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BACKUP your mods BEFORE uninstalling...!


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Hey All,

Just thought that I'd save you tons of hours with my Story of Woe.

My system got infected with a virus that uninstalled my security software. Neat little trick, eh? So, my system got flooded with all kinds of nastiness.

In the course of trying to speed up the virus removal, I decided to uninstall and/or delete whatever program wasn't absolutely necessary. I only uninstalled all of my games. I didn't delete a single file.

So, imagine my sad surprise to discover that when one uninstalls CMSF, it TOTALLY removes EVERY file without it asking whether or not you want to even save your preferences.

About a dozen of the mods that I had installed were customized to one degree or another by me. All gone now. Poof!

I wish that someone at Battlefront would've thought to include a warning as to the utter totality of its uninstallation process. I can't think of a single title that automatically removes EVERY file; almost universally, they ask a simple question along the lines of "Do you want to remove customized content as well?"

But nope. Merry Xmas to me.

Ho ho ho, where did my files go?

Major Suckage isn't going to be saluted by me, that's for sure.

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The same thing that happened to the OP just happened to me. I just lost all of my Task Force Panther campaign and scenario data.

There is no way in hell I am remaking it. I feel like putting my fist through the computer screen right now.

Hopefully the restore point works.

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For every game I have installed I always make sure I have another folder i.e. CMSF_downloads\ in that I keep all my downloads and my current mod setup for the game, it's simple file management guys.

I do as well. For some reason my TPF files weren't in there.

The campaign is not dead. I have half a dozen beta testers with every file. It just means a lot of extra work to get them back to the version I had them at.

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