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In RT (real time) best way to clear a room?

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What have others found to be the best way to clear a room / building?

Is it best to use a team (large enough for Assault command) and let them go about it?

Or is it best to micro-manage even more....Having elements "target" fire on the building while sending in a smaller team?

Also, when sending in a team...What command is best for making sure they do it with speed but also with intent to kill bad guys....

Quick? Or Hunt?

There has been a real good disscussion with regard to WEGO (and some of that can apply to RT)....but just looking for comments specifically to RT play....and clearing rooms.

It would be nice to have a "clear" command to give to smaller units or split teams.

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I have been getting good results with assault lately. Supressive fire and smoke on the objective are helpful and very necessary if you suspect the building is occupied. Remember to lift fire if your guys are using grenades or LAW/RPG type weapons. You can also get good support by ensuring that other units have good LOS to the target so they can fire as soon as they spot something.

If you have the assets you can put a SMAW/RPG round into the room and then immediately have your guys quick move into it. They will normally be able to catch the enemy stunned.

I have found that hunt is fairly useless for assaulting a room, usually resulting in the unit stopping short. This may or may not be what you want. Units will stop and engage in Quick so it is quite useful.

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Now, for practical advice :)

I almost never use area fire on a floor, it feels way too gamey to me. Keep at least a squad + MG in overwatch and let them take care of targets on the fly, it'll be much more accurate than an area fire command (exception: HE shells on a target on the roof). Hunt is good if you don't know where the enemy is (night MOUT), but in general it can cause erratic behavior (squads split between floors where contact was made). Use FAST to get on the ground floor, and then quick or assault (personal preference) to get to the top. Remember, working from the ground floor up is much harder than going top down, or laterally if adjacent buildings have connected floors. Keep plenty of overwatch and go room-by-room and you'll be fine.

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If I don't know if there are enemies inside,or they are suppressed, Assault is my command of choice for as long as the building has windows on the side from where I'm attacking. I set an initial waypoint in front of door, then assault into building. The firing element guys outside will automatically fire though the windows if an enemy inside suddenly pops up and the assaulting element is moving decently fast to take up positions in the building and fire. Same goes for going from floor to floor. And it avoids micro managing.

If the wall has no windows, then demo charges are the best way to be safe.

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If I don't know if there are enemies inside,or they are suppressed, Assault is my command of choice for as long as the building has windows on the side from where I'm attacking. I set an initial waypoint in front of door, then assault into building. The firing element guys outside will automatically fire though the windows if an enemy inside suddenly pops up and the assaulting element is moving decently fast to take up positions in the building and fire. Same goes for going from floor to floor. And it avoids micro managing.

If the wall has no windows, then demo charges are the best way to be safe.

Is this playing RT or WEGO? Just curious. I've never used the DEMO charge yet to enter a building / W/ assault..

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I almost never use area fire on a floor, it feels way too gamey to me.

It's not, it's SOP. Move units in position to fire on the enemy positions to get them to put their heads down while your assault element conducts building entry. The reason it takes tens, or even hundreds, of thousands of rounds to produce a single casualty is because only a minute amount of fire is actually aimd AT someone. Most of it is designed to influence enemy action rather than destroy him.

During one excercise I was on as an M60 gunner I was suppressing a building while one of the squads manuevered in position to enter and clear. They had set up a popup target in one of the windows for us to shoot at. As the squad was entering one side I was shooting up the other.

(Little addendum to that story: We did so well that the BC decided to "reward" us by allowing us to do the range again. This would have been fine except that it was March in Wildflecken and there were three feet of snow on the ground, and the house was at the end of a 3 mile approach march up the side of a mountain. Needless to say we were less than appreciative of our reward. I asked the leader of the assault squad how the target lifter was set up and he said it was just sitting on the floor. So the next interation saw a lot of low shots at the man in the window. It wasn't long before he quit coming back up.)

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Now, for practical advice :)

I almost never use area fire on a floor, it feels way too gamey to me. Keep at least a squad + MG in overwatch and let them take care of targets on the fly, it'll be much more accurate than an area fire command (exception: HE shells on a target on the roof). Hunt is good if you don't know where the enemy is (night MOUT), but in general it can cause erratic behavior (squads split between floors where contact was made). Use FAST to get on the ground floor, and then quick or assault (personal preference) to get to the top. Remember, working from the ground floor up is much harder than going top down, or laterally if adjacent buildings have connected floors. Keep plenty of overwatch and go room-by-room and you'll be fine.

Is that a SMAW round?

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It's not, it's SOP. Move units in position to fire on the enemy positions to get them to put their heads down while your assault element conducts building entry. The reason it takes tens, or even hundreds, of thousands of rounds to produce a single casualty is because only a minute amount of fire is actually aimd AT someone. Most of it is designed to influence enemy action rather than destroy him.

That sounds perfectly reasonable, I just don't like how in the game area fire is aimed at the whole floor. With no chance of friendly casualties from small arms, your RL scenario becomes firing into a building with your men inside and no consequences! I definitely use area fire in trouble spots, just not ones I'm about to move into. Like I said, if you have your overwatch set up well they should take care of anyone who pops up.

Is that a SMAW round?

It's Australian, maybe we can hope for the NATO module? I just wanted a picture of a 155 round and that one looked suitably intimidating. Basically, if you're playing blue, you have access to some of the best toys in the world, and the best men at the helm, and only one of those assets can be replaced. The choice between dropping a building and a dead squad is no choice at all. If you can't guarantee immediate and OVERWHELMING fire superiority on the building you're trying to take, just pound it with arty until it falls (or at least until anyone inside wishes they were dead). Javelin rounds work well for this purpose too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In the USMC Campaign's 1st battle, the OP farthest on the right, while coming from the beach has to be taken. Even with an overwachting, sniper team and an HQ team in the other OP, on its left, 2 small teams of reccon (each with 3 grunts) has had no chance in 3 trials. They were WIA while getting fast, between the 3rd floor and the roof.

Looking after game to what was left has a welcoming party for them, I should have rather flatten the OP with a laser bomb, as I did it in the preceeding trial. No points for it being accounted.

For other houses assault in RT (always) the advices are sound, for one thing. You have to found out, first the real enemy force asset, before committing an assault command to a squad (splitting it - overwatching and assaulting) or fast move command, all together. In any case you better have another one squad covering and or putting suppresing fire.

As in real life, you might get surprise to get to the objective quite easily, or to find out more enemies than thought and to have to back up before they grind you one by one. In that case you would rather flatten the house if you have the art and or plane asset, while having a beer to cool off, during the time it takes to do so (5 to 13 minutes depending !)

That might set awhile your attack schedule a bit.

Between the range and the reality, they are clever poor fellows (as human looked at the enemy, quite a few years later) thinking to kill you, as much as you think the same.

Training helps you. However, to do it the book way might sometimes kill you, as the enemy anticipate your movement to be made more or less the book way.

A good advice : Don't think they are not as good has you are. Let them think, you are not good and do the trick that will kill them.

That works in the game too. The scenario makers are clever and quite good at it. Thanks to you Sarge MUHAMMED

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How I clear rooms:

Put fire on it, suppress the defenders. Don't lift that fire until the assault is at the door. Entering a room with unsuppressed defenders will result in lots of casualties usually. Every assaulting man should have two watching his back. If you have them, use demo charges; they practically ensure you the total annihilation/complete suppression of anyone in the room.

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I would still like to have an assault (lead door kicking unit) with added CQB attributes / ratings within the game -

I agree and do much of the above to good success (surpress beforehand and such). However, there are times where I've witnessed conscript level Red units (2 men) take out a whole team (5/9 man teams) elite rated.....simply entering one building.....

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Don't enter piecemeal, but try to send 2-3 squads in, and if possible from at least 2 different directions. That will force the defender to spread his fire and while you will lose men (there is almost no way to avoid that), you will lose fewer.

Good scenario to try it out ;)http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=52

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Don't enter piecemeal, but try to send 2-3 squads in, and if possible from at least 2 different directions. That will force the defender to spread his fire and while you will lose men (there is almost no way to avoid that), you will lose fewer.

Roger, with that. Writing again about the Reccon on the beachhead and in particular about the PO 104.c

Even with 3 grunts sniping at it, from a nearby building and an HQ on OP 103 overwachting and that after a short 155 mm call, I got my 3 men reccon wiped out on the 3rd floor. Before it there was no sign of life in the OP. I thought wrongly that the arty had done them. In another trial before I lost 2 teams. the place was full of enemies, has I discovered at the end of the game.

To blow the place to piece is easy and a good way to lose points.

Have an idea to make them walk into the street and abandoned that OP ??????

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To let you know. I still had the same fireplan, so I sent a new 3 men team in. That time they shot at the upper stories since there was an ? icon. From time to time squad or HQ Icons appeared briefly.

The suppressing fire was kept, all the time it took the team, now reduced since the entrance to 2 men, hunt their way to the 3rd floor. The T.L.R being reach the battle ended on a TOTAL VICTORY and still the only objective not being accounted was , guess the OP .

I looked by sheer curiosity to the display of the remaining ennemies.

BLUE 2 grunts OK on the 3rd floor against RED 2nd squad with 2 OK and 4 WIA and 1st squad 1 OK and 1 WIA

on the 4th floor remained HQ 1 WIA and F.O 2 OK

From what I have seen before the Arty had reduced their asset someway, as well as the suppresing fire.

Still not sufficient for small recon team

Got 1 KIA and 5 WIA in that battle and missed to lodge quiet a few enemies even if they had the Tank out 26 KIA, 34 WIA and 8 MIA.

The MARINES Campaign is harder than the previous CSMF one, playing Elite.

Battles too easy with few guys and a lot of assets, then a lot of guys, no one on the other side, next guys and no armor to deal with the one's of the enemy and so on.......

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