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Three unrelated questions.


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I got into a debate of sorts with someone over minefield breaching and we decided to use CMSF to see how well it works out. Are there any good minefield breaching scenarios around?

Second, is there any easy way to get rid of the freaking interior windows on a building? So many scenarios the designer forgets to do this and it leads to the whole building just being a walled killzone. But all the praise in the world to the designers that actually have the patience and persistence to remove every single one from every building.

Finally, I noticed a long time ago it's far more destructive to a building to set the target for arty/CAS on lower floors, (presumably) so they use the right fuze or select the right aimpoint to get a specific floor. Is there any chance of adding a floor selection menu similar to the move menu for times when the roof is visible but the ground floor isn't? Or is that a deliberate design decision?

EDIT: Two more questions, is there any chance we can have buildings occassionally catch fire and create a continuous, semi- or mostly-obscuring smoke?

Also, is there any chance for blind fire through concealment? Right now, since you can't shoot through what you can't see, smoke and dust acts a bit too much like cover.

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Second, is there any easy way to get rid of the freaking interior windows on a building?

Move the camera inside the room then click directly on the interior walls you want to edit/remove. I learned this through trial and error while trying to recreate the towering apartment buildings on Haifa Street in Baghdad for a potential "Battle of Haifa Street" scenario.

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Originally Posted by Apocal

Are there any good minefield breaching scenarios around?

Unfortunately, CM:SF doesn't model in a realist way how to blaze a trail through a minefield :( Combat engineers is a subject which Battlefront should have to retake, and probably they will do, at some point. In game engineers only carry demolition charges to open breaches in walls or to blow up an enemy bunker, but IIRC for nothing else. And yes, they can slowly make a safe trail by probing, but the only way to mark the buried minefield (not surface laid in the game) and start probing, is by triggering one of its mines :eek:, something that I have to sadly say that it's something totally insane if you have to do it on purpose - I think there is at least one or two scenarios were it is supposed that you should make recon on the minefields in that way. In that situation it always comes to my mind "where the hell are those monkeys when they are more needed?" :D (no offense to the "refresh monkeys"...). But as I have pointed out, it isn't modelled a fast way to blaze a trail under combat conditions using mine-clearing line charges or an Anti-personnel Obstacle Breaching System, not to say there isn't in the game a vehicle fitted with some kind of mine-breaching device. So, Apocal, if by "good minefield breaching" you mean "realist minefield breaching", no, because unfortunately it's not possible to replicate yet. But if you are looking for an scenario with extensive minefields in the area-denial role, surely there are and I'll be posting soon in the repository the first scenario of the campaign I'm making, where you'll have to do an armoured assault across the border with some ugly minefields to avoid ;)

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Originally Posted by Apocal viewpost.gif

Second, is there any easy way to get rid of the freaking interior windows on a building?

Move the camera inside the room then click directly on the interior walls you want to edit/remove. I learned this through trial and error while trying to recreate the towering apartment buildings on Haifa Street in Baghdad for a potential "Battle of Haifa Street" scenario.

Yup, Dietrich, but this isn't the easy way as long as there are adjacent buildings and your way of clicking will end up affecting them and the whole thing goes crazy ;) After playing a lot with the editor to get rid of what I also find like those freaking interior windows, I found out that the faster way is:

1. As Dietrich well said, place the camera in a way that you have the feeling that you are totally inside the room. (using at some point the A S W D slow movement keys is quite useful).

2. There is a kind of painted line in the floor next and parallel to all the interior walls. CTRL+Click in the floor next to this line. The wall will disappear. CTRL+Click again. A plain wall will appear.

3. If you want to place a door in an interior wall comunicating with an adjacent building, first make a plain wall as explained before and then move slowly the camera until you have the feeling that you are looking at this wall from the inside of another wall of the same room (you are not totally inside the room and you also are not totally outside, but inside that wall). Now CTRL+Click directly on the wall you want to place the door. A door will appear in the middle of the wall. If you keep just CTRL+Clicking you'll go through all the window and door displays available (good to place doors that are not in the middle of the wall).

4. Go to the adjacent room/building and do the same. Now you have two doors one in front of another, comunicating two rooms with the right interior wall paint.

Don't worry, it sounds more tricky than it really is. Practice five minutes with that and you'll save many future hours editing the walls ;)

Other useful stuff:

CTRL+ALT+Click affects to the whole side of the building you are acting upon (good when you have many floors, as it is more easy to just work from the lower one and it will save you a lot of time moving up and down. That allows you as well to place doors in upper floors without needing to do any kind of balcony ;)).

SHIFT+Click changes the skin of the whole building.

ALT+Click changes the aspect of the window frames of the building.

SHIFT+CTRL+Click builds and toogles through the balconies.

And now, to demonstrate that I'm far from a know-it-all about the editor :o, my question. How can you make a totally collapsed building? I've seen scenarios with this squares filled with rubble, but I don't manage to find the way to do get rid of the roof of any building. Any help appreciated.



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How can you make a totally collapsed building? I've seen scenarios with this squares filled with rubble, but I don't manage to find the way to do get rid of the roof of any building. Any help appreciated.

Hey hey. You'll love this Iomir. It's really easy to do.

Open your map up in the scenario editor

click MAP

click on BUILDINGS

you'll see in the top left NONE, and next to that is a box saying 'rubbled'.

Click on Rubbled and select the biulding profile you want and place it on the map.

Ta Dah!

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Another question, with the nifty side effect of a bump to get answers to my unanswered questions. Are there any plans for obstacles other than mines in Normandy? Stuff like abatis (plural form?), player placeable ditches and craters, dragon's teeth, etc?

I may have asked the question before but if I did, I can't find the post or thread where it may have been answered.

EDIT: Another one; strongpointing buildings, yay or nay? How about mouseholes and emplacing ATGs in buildings?

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At this moment all I can say is what I've said before... the defenses for CM Normandy are getting an overhaul. This includes increasing the things available. Definitely no Dragon's Teeth though. Nor really appropriate for Normandy.


I can imagine the Google Image searches going on now ...

'Dragon's Teeth Normandy'

'Anti-Tank Defences Normandy'

'Atlantic Wall Normandy'

'D Day Beach Defences'

Followed by the inevitable picture posted on here.

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