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Invisible vehicles

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I haven't been playing CMSF since 1.05. After a looong while I got an email saying that Brit Forces were released. I patched my game to latest 1.11 (great) patch and I started to love tha game again so I went on with British Forces.

Everything is just great except I do NOT see a Hummvee models in neither US or BF campaign and even in QBs it's not visible. I can only see the crew/driver floating above the ground. Sometimes when I play Brits vs US I can't see Abrams tanks neither. There's a floating icon of the vehicle, it's selection base glows and there's also an arc on it probably indicating the front orientation. Just at the ground I also see a tiny triangle which probably is a pivot of the model... but no vehicle seen.

I don't really know what is the problem. My system spec is quite high with lastest drivers and stuff. I got Intel C2Quad Extreme (4x3GHz), 3GB RAM and GF GTX260 896RAM and all under up to date XP Pro (32). Everything I play or launch works perfectly, every game, every software... it's just those missing hummers. I can live that but it's hard to plan an attack on Abrams not seeing it as well as it's turret orientation.

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I'd agree with flamingknives, it seems as if some model textures are missing, though they are part of the large .BRZ data files. Do you have any graphics mods loaded up ? If so, possibly remove these first and start up the game.

Do you know if your copy of CMSF (base game) is the Battlefront version or is it distributed by someone else (Paradox, Gamer's Gate, etc.) ? The difference is in the licensing/copy protection schemes that each uses. Battlefront uses eLicense, which requires an online 'license' and 'unlicense' routine. The other distributions will either be CD/DVD copy protected or require some other form of copy protection (I'm not sure what Gamer's Gate uses for copy protection).

If it is the Battlefront version, then I suggest you unlicense both the British Forces module and then the CMSF base game. Then uninstall the games, but back up any scenarios you're playing, downloaded, etc. (and the hotkeys file if you've customized it) and completely wipe out the directory. Then reinstall the CMSF base game, license it and patch it to 1.11. Check to see if the HUMVEE model is in the game or not at this point (I assume that it should be). Now install the British Forces module and license it. Hopefully the HUMVEE models/textures have remained in the game.

If the HUMVEEs disappear with the British Forces install, then you may want to re-download the British Forces module. Normally I'd think that if you had a corrupted download that the install wouldn't work at all, but maybe there's a strange chance that just the BRZ data is messed up.

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