese main islands with Kamakazis still exacting a toll from Allied surface bombardment groups.

Kyoto can be taken on the next turn but I'm not sure the invading force could withstand the inevitable Japanese counter-attack. Even if the US Marines could hold it, I'm not sure the Japs would surrender anyway, so I will take my time and attrite the enemy forces nearby.

Elsewhere, without much consequence, the Australian Kanga forces took Davao and the "Blamey" HQ logistical support center has been setup in the Philippines as the Aussis march up, take Legaspi and approach the outskirts of Manila.

Doesn't look good for the Japanese as 45 beckons, especially with 6 TAC groups in range of Kyoto and 7 CV groups stationed offshore with another 5 carrier task forces on the way. All the build Q forces, other than naval units, for the USA have been initiated and approximately 7 corps and 4 Marine amphibs are "on the water".

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update to April 1945, Japan vs Allied AI. Pretty much finished the withdrawal of Burma and am now holding the line from Hanoi to Kunming with General Hata coordinating the Kunming road defense and Yamachita organizing the Hanoi area. The Marianas, Mindanao, and Sarawak have all been lost along with the abandonment of Singapore and Borneo. I opped moved General Terauchi to the Korean peninsula to organize the naval air forces around Pusan to defend the inner sea areas.

The Gulf of Chihli is now the home of the IJN with my CVs working out to the perimeter ports all along the East China Sea but only targeting USN CV groups and amphibs within range. After their raids I usually bring them back to the inner port area to be reinforced but I just lost my first carrier task force headed up by the Soryu with the Shinano Task group severely crippled. Needless to say USN forces are everywhere but the inner seas.

All Red Army threats have been diminished with no units shown marching down the Lanchow road and everything that attacks my fortress lines in Manchuoku being immediately dispatched. I'm making about 382 MPPs per turn but still have not been able to build any type of reserve capital as Allied attacks are occurring all along the outside of the Japanese Empire. Iwo still holds but with the USN CVs incessant attacks there and on the home islands, its just a matter of time, so I'm holding my breath until 1946 with a Summer of Terror to endure.

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I am not sure if anyone has experienced this when playing against Allied AI, but I find that the US keeps sending unprotected transports to Papete and then westward, wave after wave of them. In one respect, this is mirroring the fact that the US began its campaign by going after the Solomons, but it is ridiculous that they send these transports in unprotected to be picked off by waiting IJN warships. I am not sure if this patch or a future patch would address this issue.

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