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PBEM File Size?!?!

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Me and a buddy are playing Elephants and Pop Guns PBEM. We are barely into the game (7 files) and we just noticed we are passing 2+ MB files???? Tell me something is up. Lucky for us we are broadband folks, but I can't imagine that 2+ MB files are the norm.


PS. Yes 2MB after zipping.


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Thanks for your reply... I think there is only six tanks involved. I suspect CMBB has some issues with this since in CMBO I could play huge games that never got about .5 mb movie files. I can't imagine that many changes in CMBB that would require such big PBEM movie files.


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Thanks for the replies. I guess I will have to watch the scenarios and file sizes after a while.

The scenario we are playing is actually quite small to be honest btw, but if that is how it is, that is how it is. I feel sorry for the broadband challenged.


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Ok so we have figgered out that zipping does not help the file transfer. But we still havnt answered the original question about the file sizes. Im now sending files that are over 3megs.

I never had a file that size with CMBO. Even when I was playing custom senarios with 20000 points per side, and as many units as you get on the map.Ive had as many as 8 14in guns going off at the same time and never had a file go over 2megs, as what seems the norm for CMBB. How can people with dailup deal with this?


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Why the bump?

What is the open question?

If it is "why are CMBB PBEM files bigger", then it is pretty obvious: a single MG shot affect many more units. More terrain elements. More commands. More complex armor penetration model. etc etc etc

I am halfway glad since the guys with 1 MB filellimit which annoyed the hell out of me in CMBO will not even start a game now. Sorry, but I really hate this nonsense.

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Poor attitude Redwolf.

Anyway the "open question" is for Battlefront.

Actually a huge concern and I would like to see a comment from them about the larger PBEM for such a small scenario. If the larger PBEM transfer is here to stay, then so be it, but I suspect it is a little bug that didn't get squashed. I don't buy your answer wolfy boy.

The bump is to keep to the top of the list :rolleyes: , and I will bump until the topic is locked or I get some response from Battlefront.

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Hey, guys, keep it calm.

My question was not rethoric or meant as an insult but simply honest, I couldn't understand what the open issue is. So please assume I am stupid, not jerky. And I agree that file size of 5 MB are not really covered by my assumptions, whereas a doubling in size would.

If somebody wants to investigate the issue I would recommend that you construct test PBEM games and deliberately have much infantry combat or much tank combat or any other of the suspected issues and few else in a single turn.

That way you could approach BFC with more specific info, like "you did blow up artillery hit" or something more specific like that.

Remember that the PBEM file format is a compressed format, and hence it will not be entirely obvious to BFC themself what causes the raise.

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look Redwolf, when you post something like this

>I am halfway glad since the guys with 1 MB filellimit which annoyed the hell out of me in CMBO will not even start a game now. Sorry, but I really hate this nonsense.

It kinda looks like you are trolling.

The problem here is the file size. Granted *Pop Guns And Elephants* is listed as a large senario, but if every large senario is going to files this size on turn 7 of a 30 turn senario, then theirs no need trying to play this game pbem anymore. What about playing tcp/ip, well with 5 meg files that would be crazy trying to do that on a dailup connection. Maybe now you can understand the problem.


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The things that seem to make PBEM files expand dramatically in size in my experience (all other things being equal) are (1) lots of vehicle movement and (2) lots of smoke. The file size issue is what it is, it's not going to change. If you are bandwidth or storage restricted, your best bet is to avoid scenarios with lots of vehicles, and go easy on the smoke. YMMV.

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I don't understand why my comment can be considered trolling. It was bashing smile.gif

I think I rightfully bash those people who start PBEMs with email accounts which will not work once the action starts. I am pretty annoyed by that, and rightfully so I claim. Most of these crappy email accounts do not ony reject the mail, most of them need substancial time to make up their mind and send the bounce back, which usually means I went to bed or work or somefink and cannot place the turn on my web server before losing another day.

I did not attack any of those people who participiate in this thread, which is about the CMBB file size which I discussed pretty neutral, didn't I?

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Well Redwolf, your attitude is snotty and you need to come down off that high horse or it sounds like you have had some bad opponent selection in the past. Sorry I never had that problem. It must be a karma thing.

I have played CMBO from the very beginning, hell I purchase 10 copies of it so far. I have played tiny, small, large, huge games with more armor and smoke going off then in the game mentioned above. I have a QB that is much, much bigger going in CMBB and there is more action (I have more tanks on the board than the Pop Guns and Elephants Scenario alone, not even knowing what my opponent has brought to the table) going on, but the file size is a modest 350kb.

There is a problem. People might want to accept that is how it is, but I would prefer not to. I don't accept it in my professional life and prefer not to accept it in my personel life. I suppose in the end I will have to accept it, but I suspect it will be a item that will be quietly patched.

I didn't want to voice this, but I suspect CMBB has slipped in the quality department (code optimization) because of the 20th Sept deadline that CDV put out there. The reason I haven't voiced this thought until now is that it will be preceved as a trolling post. It is my thought at the moment.


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A junior member > 10000. That wouldn't bother me that much, however in combination with the 350 KB claim it becomes a little suspective. My cm/pbem/old folder holds plenty of files around 1 MB, and I didn't play especially big games. Many files from Treeburst's tourneys so I guess they are pretty typical. What do you do, move all your units right off the map?

So, I was kinda assuming what you are posting here is correct and didn't look at my own CMBB PBEM files size and took your for granted. Now I looked. The only PBEM I had in CMBB so far was yelnia stare which is a battalion-size attack on a damaged map, and my tanks are firing pretty constantly. The bigger files (around one third of the files) are in the 400-500 KB range.

You assumptions about the quality assurance and deadlines are very amusing. All clues combined I had to come to the conclusion that you are not worth bothering with.

[ October 07, 2002, 01:55 PM: Message edited by: redwolf ]

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<Rolls up a newspaper and smacks the wolf on the nose>

Snooty it is. I am afraid you pulling out the 10,000+ membership pointed it out. Yes, this is my original user setup. Enjoy the membership number.

I made some big assumptions, and the quality control is probably way off; but there is no way passing 5MB PBEM files can be acceptable for a smaller scenario.

It doesn't matter if I am a "Junior Member" or and Old Tymer. The point stands on its own.

Anyways, I understand why a lot of my friends no longer post around here, and why I normally lurk.


aka Catgh ;)

PS. The more I look into it, the 3-5MB files I am seeing only seem to be happening with this one scenario. Perhaps it is just a fluke with this one scenario.

LT - I am wrong about a billion things in my life. The point is well taken. Spending this much time here on this topic is probably my biggest mistake lately, next to letting my wife go on another shopping spree in Denver. :D

[ October 07, 2002, 04:12 PM: Message edited by: Ron Meier ]

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QA did not take a backseat to make some mythical Sept 20 deadline. Ask anyone else who tested the game.


Not everyone can configure their own mail server. Even on most paid-for ISP based accounts the limit is 5mb per message. Moreover, some use web-based mail by choice. It is handy when you switch ISPs often.

I am getting the feeling here the battle in question is somewhat of a special case. While there are only six tanks involved, there are gads of infantry, on a rather large and rather bare map. And, given EFOW and more intesive spotting tracking, it is not hard to see why the files have grown enormously.


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