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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Z Aar

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Yes UK takes heavy naval losses, as fully expected, we do manage to destroy one IJN destroyer, we damage another and we know every IJN loss is heavy.

We take back the last town in India, UK shows mobility technology (aka motorization in SC2 ETO) that should help significantly in Burma. Still tons of rain in November... not ONE clear turn in a year so far.

China is getting pummeled hard but two more units pop up... ready to die!

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But Blashy also knows there was at least one carrier supporting the IJN so likely a formidable Japanese battlegroup is in the area. There is, its huge and experienced and cuts loose aggressively. After sending in destroyers to recce then eight airstrikes follow and the result is carnage - loss of the UK carrier, 2 battleships and multiple Allied cruisers and destroyers.

I know there is a US sub lurking but unless a full US carrier group is nearby that is a devastating response that I cannot see an obvious counter to - far worse than Pearl Harbour.

In China another army dies and the capital is cut off by Paratroopers (Sky Samurai!).

Its clear Japan has focussed on Burma then China over the islands - but not exclusively. New Zealand falls to a sneak attack (did not signal it by taking islands nearby) though Australians now panic and raise militia.

In Burma we pull back. Can't be everywhere at once.....

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Yep, the fall of the UK Navy & Minors was planned from the start, no resources were put in them, all that was expected was to cause damage to IJN which they did, even sunk a destroyer which was not expected.

China holds on barely but Communist China cuts off an army up north from supply and hopes to kill it at 0 supply.

NZ was left empty from the beginning, this you can call it beta testing, as I said I never looked at the scripts and wanted to know what happens if the Capital is taken (the AI never did in my testing), not much really... just some Australian units popping up. How much plunder did you get Colin?

Lucky is Japan in Burma... over 1 year of turns and rain all the time on my turns. Still I have a significant force gearing up for a fight and we take the northern most Burmese village without resistance, no mpp value but it helps with supply.

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Dates, where are the dates!

UK getting mobilization this early is something. But one has to wonder at what cost? Was a lucky 1 chit investment or an overload? UK has precious few MPPS and their factory situation helps them not.

Oh there will be a Battle of Midway, but somewhere else and another time...with much more decisive results.

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Its early autumn 1942.

Got around 70 mpp for New Zealand. Despite activation of Oz I think it was worth it to get some play in an area of the board I wasn't previously very active in.

God those carriers are awesome. Hard to believe the UK scuppering most of its fleet was deliberate ;-)

There will be a delay in my next turn (not yet sent despite this post) as I'm being forcibly pulled away from the computer by my girlfriend to write Christmas Cards ;-)

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Ah OK, thanks. Puts a framework around the things you guys are up to.

Love those carrier planes too, but they do tend to go down quick.

Sometimes the hunter becomes the hunted, and the trap one sets turns on oneself! That's a pretty bold move down there in NZ, very interested to see how that plays out.

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A) As I stated, letting NZ fall you can consider it beta testing, I wanted to see what happens.

B) The UK fleet was doomed. If you decided not to invest in it you basically have STR5-8 units vs. the full STR IJN... but any damage to the IJN helps in a specific way that I shall mention later on.

CLEAR weather in Burma... Japan is now aware of at least 11 units moving in vs. what it looks like 3 ground units w/ HQ, 2 are now at STR 7 and one at STR 5. A US Tac bomber is part of the group.

One US Bomber destroys the port of Rangoon, no more convoys. While a UK Bomber takes down the village Japan is making a stand from to 1 of supply.

The Chinese partisan unit on Peking holds on, going back to STR 10.

China is being eaten up... France style.

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I'm a few turns behind commenting but its December 1942.

The IJN destroy a US sub in port in Northern India and spot a weak armoured unit in Ceylon. I don't make a habit of attacking land units with carriers but this is so weak - made an exception. The Japanese High command very much get the impression the Allies have reinforced India very heavily with land and air so they must be weak somewhere else.....

.....so more island hopping from the Japanese marines - Gaudalcanal finally falls and Japanese troops are spotted on New Guinea. With NZ gone Australia should worry.....

Burma we have trouble - his mobility is scary though one doubts the wisdom of bombers in the rainforest. A hint for the 1970s too ;-)

China continues - ChungKing falls to a massive assault as the Japanese upgrade to Stukas from their German Allies. Chinese capital moves to Kunming.

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I honestly think the Chinese are dying far faster than they can reproduce. This turn they lose three more combat units including one (engineers?) entrenched in a fortification. The main Chinese forces are fragmented. The lead Japanese unit is only 2 tiles from their new capital. The combination of increasingly experiences ground troops, HQs and air is a bad one.

Bet the communists are happy - they are doing just fine.

Now we don't need those Zeros in China they can shoot down Allied bombers in Burma and if the weather is bad, its OK ;-)

The Yamamoto has naval warfare 2? Oh yes........

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A unit goes down in Burma, the oil well (25 mpp value) is left undefended. That is the first ground troop that goes down for Japan... Allies go nuts celebrating ;) .

UK is on the move, China is just playing delay of death, Communist China digs in, Peking still Chinese.

The islands have zero action.

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March 1943

Another China army dies in their mountain hideaway.

Meanwhile Kamikaze pilots and home defense appear only to be told they might not be needed ;-)

Possibly high water mark for Japan though think Burma is not a foregone conclusion. Lets see how the weather shapes up.

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More home guard appears on Tokyo.

Burma is going to get rough with monsoon season starting, both air power will be useless.

USA makes an appearance outside of Burma... just North of mainland Japan, bombing a village on the island that is half Japan half Russian. Also showing level 2 Naval Warfare.

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I'm VERY happy with Burma - the rain came just in time. With the US fleet sniffing around the place and the Chines Communists getting a little aggressive I think the game is about to shift gears.

In Burma Zeros take the last good weather to strafe Allied troops. In China the attack continues - one army destroyed and one mauled.

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April 1943, it was still clear in Burma, so I take one HQ down to 2 STR, Rangoon is surrounded.

Communist China comes to the aid of the Peking partisans as a symbol of unity and brings one Japanese army down to 2 STR.

USA takes over the village and port of Esutoro.

China delays the take over and starts plans for more resistance in other areas.

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