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Axis Spain/Portugal and Latin America

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I think that Axis Spain/Portugal should result in significant pro-axis influence on Latin America. Spain and Portugal both had fascist governments at the time and Brazil was significantly pro-axis. Spain/Portugal axis conversion would inspire latin american support of the motherland(s) in much the same way that the english speaking nations supported Britain. South America may be more likely to be pro-axis due to further proximity from the USA, and significant german, italian, and japanese populations. Central American, Caribbean, and Mexican pro-axis sentiments cannot be discounted in light of anti-american and anti-colonial dispositions. (Also note that many former german soldiers stationed in Mexico during WWI remained there after the war.) Latin American axis support would likely be less stalwart than Commonwealth allied support and wane with axis failures and cautiously flare with axis success. Limited latin american infrastructure would limit convoy capacity, but it would be present to some extent. This along with their ability to act on the Panama Canal would add a new dimension to the naval strategy of the game. Axis units would gain friendly access to the western hemisphere to establish bases of operations thus making Axis threats to the USA more plausible. Axis ships and aircraft operating out of Latin American ports and airfields are a very realistic and significant plausibility. The exploits of Germany's surface raiders and u-boats, and Italy's flying boat fleet's trans-atlantic crossing amply illustrated this.



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Teutonkof if you start to add all this then what do the Allies get to counter this.Remember Americas true industrial might isnt even remotely represented in these games for obvious reasons.The same goes with oils true effect.I like your ideas but it always brings up the same question:When do you stop adding things and at what point does it become so cumbersome that the game looses its appeal,which is fairly easy to play and not taking to long to play.

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Arado - but we do need some mechanism for opening up the global map. Lets face it MOST of WWII was fought in Europe and the Far East, of this MOST was in Europe, of this MOST was in Russia.

So global games always suffer from a lot of poorly used space and do need to mine the what-if and convoy/colonial aspects to stand a chance. So, actually I think we do need lots of political/diplomatic options and complexity. If anything I think we need to simplify the military aspects (lose some unit types) and expand the political/diplomatic and this is one such suggestion that migfht help.

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Look at the reception EoS is getting, anyone remember Civ? What we might see in a global mod of the WW2 era would be a game of similar scope, something along the lines of muzzy lanes Making History.

With SC's superior combat model and simplified game play its a shoe in for a WW2 Civ type campaign. The perfect "what if" within the constraints of WW2 technology.:)

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Colin I thats a great idea but some of the what ifs are such huge gamebreakers that if one side gets one then its over.Russia joining Germany is one that comes to mind and from what I read it was quite possible.What about the Atomic bomb.The Axis had no real hope of getting one before we did and KABOOM the game is over if you put in its real effects.

The''problem''is hindsight.We already know(unless some impending doom strikes)that the Allies will have America and Russia on their side so it makes things real tough to add in all the different political possibilties.That would also mean adding in Ultra and Majic(dont know how you would do that)plus the Allies overall industrial might.These things will prettywell end it for the Axis everytime.Im all for adding in new things but once you do that then you have to add something else to counter the last addition and it just goes on and on.It would be fun to try though.

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Arado, Agreed, but if we are going to expand the map then we need to use it. Actually, I like Nupremal's approach - concentrate on the important regions. I've played both European games (3R, SPI's WWII) and whole-world-map versions (again SPI's one - was it Global war?). Unless done well a complete map does not add that much, particularly if convoy lines are fairly abstract. I think such games can work but if most of Africa, South America etc. are largely dead space that force the Allies just to spend more time pushing transports about the place then we do not gain so much.

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What if Japan and Germany had won the war?

Imagine a new Cold war which gets hot. Imagine Independent U.S. West-Coast State fights against German supported Confederate State of East U.S.

Japanese are fighting Krauts in Afghanistan................:D

Sounds cool ;)



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