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Yes, that design bug has bitten again, only this time its the Normandy variety. So I'm thinking of converting my old CMBO "2 bridges too far" now that I have the excellent Geoportial website to help with the maps. What I need now is OOB info for the forces involved in the fighting around Gavrus during Op Epsom.

I know the 2nd Bn, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders held the town and bridges, but what about the Germans? I am assuming II SS Pz Corp, but a breakdown would be appreciated.

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(Star Trek computer voice)


(begins readout)

26 June, 1944

2nd Fife and Forfar Yeomanry (Shermans) to advance on axis le Haut du Bosq and Grainville to seize bridges at Gavrus, only to encounter Mark IVs of Prinz's 2nd SS Panzer Battalion. Advance halted in le Haut du Bosq with loss of four Shermans, plus five more later in the day. Defenders were from 12th SS, and Odon River was not reached. British advance reached 6 km. from start line.

Source: Reynolds, STEEL INFERNO, pp.157-159

27 June, 1944

British plan for 10 HLI and Churchill squadron from 7 RTR to seize bridges at Gavrus, but 0500 attack failed utterly, thanks to 4 x Mark IV from Captain Siegel's 8th SS Panzer Company, aided by Siebken's 2nd SS Panzer-Grenadiers and some 12th SS Pioneers positioned between Grainville and le Haut du Bosq and fire support from 1st and 2nd SS Panzer Artillery Battalions. British tank losses unknown, but two were left behind when the retreat came after 10 HLI sustained 112 casualties.

Source: Reynolds, pp.160-161

(end readout)


John Kettler

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Hi All,

I am reading "Over the Battlefield: Operation Epsom", by Ian Daglish.

I am enjoying this account of Epsom. It has lots of air recon photos (looking straight down at high noon), matched with "on the ground view" photos, with some matching maps.

It looks like it could help out a scenario designer with units as well.

It seems almost all the German counterattacks were hastily thrown together with whatever fresh units were arriving that day.

I'm up to page 109, where it gives a description of the June 28 counter attack from the East (from Mouen towards Colleville).

Two arriving infantry battalions from LiebStandarte were subordinated to 12-SS (with a lack of artillery liaison). A heavy weapons company provided support.

There was a understrenth company of Pz-IV involved.

For what it's worth,


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27 June, 1944

British plan for 10 HLI and Churchill squadron from 7 RTR to seize bridges at Gavrus, but 0500 attack failed utterly, thanks to 4 x Mark IV from Captain Siegel's 8th SS Panzer Company, aided by Siebken's 2nd SS Panzer-Grenadiers and some 12th SS Pioneers positioned between Grainville and le Haut du Bosq and fire support from 1st and 2nd SS Panzer Artillery Battalions. British tank losses unknown, but two were left behind when the retreat came after 10 HLI sustained 112 casualties.

Source: Reynolds, pp.160-161

The battle for Gavrus is on hold while I design a large scenario depicting the above action. Thanks to John for the inspiration and the Devil's Adjutant for permission to use a portion of his excellent "BCM-Operation Epsom" map.

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OK, map is converted, forces chosen and deployed, scenario parameters set. All that is left is to do a "make-over" of the battlefield to more accurately depict the previous fighting, and of course the briefing, always my favorite part of scenario design >:(

Be forewarned, just like the Op from which this map is derived, this is going to be one honkin' big scenario.

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Hi All,

I am reading "Over the Battlefield: Operation Epsom", by Ian Daglish.

I am enjoying this account of Epsom. It has lots of air recon photos (looking straight down at high noon), matched with "on the ground view" photos, with some matching maps.

It looks like it could help out a scenario designer with units as well.

It seems almost all the German counterattacks were hastily thrown together with whatever fresh units were arriving that day.

I'm up to page 109, where it gives a description of the June 28 counter attack from the East (from Mouen towards Colleville).

Two arriving infantry battalions from LiebStandarte were subordinated to 12-SS (with a lack of artillery liaison). A heavy weapons company provided support.

There was a understrenth company of Pz-IV involved.

For what it's worth,



Any chance your book mentions the weather conditions during the morning of the 27th? I know rain was a problem throughout the Operation, but just want to be sure it was a factor for the morning attack by 10th HLI.

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I checked the relevant portion of STEEL INFERNO but didn't see it mentioned. It did, though, talk about mist and rain the night of the 26th. I think if it had been an issue on the 27th, Reynolds would've mentioned it. Elsewhere in the book, where weather interferes with AFV mobility, air support, target ID and the like, he certainly brings it up.


John Kettler

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Any chance your book mentions the weather conditions during the morning of the 27th? I know rain was a problem throughout the Operation, but just want to be sure it was a factor for the morning attack by 10th HLI.

I would agree with John on this. While Daglish recounts the miserable night spent by 10th HLI (persistant rain and mortar fire), I don't find obvious mention of weather effects for the day.

BTW, Daglish has several pages devoted to "Siegel on the Salbey" (with his four Pz-IV's).

He provides straight down air recon photos matched with map and ground views.

Again, I highly recommend his book for Epsom(although I still haven't finished it).

Good luck,


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