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1939 World Historical (is in CMODS)

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I think Nupremal said that anything w/ 0 AP can't even be Op-moved into position. And again if naval attack/defense is high and soft/hard attack is low, the AI will nonetheless try to use them in ground campaigns. Only way to make them work is as free scripted units which appear on specific hexes (or are present from the beginning of the scenario), like near Normandy or something, with 0 AP so they can't move.

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Thats where I was headed too. But here is the real problem... hindsight is 20/20. They didnt realize back then that fixed defenses were pretty much useless because you can simply go around them. We, with history behind us, have hindsight knowing things like battleships and shore batterys really have not much value vs carriers and airpower.

The only thing I can think of is fixed units placed in by the unit.txt scripts based on historical setups and not being built.

Some examples are like the area around Hanburg on the west side of the Kiel Canal. That was a heavily mined area and very hard to invade. A fixed units could help there. Or the Danish straights which also was heavily mined by the Germans.

Just some thoughts, I have to do reasearch to see if it is viable. I really want this mod to work with AI.

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You mean when loading the game? That picture I made of all the leaders? It doesnt fit a wide screen I think I took the original image file's dimensions and used that as the size for the new one.

As for game update....

Still fixing bugs BTW. Noticing many later war scripts not working for allies. So I am working on it.

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Sorry for not updating this week. Too many things going on with the holidays. My wife's stepfather's son was diagnosed with terminal cancer and it looks like hes not going to make it through the week, his liver is failing. He is in his 30's. So time has been in short supply.

The reason why I mention this is to make you all aware how important it is to take care of your body. His reason for getting cancer at such a young age was because of his diet. Probably he was predisposed to cancer but his eating habits increased the chance of getting it. Everything you consume affects your body. The more you consume of bad foods the more you damage your body and the more your cells replicate to correct the problem. The more they replicate the higher chance of mutated cells, thus cancer. Your diet also affects your stem cells and how they combat cancer. He was a heavy man (over 300 lbs) for much of his 20's and some of his 30's, he did not eat right. Please take care of your health, eat right, don't over eat, try and eat organic foods, keep stress low, and excerize 30m a day at least 3x a week. Stay away from sugar and fast food.

You only have 1 body and 1 life, take care of it so you can live to see your family grow. He has 3 children he is leaving behind and a wife and no life insurance.

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I am a bit anoyed about Sweden's 20% favour to Axis at start (compared with 0% for Denmark and Norway). It is actually true that Sweden was very anti-Soviet at 1939 (because of the Finnish-Russian war) but at that time Germany was in fact a Soviet ally. Though the Swedish government was very lenient towards Germany (at the threat of beeing invaded like Norway and Denmark) Swedish volunteers prefered to fight on the Allied side (approx 9.000 to 200). The Swedish contribution to Waffen-SS was very low compared with other Scandinavian contries. [source: Gyllenhal, Swedes at War]

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I did. If Axis take Norway then Swedish Iron Ore convoy increases. if it drops below X% it stops. Also if USSR starts attacking neighbors it increases their activation. I put it at 20% so the axis can't DIP them into an axis minor ally. It would take a lot of luck and MPP to do so.

BTW some updates for ya in a new update file...


12/1/08: Tech changed to reflect a less luck and a more steady pace of progression. 3 levels can be bought @ 2%, 2%, 1% increases. Most tech rates increase 1/2 a point.

Special Forces has been removed and replaced with Marines (took out Mech)

Anti-Tank has been removed and replaced with Garrison (took out tank destroyer)

Changed a town to an airfield look for the Pacific

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12/1/08: Tech changed to reflect a less luck and a more steady pace of progression. 3 levels can be bought @ 2%, 2%, 1% increases. Most tech rates increase 1/2 a point.

How can you do 1/2 a point? 1/2 a point increase in soft attack say? I don't grok that at all.

Special Forces has been removed and replaced with Marines (took out Mech)

Anti-Tank has been removed and replaced with Garrison (took out tank destroyer)

Your scenario, but mech infantry, unlike tank destroyers, is perfectly applicable to this scale. Just means that Russia will be even easier pickings than they were. For the Pacific powers Marines make more sense I'd suppose.

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well the problem was I had varies units doing different things and were opposed to each other. So they did the dance of 7 veils around the battle field.

"oh Im a tank destroyer, dont engage infantry"

"Oh Im armor, avoid tank destroyers"

The 2nd problem I found is that special forces can be picked up from any coast apparently. Sooooo thats mech. I can't put it in anti-tank spot because of tech. I really hated pulling the mech unit (very good vs soft, like inf vs armor) Russians had good mech. If someone has an idea for a replacement slot, Im open to it.

BTW I'm uploading the current version to CMODs and repository so give it 20m after the time/date of this post to pull it. AI should work upto 1941. Im still working on that. But the new adjustments are in there.

I was thinking of keeping armies and swapping corp for mech. But then I'd lack smaller inf units for the game. Artillery still up in the air as to what to do with it.

BTW most tech now is max level 5. I doubled it because I changed the structure.

Also the reason I did it, took it from Nups game have to say, is that I saw if one power got lets say +1 tech in air, they really hit the opposition hard. The balance of economy with the extra damage would be felt till the other side caught up. So better chance less effect.

Hmm maybe I should keep it @ 1% per level not 2/2/1. Thoughts? How did the old tech work out in the games @ 1% per level?

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Well, the 20% certainly makes is more possible that Sweden joining Axis - especially if Soviet does a stupid submarie move. Historically though, Sweden would have done anything to stay out of the war. If Allies took Norway (as they indeed tried to) Sweden would possibly sent the iron ore to UK instead.

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