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I'm trying the "D-Day scenario of the Demo.

How do I load the troops in England onto transports?

What are named units for? They don't seem to be able to attack anything.

How do I reinforce units? The enemy can do it, but I haven't figured out how?

Is there any reason to gain MMPs by capturing objectives in the Demo?

Why do some of the objectives have blue numbers and some red?

Is there someplace I can download a guide to play the Demo correctly?



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1. Amphibious transport (need to be within a tile of a port), or transport if you have captured a Normandy port (still need to be within a tile of a port)

2. Not sure what you're asking

3. Right click on the unit and select reinforce

4. Nope you already have a set amount of mpps, however those objectives decide whether or not you win, so take them. In major campaigns you will gain mpps at the end of every turn but not minor campaigns (that's one of the major differences between the two)

5. Depends on who controls them when it's the Allies its red, when it's the Axis its blue, pretty straightforward.

6. Just take a look at the manual.

Hope this helps. btw buy the real game, I doubt you'll regret it.

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I'm trying the "D-Day scenario of the Demo.

How do I load the troops in England onto transports?

I just want to add to what Scott wrote, because when your unit is adjacent to a port you'll need to right click on the unit and some options will come up, which should (providing you've not spent all your money already!) include the option to amphibious transport.

I hope this helps!

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Thanks for your help.

>2. Not sure what you're asking<

I'm referring to the units that are carrying a flag. They have a person's name, not a unit nomenclature. What are they used for?

>6. Just take a look at the manual.<

I have a demo. How do I get a manual?

I already ordered SC2 Pacific. I just wanted to have something to play until it arrives.



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>2 Are you talking about headquarters? If so, they do 3 things:

1) When in range of a city > 5 supply they act as a supply point with 10 supply. When in range of a city with 1-5 supply, they act as a supply point with 8 supply. When not in range of a city they act as a supply point with 5 supply.

2) For determination of the readiness of a unit, they add their command rating to the strength. So the effective strength of a unit lead by a commander with a rating of 7 would be 17 if the unit is at full strength.

3) They add their experience as a bonus to the morale of units they lead. A max experience commander will add 50% to morale. This will increase readiness by 30% or so.

So in summary, they make units they lead stronger and increase supply of all units near them.

>6 The manual can be found here: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_flippingbook&book_id=6&Itemid=227

Alternatively you could download a patch, I believe they all contain a copy of the manual as well.

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2. Okay you're talking about the most important unit in the game, and they are called HQ's. What they do is give defense and attack bonuses to units under their command, give supplies out, raise morale and readiness, and in general help determine who wins or losses a war.

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Thank you gentlemen. I tried the Battle of the Bulge scenario tonight and found it to be the most fun WWII PC wargame that I've played. (-: It's very well conceived and developed with all of the elements that I could want. I enjoyed the D-Day scenario last night as well, even though I didn't know how to play the game at the time. Now with the manual I can lose, but at least I'll know what I'm doing. LOL


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I played the Allied side for the "Bulge" scenario and I felt every bit of that nail biting tension holding on by the skin of my teeth, sacrificing troops, and even giving up towns to hold off the massive armored attack while waiting for reinforcements and for the weather to break. And I really enjoyed giving some payback when the tank busting flyboys arrived to save the day! I'm an old time Avalon Hill and SPI board wargamer and I enjoyed playing this as much as a face-to-face match against another player. Now that I have the manual to refer to I'll be giving D-Day another whirl tonight. (-:

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