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Red Pepper - New Infantry Battle

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thanks for the feedback. :)

I can understand your frustration. Are you playing v1 or v1.1, which I nicknamed, light version?

Initially I had a lot of trouble to make the AI use art support. I had to set their motivation and experience real high to make it work and be efficient.

There is something to consider about artillery. When you are using it you think it is too slow and inefficient. When you are on the receiving end it seems too accurate! :D

*contains spoilers*





..whole company of enemy spawn in my back.

I was very careful with that. I hate it when enemies suddenly appear out of nowhere. It´s gamey and breaks the immersion.

Only two things happen in this mission for the AI. Either they are there from the start or if they are reinforcements arriving later they come from the far end, from behind the mountains. So they are coming from behind enemy lines. The thing is, they AI is moving to try to flank you!

My advice is not to hurry things. You don´t really have to be on the move all the time to avoid their mortars. But kill FO as soon as you see them. Use scouts and advance slowly.


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I restarted the mission and managed to get a total victory with 27 killed and 46 wounded.


I pushed hard from the beginning. Getting the recon troops into the village to harrass the advancing enemy with sniper and mortar fire while the first platoon took the hill to the left. The 2nd platoon reinforced the position in the village and pushed further against the enemy advance. I positioned the 3rd platoon on the hill facing the enemy spawn point and although they were "prepared" they still suffered heavy loses trying to defeat the enemy flanking attack. The remnants of the 2nd platoon advanced behind the hill to the highway in order to flank the enemy. These rests of 2nd platoon were nearly totally destroyed by the enemy vehicle patrol. The last APC was stopped close to 2nd platoons main position and the secondary explosion killed nearly everyone around.

Excellent mission Webwing. :D

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Thanks for creating this scenario, Webwing -- it's definitely intense! =)


So many red diamonds out there! A mishandled sending of a couple squads round the end of the wall into unanticipated enemy fire yielded nearly a dozen casualties and bogged down my force for 20 minutes while they laid down suppressive fire and recovered the dead and wounded. After that, to secure my left flank -- the north(?) side of the highway -- I sent one more or less intact platoon (2nd Platoon, B Company, IIRC) up onto the embankment. They took some fire as they advanced to the opposite side of the embankment, suffering a few casualties (wounded), but no sooner had they gotten there than what I figured to be an entire company of Syrians came hustling over the rise in front of them. It was like that scene in Band of Brothers: "It's a whole 'nother company!" The fire of the platoon on the embankment and of the handful of my other units which could see over the embankment made that Syrian flank attack grind to a halt. By that time, the platoon was getting low on ammo, so I had my mortars lay down a smoke screen to the north and sent my guys hustling back to the safer side of the embankment. So far I had sufferred about 7 killed and 15 wounded.

But then, after half an hour of combat, I had to leave my computer. I'm sure I'll be enjoying the challenge of this scenario even more when I have time to play it all the way through. Thanks again, Webwing! =)

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I restarted the mission and managed to get a total victory with 27 killed and 46 wounded.

Wow. You did better than me! :D

I never managed to be able to push so far so fast! You went way and beyond!!! But that makes me think I need to tweak it even more!

I just saw your F.I.S.H.ing in Garmsir. I downloaded the updated version just now. Looking forward to it!


Thanks for creating this scenario, Webwing -- it's definitely intense! =)

Thank you for the feedback.

Hope you find the time to finish it soon!


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This is a great scenario, but it's interesting to read some of the above comments, because I didn't get hit by enemy mortars at all (and I think I know why, which I will explain).

It's good to replay this map with the battle revamped for Marines and v1.11.


I played it twice this week. The first time I came up against fairly closely positioned hidden Syrian infantry very early on, and took a hell of a mauling under crossfire. By the time my first wave of reinforcements arrived, and also found themselves under withering enemy fire, I'd realised I was not going to be able to take the Crossroads, so I retired with my tale between my legs.

So I restarted, anticipating a similar battle, and found something completely different. This time there were no enemy troops hidden nearby (apart from a FO in a hut on the hill. Took a while to find him, and when I did I took a lot of punishment as at more or less the same time a platoon or more of Syrians arrived in the same area, and my guys were low in ammo).

So I was able to advance quickly along the right flank, occupy the village without too much resistance, and from that point on play a mainly defensive game. It was highly enjoyable, if not as ferocious and ultimately not as challenging as the first attempt, and I got Total Victory with 45 mins to spare.

What I found odd, though, was the total lack of enemy artillery. In both battles one thing I noticed was Syrian FO's rushing down from the far hills and advancing towards me. My guys pinpointed them and took them out before they could do me damage. But why did they rush down the hillsides? Staying hidden on the crests would have given them a perfect view of my advance, and they could have decimated my troops.

I can't tell if it was the designer who ordered them to move, or the AI, but whichever it was it rendered them ineffective.

That FO in the hut, though - he had ample time to rain fire on me before he was discovered, so I have no idea why he didn't. Enemy artillery fire would have hampered me immensely, so I was slightly disappointed (and perhaps equally relieved) not to encounter any.

Overall, though, this is a great battle, predominantly infantry, and for me with a touch of nostalgia, having played and enjoyed the original many months ago.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Nicely done. This was my third time starting but the first time i was able to play all of the way through due to time constraints.

Nice Job on the multiple AI pathing. I approached that first house awfully slow but found no one inside. After that I set up for the first assault. Things went pretty well but could not get a bead on the observers early on. The arty in the beginning was falling into pastures so I was breathing a sigh of relief.

I was pushing to the crossholds when there must have been another spotter who was far more accurate. Rounds started coming and i tried to scatter but some troops were just caught. I managed to move around and really put a hurt on the guys coming through the pass.

About this time the guys started coming from the left and were mowed down. But alas, a freakling 3rd spotter who just clobbered some men in the middle. These guys were cut down pretty quick.

I wanted to have some fun with them so my JAV and AT lit the houses up for fun as well as doing some area fires on suspected locations. So I am thinking these guys are getting smoked and i am having fun.

About this time I start moving up some other flanks when one of my infantry platoons just gets plastered out of nowhere. I had to go back and see if it was arrty again or what the hell. I was horrifed that it came from the hills. I turned and thought, lucky AT shot... but as I looked I saw armor coming strong.

What the F... I just wasted all of my AT assets having fun with this flanking force now I have Armor coming fast and my forces are scattered and decimated.

Luckily I had one other AT on that front as well as some lucky 40mm rounds and the armor was silenced. I took my finger off of the 'quit' button and buckeled down. Right about this time the final platoon comes in on trucks.

"Well hell... we stand a chance..." I muttered to myself.

Swept up the rest of the bits with the trucks dropping platoons and ammo off at all of the fronts. Right as I was getting ready for the 4th counter attack it went to the Total Victory screen.... 39 dead ...44 wounded... 250 enemy killed and 100+ something wounded.

3-4 waves... nice.... ammo low...not nice....

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Okay, I'm well into v1, facing a VERY aggressive enemy AND artillery!

I thought I was doing okay but I'm now getting v worried about ammo. The majority of my units are very low, and some have advanced quite far and may have to scoot back to the trucks for the limited resupply.

So many variants to this scenario. Excellent!

Webwing, have you managed to win in this one?

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Webwing, have you managed to win in this one?

Well, I did but ....

SPOILER ALERT****************************************










what I usually do is stay put and fight from a distance for a long time. I remain close to my ammo supplies. Then I choose one way to start advancing, usually through the left. From the hill top and tree lines I can deal with most of what the enemy throws at me. I usually end up with heavy casualties though.

It seems to me most people are rushing forward, even going beyond the crossroads to meet the enemy. That never even crossed my mind when I was designing the mission. But, of course, if you manage to do it, go for it! ;)

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My tactics in general would be similar to yours, depending upon the opening minutes - if the enemy is positioned up front I have no choice but to stay put for a while, but if I don't meet a lot of resistance I advance cautiously towards the village, though I tend to use the right and centre initially and just put overwatch on the left. Certainly, I wouldn't try to advance beyond the crossroads.

What I hadn't taken into account was that the trucks are immobilised, so incapable of moving to resupply the men, who have heroically felled many enemy but are now very low on ammo and starting to doubt the wisdom of their advance.

Also this time I didn't spot any enemy FOs - apart from the one on the near left - so heavy storms are heading my way.

Well, only one way to find out what happens next!

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Eventually got pummelled. Going to have to rethink it. Ammo conservation seems crucial here and I paid for the mistake of advancing too far too early without taking that factor into consideration.

The AI can be absolutely ferocious these days! Much more challenging than a few months ago, and in this mission it really takes a heavy toll.

This remains one of the best infantry-based scenarios out there. It would also be great to see some of your earlier campaign battles revamped for Marines/Brits and released as individual scenarios and/or as a new campaign.

So if you could possibly cancel everything non CMSF related . . . .

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Web Wing...

You one sick puppy....

Ok...tried 1.11 and took your advice to try the other one that was hotlinked in this post. First thing I noticed, and thank God that I read this thread, was that all of my men were horribly low on ammo.

What General was in charge of this cluster-f*** I am wondering to myself. That is great, send us up against impossible odds with little to no ammo.

So before the real fun starts I spent the first 5-6 minutes dividing up ammo between my troops.... ok 500 5.56 for you 100 7.62 for you.... all the while I can heart my men muttering under their breath.

To top things off, I got the AI scheme where they are danger close right off of the get-go. So I am pulling guys off the line to resupply under fire.

The good news is that I devoted assets to hunt the spotters so no arty this time around so that was a good thing.

To the right shrubs and forests I had ambushes set up for anyone coming down that way. 2nd platoon formed a line to take the reinforcements to the left.

Ammo was running low even after resupply from the vehicles. Late in the game saw the two BMPs run over the hill and disappear down into the village at the crossroads.

I now have 3rd platoon and have resupplyed for the 3rd time. I think the left flank has fallen and i have a MG and marine squad with niper in overwatch sweeping across and taking out the remainder.

Once that flank is gone I can take the last 40 minutes and make way for the crossroad. I took your advice about staying put and even my forward elements had to pop smoke and beat back to the line to get ammo. It sucks having your squads just runnning back to the line with no ammo.

I'll push for the crossroads tonight. I am pretty well intact but we will see how that goes. One of my squads was blasted by the BMPS and another hit an ambush but the others are about 75% strength.

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Seems like you are doing just fine! Actually you might be doing better than me on this! I usually take too many casualties. I´m not a very good player, that´s true but hey, I know where everything is! ;)

One thing I enjoyed about this map, and the reason why I have come back to it, is that it allows for a variety of tactics.

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You are right, I've started it about 5 times now. Three of those times my computer went into sleep mode and caused Shockforce to crash.

But I've used the center push, I've used bounding to the right and left and most recently the stay put and survive the waves.

Good overall mission but that left flank seems too much like a shooting gallery. I get massive amounts of kills over there and the guys seem to be running back and forth. Don't get me wrong, I have great fun mowing them down buy you would think that they would get low and find cover.

The multiple spotters makes things fun as well as the rolling hills and woodlines...

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I am throwing in the towel. I have little to no ammo, running short on time and have tried to push to the center but it is a meat grinder in there right now.

I think on this one you have to push sooner towards the middle. It is imperative to hold the treeline, if not the small village to the left. Your men also have to be further into the trenches towards the middle. My men in ambush on the left were most successful if they occupied the furthest houe to the right. I was sitting back too long and spent too much ammo dealing with the left assault. If i had better firing lanes and containment (the left woodline) I think I would have had better chances on the middle.

Funny v1.1 i found myself occupying the villages easier, this volume (on elite) due to ammo challenges I sat back to long.

Hmmm....damned if I do....damned if I don't..... grrrrrr....

I'm going back to campaign, maybe another rainy day I'll give it a go again...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just finished this mission for the first time! Great great scen.

Started it two other times but had crashes, and was an idiot and hadnt made any saves.

My final was total victory with

OK 188 98

KIA 25 196

Wounded 35 167

Missing 0 7

And took out two BMPs and 3 trucks

What I did was hold the first platoon in the initial possitions, using two squads to bound up to the initial two houses between starting possitions and the trenches/crossroads.

I also sent another squad up to the 3 houses to the right.

Once I got my first set of reinforcements I kept all the MGs and Anti armour assets and put them up in houses and started moving my 1st Plt MGs forward to the two captured houses. I took all the inf squads from 2nd Plt and started moving up the right flank through the trees bounding up.

While they were bounding I started to call arty down on the town and the area behind it, and dropped a lot at the far right side of the village (the houses that have LOS on the hill that I was bounding towards) this disrupted them enough that I was able to take that right flank pretty safely. I eventualy brought up MGs behind them as they were cresting the hill.

In the center I moved one squad up into the row of 4 trenches after having to flush out 1-2 squads of enemy in the trenches with MG fire from the two houses I occupied in the begining. I left the rest of my units where they were, when the enemy got reinforced on the left flank I only had one squad there in one of the houses. They were quickly out of ammo and only had grenades left, I sent one squad to help out and kept the rest of my forces on the friendly side of the road along the ridge line to give support, as well as MG teams and HQ units that were still occupying the initial homes.

While this was happening I began to push towards the crossroads bounding house by house.

The BMPs and trucks caught me off guard at the end, I was really worried sicne I had left my AT assets way back, pretty much all of them were at the first occupied possitions or in the first trench right infront of them. But was able to hold the village/crossroads pretty easily.

Main points of success were

*Arty fire on crossroads at the begining, and continued fire to the right flank to protect my bounding Platoon

*Swiftly moving up the right flank while causing heavy losses with the 1st platoon that primarily stayed in its possitions.

*Using just 2 squads on the left flank, and having a lot of MG support(since I held most of em back) kept me safe from the large enemy reenforcement to the left flank

edit: Another key reason I did so well was that I managed to stay clear of the enemies artillery. They called some in on my troops in the initial zone but it was behind the houses (falling where my reinforments come in) so it really just wounded maybe 5-6 men. The other time (and I would prob have lost if I hadn't avoided it) they called in heavy arty on the right flank on the hill (where its just bushes) and right as it was starting to come down I had given orders for my units to make the first surge into the buildings on that flank. The only troops left were two MG teams and one squad who I got to high tail it outta there with maybe 8-12 dead/wounded (although I was taking a little fire at the time so dunno who fell from what)

Awesome mission, don't post much in the forums (just read a lot), but thought that since I was so successful and had so much fun I would post! lol

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Webwing,

just finished Red Pepper v1.1 and have to say .. very nice. :D

My final score was this:

Total Victory due to Syrian Surrender

US Syria

OK 205 103

KIA 9 216

WIA 34 150

MIA 0 1

Veh. 0 5

I took it very slow and was therefore able to quickly shift enough forces to my left flank when the Syrians tried to attack from the hill. Concentrated fire and the 60mm mortar resulted in a massacre of what i would guess was a whole Syrian company. I've never seen something like this except for the "Battle for the Old City".

I never advanced any further then the first houses and kept quite a lot of my force back for the first 40 minutes or so. The AI FOs were quite accurate, but luckily i always noticed the spotting rounds and was able to move my platoons out of the danger zone.

For me, the first part of the battle was recon / defense followed by a counterattack .. I would advice against attacking too soon, because then the Syrians might catch you in less favourable positions.

Last but not least i have to say i am always playing Elite / RT and never before have i paused the game less .. maybe 3 to 4 times total in one hour of play. Great work .. totally captivating :D.

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