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1114/Convoy Ops


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Curious to see if anyone's had any luck in terms of 1114 operations. Examples being, a platoon organic raid, or an ied/efp triggered ambush.

Biggest and most annoying problem I'm running into is fitting them into the 1114's. If you split the squad evenly, you get 5/4. And then, dismounting becomes a no go, cause you're losing the m2.

And, blah blah blah. The closest I've gotten to making it almost work was using engineers, with supply driver/gunners.

Anyone have any luck, suggestions?

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Try using MOUT squads. Those split into groups of three.

I agree. A single Supply Platoon plus 1 MOUT Mech Infantry Squad and HQ (minus Bradleys) allows everyone to fit in the M114s if you split the MOUT squad into 3 teams of 3. This would allow 3 out of the 4 vehicles to dismount troops whilst still manning the M2s. Alternatively you could make both HQs and the spare M114 into reinforcements that never arrive and just have the 3 M114s but then they would be out of command.

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I'll give it a go. The reinforcement idea I never thought of, albeit losing command of those troops.

I was trying to use the MOUT infantry, but I took out the supply dvr/gnr, and replaced them with the AT buddy team from a squad. Gonna give those a try.

Thanks, by the way. Much appreciated.

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And gun trucks too. But in spite of repeated requests, Steve has repeatedly refused to include these on the grounds that you wouldn't see them in a Syria blitzkrieg.

The absence of this vehicle makes it very hard to do authentic Iraq (post-OIF1) scenarios, but Steve is against that too.... he's decided on our behalf that these aren't suitable to the game engine and god forbid the community should be able to do anything that ISN'T Syria cuz then we'd have cats and dogs, sleeping together. It'd be anarchy.

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