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Rivers and other things

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I noticed that there are no rivers in the terrain editor, an omission that I am quite curious about as there are rivers and irrigation channels in parts of Syria.

Also it would be nice to have a greater variety of choice for the month and year a battle takes place in order to vary the scenario and bearing in mind that, as in Iraq and Afghanistan, Coalition forces could become bogged down in a counter insurgency after the initial invasion.

Maybe the designers could consider including these modifications in a future patch?

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Sorry, there are no plans on adding water to CM:SF. CM:SF 2, which is set in a temperate setting, will have water.

We deliberately avoided water for CM:SF because it is not a common terrain feature relevant to tactical combat. At least not proportional to the majority of probable combat situations. If adding such terrain weren't a major time consuming issue for us, we would have included it. But water has a lot of issues attached to it. CM: Normandy, the first CMx2 game in a temperate setting, will have water and appropriate complementary features (specifically bridges). This new code will not be made backwards compatible for CM:SF.


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Sorry, there are no plans on adding water to CM:SF. CM:SF 2, which is set in a temperate setting, will have water.


That is good news for CM:SF2. Rivers and bridges !, specially if they can be blow up, since they were part of the tactical headaches that the generals had in Normandy. The Axis ones had the same headaches when they were unable to have them destroyed in front of the coming allies, but also when the Air Force destroyed the ones that were important for their retreat and or resupply.

Many battles had for a tactical objective, the seizing of a bridge over an important river, along which a main line of defense was built, with subsequent defensives positions farther away, where to retreat just before having blown the bridge.

That will make scenarios quite interesting.

Just a small question, you will certainly have triple A on the German sides to be used in a ground roles. Will you have them used against air attack, if these are implemented like it was in CM ?


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