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Urban warfare: intra-building

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I have basically mastered this game, but the only thing I do extremely poorly... and i'm starting to think its a game fault, and not mine, is clearing the inside of buildings. Most of the buildings in the game can be suppressed, but the missions where you have to secure large buildings are so frustrating. One reduced section of commandos can kill 10x their number, as I have to watch my idiot pixeltruppen run in and get mowed down 1 by 1 (as 3 syrians 5 floors above them shoot them in the helmets and my guys apparently don't have LOS). I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong? I have tried doing linear fire missions on the buildings and bombarding them for 20-30 minutes, wasting most of my ordnance, and when I move in, the guys in the inner building are still untouched and dealing massive casualties to my assault teams.

I notice that I don't use demo charges... am I supposed to? I thought they were used for blowing up walls and stuff, how do you use them in MOUT? I suppose I am supposed to, because i realize that all MOUT teams have them. What exactly is the advantage of MOUT teams, do the M4 scopes actually do anything for room clearing? In real life the main advantage is training.

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The demo charges allow you to blow down walls which means that you don't have to go in through the door (and therefore out into the street). You also get a heap of suppression on anyone inside the buildings.

Assaulting a defended building is going to be bloody. ISTR a comment in a documentary that indicated that a large house was an objective for a platoon or a company, while a small village was the sort of thing that you would devote a Brigade to (three battalions of infantry). If the enemy is dug into a large building then you would need a really, really good reason to go in after him.

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Smoke. All i'm saying. Cleared that hospital complex map in CM:SF with Strykers smoking and smoke drifting into compound in wind. Whole main part of complex was filled with smoke so i calmly walked my men into different parts of building (right thru Syrians :P) and waited for smoke to lift. aprox 1:2 ratio and better training took care of stuff with almost zero casualties. Peace of cake. You may call me the Tactician.

Well there has been few patches since that...

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The reason I made this thread is because I have run into these issues before (the first real giant building you have to clear is on the airfield, the SF HQ, in one of the first missions), but it was really pronounced in the final mission of the British module. Attacking the telecom center was extremely costly.. I lost about 20 men with x2 or 3 wounded.

FLaming: are you saying that you can make your own breach anywhere in a building and attack from there?

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Yep, If you don't want to use the door, then don't. Make your own and go in through there. If you have enough demo charges you can go right on blowing your way through the interior walls, suppressing the guys on the other side at each step.

Or you can use other heavy ordnance to do the same thing (LAV, Bradley, Warrior, Scimitar, Chally, Abrams, AGL, etc).

Or you could just cordon and bypass.

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Yep, If you don't want to use the door, then don't. Make your own and go in through there. If you have enough demo charges you can go right on blowing your way through the interior walls, suppressing the guys on the other side at each step.

Or you can use other heavy ordnance to do the same thing (LAV, Bradley, Warrior, Scimitar, Chally, Abrams, AGL, etc).

Or you could just cordon and bypass.

Was impossible to suppress, I am talking about huge buildings where the enemy is in the interior, safe from suppression fires.

Although the demo charges would work there... never really did that.

And trust me, I would love to avoid these buildings, clearing them is extremely annoying, but they were objectives...

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Was impossible to suppress, I am talking about huge buildings where the enemy is in the interior, safe from suppression fires.

So are we. You don't have to suppress the entire building at the same time, just the next step. Also, interior rooms are NOT safe from suppressing fire when you use demo charges.

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You can also area fire on rooms as you enter them with your squad. Grenades and so forth can surpress/kill whatever is in there. I know this works from the exterior, but not too sure from interior to interior. The downside to this is it can burn through a lot of ammo, but normally as blue you have tons of it to spare anyway.

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Can you use demo charges to assault HMG bunkers?

Yep, I do believe that's brand-new... or relatively brand-new (1.20?). Someone recently reported seeing a sachel charge get used on an immobile tank. That's definitely something that wasn't in the game before.

About the problem of clearing buildings - that's the thing about CM, its not like a 'game' game that can be solved if only you can work the puzzle. Its a sim, and sometimes it simulates things that are really really really hard to do. You have to either accept defeat of accept horrific casualties, sometimes you just cannot get both together. What's that Starfleet test in Star Trek that was designed to fail? The "Kobayashi Maru" :D

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