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New Campaign: Cobra's Strike RELEASED!

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Take command of the 1st Platoon, C "Cobras" Company, 1st Battalion, 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment during the first day of fighting on the outskirts of Idlib! The campaign features the new IBCT units introduced in the British Forces Module.

-4 missions with small core forces suitable for RT or WEGO play

-All maps based off of real Google Earth locations

-All-infantry campaign!

Get it now (well, soon anyway) on the Repository should you decide to take a break from the Brits campaign, and please leave feedback here or on the Repository!


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Darn it, both of these look like a lot of fun. Small infantry based scenarios designed by FMB? Using new units and the newest version of the game? Right up my alley! I had better hurry up and finish Operation Hangman... time to take another crack at Mission 9 :(

If you're having problems with mission 9, post about it in the Op Hangman thread! I'd love to hear any more feedback you might have. :)

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Ho, ho... FMB you want to make players die of overdose or somefink? :D

A big campaign, 30 + standalone scenarios, countless new QB maps.... and now this!!!!!!!

I need to find the time to play this one!


Well, originally the plan was to release both this and Tip of the Spear a while ago. I finished both several weeks ago. The problem was that I had failed to make a backup v1.11 copy, so nobody except for beta testers could play them until now anyway! :D

Glad you're excited though. :)

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Thanks for the campaign, Herr Feldmarschall! =)


Moving two squads via Assault in a pincer movement at the one-story building outside the nearer high-walled compound typically led to whichever squad got closer first suffering one or two casualties from sudden full-auto AK-74 bursts. Preemptively pouring suppressive fire from both M240s and the stationary squad usually made the uncons stay cowering long enough for one of the two advancing squads to get within handgrenade range they could actually start Assault-in the building.

In the case of the half a dozen uncons in the two buildings in the walled compound nearer to Saber Platoon's landing site, I found that even with two squads and both M240s firing Target (as opposed to Target Light), the uncons in the one-story building next to the alleyway were not suppressed enough to not let loose with their AKs and inflict at least one casualty on the squad moving along the wall. It seemed that no amount of 5.56mm, 7.62mm, and 40mm HEDP was enough to either inflict casualties or suppress the uncons enough. I ended up using one Javelin on the one-story building and the other on the two-story building (at the same time as pouring Target Light from both M240s onto each building in succession).

I found myself wishing for a satchel charge or two. :cool:

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Bitte, Dietrich! :D


This campaign was originally designed for use with MOUT Stryker troops without their vehicles (the way ND did Airborne in his TF Panther campaign), so you had satchel charges in an earlier version. This makes mission 1 harder without them, and it makes mission 2 just a tiny little bit harder. However, the addition of the Javelin team from the IBCT makes missions 3 and 4 slightly easier, so it's a bit of a trade-off, and since the maps are all based on real locations I'm hesitant to make changes to the maps just to adjust for the lack of satchel charges.

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Cool campaign so far. Only reached the second mission but having a blast.


In the first mission I finished with 3 WIA and one lightly injured. I got two squads across the open ground to the wall with everyone else on overwatch as one squad assaulted the house and then moved the remainder over before moving up towards the two buildings. Luckily managed to clear the tall buildings on either side of the road moments before the red reinforcements arrived. But by that point, with three squads and a gun team, it was a turkey shoot. Very fun misison. Satchel charges would have been nice but i never really needed them in the end. Keeping one eye on the clock I just went for a very direct approach and I huess it worked out for me.

The second mission was going really well and then it all kind of went wrong.....mainly because, as I discovered too late, one of my squads was virtually out of ammo. Lesson learned. :) What I would have given for another platoon. And a tank. Definitely a tank. You get so used to having bucket-fulls of support that when you get a mission like this it really forces you to get back to basics. Going to play it again later. Excellent stuff.

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  • 2 months later...
I can't even beat the first mission.

Well, things like that are good to know! :) Thanks for trying it; I may make it a little easier. It is definitely winnable; I have done so, but I don't know if that's due to my knowledge of the enemy positions and plans.

Actually, it would be very helpful (if you have time) if you could say what's giving you problems. That way, if there is something that needs to be fixed, I can check it out and fix it rather than just making across-the-board changes to make it just generally easier.

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Actually, it would be very helpful (if you have time) if you could say what's giving you problems. That way, if there is something that needs to be fixed, I can check it out and fix it rather than just making across-the-board changes to make it just generally easier.

Most definately.

Basically I run up to the half wall and the two buildings, bounding overwatch, all that stuff, etc. Get my MGs up and positioned, then I move up to the buildings but just can't manage a good breaching location. I could use a Javelin, but I'm afraid the next mission is going to RAMPAGING HORDES OF SYRIAN TANKS, WHA'CHU GONNA DO PARATROOPER?

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I also lost on my first attempt at mission one. FMB, I want to congratulate you on the eloquent wording of the debriefing that follows when failing that mission; you managed to emphasize and give great weight to words like, "failure", and, "unsuccessful", so well, in fact, that by the time I was done reading about how horrible a human being I am, my head was bowed so deeply that my chin was touching my chest. :)


In any case...


To make a long story short, the two high walled sections of the compound are virtually unapproachable. You don't have an angle for suppressive fire (especially the one story buildings), smoke won't help, so your best bet is to do area target however you can and then assault guys in, who will inevitably get sprayed with automatic fire while they are running the gauntlet of windows to the door, where they stand to absorb more rounds from enemies they haven't spotted yet indoors. That's the one and only thing that produced casualties for me, besides an MG team that for one reason or another failed to overwatch properly when someone got shot from a building that the MG team was arc'd on. I ended with 8 KIA and 6 WIA. Four guys were killed instantly and another four WIA when I assaulted the single story building closest to the trees (that was the first building I assaulted). I was very surprised at how poorly my crack/elite troops with NV and the element of surprise were doing against militia, even with some of my riskier moves.

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Never thought I'd be the first to say this about any campaign or scenario in CMSF, but: FINISHED! (woohoo)

Great stuff, FMB, i really like the small size, small-arms battles! Many thanks!!!


Well, I admit I had to reload in every battle, but I got better in the end, only needed 1 reload in battles 3 and 4. And those were only because of the ultra-tightforce conservation limits. You can't lose more than 3 men in any battle if my math is correct...whew!!!

Battle 1: Several reloads due to my squads getting creamed in the assault on the individual buildings closest to the DZ. I finally found that area targetting each house individually with both MGs and two squads was enough to supress the uncons enough to take the buildings. This worked for all 3 individual buildings, but you have to get the timing just right...I don't think I could have done it without pausing frequently in RT (or at all in WeGo). Assaulting the two-storey building from the trees also helped because my squad could get very close without being seen. Third building was the most difficult and I lost 1 man there. Third squad goes out to the building close to the uncon reinforcements and whallops them as they show up. Uncon surrender.

Battle 2: Did well on this one, I was getting the hang of things...MGs on the roofs of the low houses to the left of the DZ, one squad + JAV through the middle to the 2-storey building close to the treeline (great overwatch), 2 squads flanked around the right and swept towards the mosque, clearing buildings on the way. 2 reloads because I got impatient towards the end and goofed my bounding overwatch movement in the middle of town. Used some arty against the uncons in the leftmost set of buildings. 1 casualty, uncon surrender.

Battle 3: This was a turkey shoot! Give the Syrians a platoon of tanks, please!!! Air power took out 6 of the BMPs real quick, JAV got 1, AT-4 got the last. I recommend splitting off AT teams from the squads for better mobility. And of course, give your CAS assets large area targets from the get-go, covering the entire far half of the map. Never really saw the infantrymen in this battle...they got toasted in their vehicles or smothered by the arty that I dropped behind the line of buildings where they seemed to be exiting their rides. Had one reload because I had forgotten to hide an MG in setup which started shooting and got killed by a BMP.

Battle 4: This one was pretty tough again...I sent one squad & 1 MG towards the 3 buildings on the right, the rest of the troops off towards the 2-storey building outside the wall on the left. Before I got close, I called in arty on the buildings, then took them in a flash. From the 2-storey building on the left I could slowly get superiority over the entire complex and spread out through it. The boys on the right spent the entire battle duking it out with the squads in the 3 buildings on their side (one reload there due to over-eagerness on my part). By the time the reinforcements showed up, I was well positioned throughout the complex, but was still pretty lucky to destroy all three BMPs, as JAVs don't do too well at ranges below 100 meters. Had just enough AT-4s to finish them off!!! Unfortunately, the AT-4s don't get replenished whith the rest of the ammo, which would really be important in this campaign.

Anyhoo, finished the campaign with two WIA, no KIA, several lightly wounded. Lo-o-o-oved it, FMB!!!! Really well done and difficult, too!! Small unit action is fun for me because it sets up and plays out relatively fast, and you can really focus intensely on tactics at a very detailed level.

Going to try Tip of the Spear next! best regards

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I got the first mission won, but lordy... the second one is going to require a few tries. Because basically you can't afford to lose anyone and it is a MOUT operation with limited time and then on top of it there is the ammo problem! Any hints? I'm fine up to a point, but the Mosque objective is in very tight quarters with lots of angled buildings that block clear lanes of supporting fire. OUCH. I might have to go back and play the first again and conserve more ammo. Well thought out and realistic campaign. I feel the tightness of the situation more than a lot of campaigns. It is very intimate.

Alright I am booting into windows now to give it another go....

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VonWebb: recon by fire is your friend in Battle 2, as well as 40 mike-mike. I don't know what the civilian density is and I'm sorry if I shot anyone's mom :), but I don't think it's possible to succeed in that battle without putting a little preemptive lead into a couple of buildings. Remember that close quarters also mean short assault distances - two or three 40mm rounds into a building are usually enough to suppress the uncons inside long enough for a fireteam to jump on them from across the street!

And I agree with your assessment - this campaign is very immersive and intimate...a real knuckle-biter! :D

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I got the first mission won, but lordy... the second one is going to require a few tries. Because basically you can't afford to lose anyone and it is a MOUT operation with limited time and then on top of it there is the ammo problem! Any hints? I'm fine up to a point, but the Mosque objective is in very tight quarters with lots of angled buildings that block clear lanes of supporting fire. OUCH. I might have to go back and play the first again and conserve more ammo. Well thought out and realistic campaign. I feel the tightness of the situation more than a lot of campaigns. It is very intimate.

Alright I am booting into windows now to give it another go....

I would have to say that Cobra's Strike is considerably more difficult than most of the other things I've done. The key here is OVERWATCH, OVERWATCH, and then a little bit of OVERWATCH. Sometimes it takes some creative positioning, but you can usually get dudes in position to cover most possible enemy positions.

Glad everyone here is enjoying it! I may hopefully be able to remove the beta status soon, as it looks like this one is mostly ready to go (although I may toughen up Mission 3 just a little.).

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