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Is it possible? Is Task Force Panther actually released?

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Just finished scenario 2

Minor victory due to the 10% casualty threshold, I had 20% due to... too many dumb mistakes :D.

Ouch... that might be a victory for today, but that many casualties might hurt you in the long run. ;)

Only thing that was odd was their behaviour of the Syrian... They either for rush the airfield, rolling directly to the runway without stopping, or stood in plain view in front of the factory area... I don't know if you had similar feedback?

There are a couple of factors at work here. The first is that some of the AI groups are not ordered to bum rush the airport, and instead sit back and provide covering fire (at least, that is what they are supposed to do, you might have noticed BMP-1s cannot spot for their lives). The second is that when the War Pigs start raining death on anything metal, their morale is shattered and they stop moving. The third reason is that many of those vehicles that look perfectly fine to you have actually been abandoned by their crews or immobilized.

I created this scenario mostly because I wanted one in my campaign to have lots of big booms. :D It is very gratuitous in that regard.

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I created this scenario mostly because I wanted one in my campaign to have lots of big booms. :D It is very gratuitous in that regard.

That's a success then :cool:

I was starting to panic when I saw that the Warthogs where out of missiles, but then they started to straff the BMPs with their 30mm... LOTS of big booms, indeed :D

I took nice holiday pictures ;)

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Went trough Scenario 3, I manage to reach the target building as the fighters started to surround it. It was a nice BHD style firefight.

Just began Scenario 4, the clean sweep of the R&D compound is very fun. These D-boys are just too powerful :D

I cease-fired almost immediately in Scenario 3. One of my SF guys was sniped, and Bear platoon was caught in the open.

How am I supposed to clear buildings in the R&D compound? I lost 10 guys trying to assault...am I supposed to Blast?

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How am I supposed to clear buildings in the R&D compound? I lost 10 guys trying to assault...am I supposed to Blast?

Yes, it is strongly recommended to blast your way in each building ;). Plus, the buildings have no windows, so most of the time you basically storm buildings easily. I had a seriously wounded D-boy, and the R&D compound was cleared in less than 5 minutes.

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This campaign brought CMSF back to life for me. Haven't played it in weeks and only reinstalled it for this campaign. And it's definitely worth it.

Really like the CAS action in the 2nd scenario. Wasn't aware how powerful A-10s can be on area fire until this scenario. Fun to watch!

I just played scenario 3 and had some of the most amazing infantry firefights since I bought this game. True BHD style. Was stuck in the middle of the map with the snatch group unable to advance because the guys were fighting a 270 degree defensive battle for their lifes.

This campaign is PURE FIRE!!!

Thanks for the effort and time you invested into this excellent product, Normal Dude!

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Yes, it is strongly recommended to blast your way in each building ;). Plus, the buildings have no windows, so most of the time you basically storm buildings easily. I had a seriously wounded D-boy, and the R&D compound was cleared in less than 5 minutes.

Yeah, I used the Assault command and watched helplessly as fireteams of guys rushed into the building..then were cut to pieces by Syrian SF.

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Yeah, I used the Assault command and watched helplessly as fireteams of guys rushed into the building..then were cut to pieces by Syrian SF.

********** SPOILER ************

That compound required a lot of tweaking. Originally, the buildings had windows. The problem was that it was always a slaughter for Blue, no matter how much they outclassed the defenders. I then had to remove the defenders from the same buildings as the Blue started on, as the room-clearing AI leaves something to be desired, and they would once again take unacceptable casualties. The problem now is that people forget to use their demo charges (you aren't the first one); I'm considering removing the compound defenders altogether, and instead have an almost-immediate counterattack comes out of the bunkers.

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This campaign brought CMSF back to life for me. Haven't played it in weeks and only reinstalled it for this campaign. And it's definitely worth it.

Really like the CAS action in the 2nd scenario. Wasn't aware how powerful A-10s can be on area fire until this scenario. Fun to watch!

I just played scenario 3 and had some of the most amazing infantry firefights since I bought this game. True BHD style. Was stuck in the middle of the map with the snatch group unable to advance because the guys were fighting a 270 degree defensive battle for their lifes.

This campaign is PURE FIRE!!!

Thanks for the effort and time you invested into this excellent product, Normal Dude!

Glad you like it. ;)

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I cease-fired almost immediately in Scenario 3. One of my SF guys was sniped, and Bear platoon was caught in the open.

Caught in the open later in the scenario, or right at the beginning? I had had a problem with some Syrians opening fire on turn 1, but I thought I had fixed that with repositioning.

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Could I get a bit more information?

Of course :D, sorry about that.







I tried the mission two times, each times I had an entire squad wiped out by one or two well-placed, well-aimed Kornets. Plus, each time I tried to "clear" the mines, I lost 2 or 3 engineers. I like the idea of the mission, but the losses were simply not affordable. And with the losses I got during "H-minus", I think I made the right choice :D

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Of course :D, sorry about that.







I tried the mission two times, each times I had an entire squad wiped out by one or two well-placed, well-aimed Kornets. Plus, each time I tried to "clear" the mines, I lost 2 or 3 engineers. I like the idea of the mission, but the losses were simply not affordable. And with the losses I got during "H-minus", I think I made the right choice :D

In regards to mines: Did you move into and out of the tile on "slow"? I've never suffered a loss doing that.

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Caught in the open later in the scenario, or right at the beginning? I had had a problem with some Syrians opening fire on turn 1, but I thought I had fixed that with repositioning.

In the beginning. I heard small arms fire in the beginning (playing RT, so first minute or so), held in place for a few minutes, saw no tracer fire, and CM. I was having my SF guys on Hunt down one of the larger alleys in preparation to move into the town proper, while also moving Bear through backyards. the SF team was sniped when I wasn't watching them. I noticed they were in the prone position and that there was a guy with a Dark Red circle under him.

I felt really weird looking at my pixel SOF trooper bleeding on a dirty Syrian road and decided one haji in a marketplace wasn't worth it.

Bear platoon started taking fire, but they had not yet identified the source.

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I tried the mission two times, each times I had an entire squad wiped out by one or two well-placed, well-aimed Kornets. Plus, each time I tried to "clear" the mines, I lost 2 or 3 engineers. I like the idea of the mission, but the losses were simply not affordable. And with the losses I got during "H-minus", I think I made the right choice :D


Ok, tested out the mines, and lo and behold, for the first time ever I see a crawling unit get hit by them. I will change this to anti-vehicle mines only.

As far as the ATGMs, if you are having an entire squad wiped out, then one of your main problems is that you aren't splitting your squads. ;) If you are running them, it is also going to increase your visibility to the enemy. My experience was that they often missed the first time, giving me some warning, or at the very least they had a long flight time and gave me time to duck. If this accuracy continues to be a problem, I'll adjust either the quality of the ATGMs or the crews.

H-Minus is a kick in the nuts, no doubt about that. :D Those Syrian Airborne are a world of difference from Reservists.

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*******Spoiler, only for beta testers********

One of the harder things to test here is how well reinforcements are replacing the casualties. Most missions have a 5% replacement rate, with the ultimate goal of allowing a little breathing room, but emphasizing force preservation for the long run. How are everyone's casualty levels holding up? How quickly are they being replaced? I'm especially interested in force levels before and after H-Minus.

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I spent the long weekend playing Task Force Panther given the terrible weather here which precluded going anyplace or doing any yardwork.

I did Pigs of War, Snitch, All the Way, Machete and I am halfway into H-Minus.

*********Spoilers Alert ************

Pigs of War

Absolutely freaking intensive. Lots of big booms. I am all smiles because I like scenarios like this.

Quick AAR.

I started forward to reach the reach the stranded Corp squad but noted 4 enemy vehicles adjacent to the target building. I made the hard call to leave them rather than risk a entire platoon getting caught in a protracted firefight with enemy armor imminent. I had the stranded detachment hunker down in one of the high points of the building. The detachment killed 1 BMP and a TOW vehicle (I had deployed the two TOW vehicles well forward) killed another vehicle another one.

Meanwhile, a heavy artillery barrage of smoke an HE hit the entire defensive areas for a few minutes. Only two wounded, thankfully.

Then the first onslaught of mixed armor rolled forward. Company of BMP with a platoon of T55. The forward air controller started screaming engagement coordinates to the 3 A10s on station, sending the winged guardian angels inbound. They were still a minute or two out so Alpha company watched grimly as the red juggernaut rumbled slow forward. Two enemy vehicles were destroyed as the TOW dets fired then displaced to new firing locations.

Finally the A10s arrived and all hell broke loose. Shock and awe time as the A10s dispatched the enemy armor. Real fun to watch the fireworks and big booms.

With the first wave destroyed, the TOW dets returned to their initial firing points. The corp troops held out having some wounded and dead and I grappled with going out and retrieving them or having them try to make for friendly lines but I opted for them to remain hidden in place. More armor was immient.

The second wave came in hard and fast. Looked like another company plus of BMP and a platoon pllus of T55. A10s arrowed in towards the areas as the javelins and TOWs opened up on the rapidly advancing armor. 5 Kills but not nearly enough as the enemy armor pushed in hard and fast. It was going to be down to the wire if the A10 would arrive in time.

The A10s arrived as the lead elements of the armored onslaught entered the Alpha company kill zone. AT4s and M72 arced through the air knocking out several BMPs and immobilizing one T55. The A10s hit the rest of the armor and another 'shock and awe' moment occurred with lots of big booms (big booms are good :D )

Finally it was over. I got a Total Victory. I had 6 KIA and 7 WIA, including the casualties for the Corp troops, who survived being isolated. Over 46 Syrian armored vehicles were destroyed and 400+ personnel casualties.

This scenario will leave one breathless, balanced by elation and concern. What it comes down to is this - the A10s will destroy the Syrian armor...absolutely. But will they destroy enough of them in time before Alpha company takes a beating?

For Normal Dude: Alpha company fired off every single Javelin and 90% of the AT4s and LAWs so you achieved your stated intent on that. The TOW vehicles fired off about half of their TOW missiles and actually survived the fight. Three A10s was right. I am going to do this one again at some point but only use 2 of the 3 A10s and I will let you know the outcome. I also have a last game save available.

Pigs of War - five stars all around.

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Now, on to Snitch

************ Spoilers **************

Snitch - get to the informant and get him out. More bad guys arrive in 15 minutes to complicate the extraction.

I must of lucked into a AI plan that suited the route I selected because I was in, got the 'package' and extracted within 15 minutes. I hit the extraction point just as the bad guys starting rolling. I thought hard about continuing the fight just to see what might happen but elected, as per the instructions, to cease fire as I achieved the mission objectives.

Snitch short AAR.

Outlaw and Bear headed out and came under almost immediate sporadic fire from some unknown point but it was largely ineffective as Outlaw and Bear disappeared in the building and alleys. Outlaw and Bear squads leapfrogged they way further into the urban areas towards the informant, mutually supporting each other with alternating firebase and assault elements.

Four pockets of enemy were encountered and quickly overcome. Collected the informant from his hiding area and withdrew over the same route, with only one more firefight with some enemy with a RPG. Hit the extraction point as the bad guys started to roll in from the map edge.

Only 4 WIAs marred a otherwise flawless mission. In and out in under 16 minutes.

Despite the ease with which I did this scenario, I can see it being a real handful if one chooses a 'bad' route and is held up or if one takes their time.

This is one scenario it which it you have to balance risk of a rapid advance and withdrawal to the time honored cautious building clearing we are all familar with. The issue is simply this - the more time you take, the more bad guys show up to complicate your life. Take too much time and you will find yourself in the dreaded 'Blackhawk Down' type of fight.

For Normal Dude: Very nice scenario - try to find the balance between speed and caution and it works well with this scenario. I found it very easy for myself but I don't doubt if I was too cautious or took another route, that it would have been a hell of a lot harder than it was. Once again, last game save is available.

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