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I am not sure how the convoy works - if it subtracts MPP from the country of origin, what if that nation is on your side? What happens to the rest of the MPP? Example - Canada or Norway once it gets taken over. Is it the same MPP either way and the convoy just allows subs to attack some of it? That is what my guess is but I am not sure.

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Convoy scripts are set up to deliver MPPs from a cooperating country to a Major country.

If that cooperating country surrenders to the other side, all MPP transfer terminates and the convoy script becomes null and void.

I have not seen the ability with the editor to create a new convoy script when a country is conquered, sort of a reversal of the previous circumstances. Usually the conquered country's resources become available at a reduced rate to the invading country's MPP pool automatically as they are repaired and limited to some % of the maximum.

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True A234, but I believe there is no convoy route set up after it has surrendered(my meaning was MPPS are not transfered by convoy event), the resource MPPs just become available, like you said, to the conquerors.

The default rate is usually 80%, but it can be adjusted in the editor.

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This is somewhat off-topic, somewhat on-topic. Consider it a suggestion for Hubert that might rattle around in the back of his mind for the future.

I have wondered about the possibility of a convoy event for an off-board entity. For example, in Storm of Steel, if I want to replicate, US coastal convoys or South American supplies (Chliean copper, Argentinean beef, and Venezuelan petroleum) being shipped north. (Often overlooked sources, also that U.S. was coordinator, not just producer, for world-wide supply effort.)

Might also be used to create a Lend Lease pipeline to Soviet Union through Iran.

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If that cooperating country surrenders to the other side, all MPP transfer terminates and the convoy script becomes null and void.

I have not seen the ability with the editor to create a new convoy script when a country is conquered, sort of a reversal of the previous circumstances. Usually the conquered country's resources become available at a reduced rate to the invading country's MPP pool automatically as they are repaired and limited to some % of the maximum.

A convoy route can be set up to work once a country has surrendered. It's exactly the same as setting up a "normal" convoy route, but you just need to set the #TRANSFER_ID= the country you want to receive the convoy. Once they have conquered the country where the convoy originates, they will receive the convoy and its MPPs.

I'm sure that A234 is right about Norway having this as I've definitely seen a convoy route from Norway to Britain in some of my games.

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Yeah I agree 2. What I've been doing in PzAA is creating an island resource area in some remote corner/side of the map to simulate convoys from mainland Europe.

Now you can break that island up into different countries/resource amounts and run multiple convoys which allow nice routes for the enemy to interdict or the possessor to protect.

And yeah, I would be corrected by Bill, as I'm a rookie at scenario design.

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I appreciate the info - but my question remains - let me use an example:

Norway normally sends Germany some MPPs via convoy - lets for argument's sake say 10 - but Norway is worth 20.

If Germany conquers Norway, do they get 20 - 10 in the convoy, + 10 remaining in Norway?

In other words, the convoy does not add any resources if both nations are on the same side, right? It just shows that some of it is vulnerable to interdiction.

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Nupremal, you can set those parameters in "resource data" in the editor.

Using the different resources, like mines, oil, capitals, etc. at MPPs per strength point and a multiplier you can customize the MPP allowance for each country.

Example: mine at 10 strength/100% efficiency at 1MPP/strength = 10 MPPs, then use a multiplier like 2 = 20 MPPs per turn for that resource.

Convoys are set up using the scripts in the editor under "event scripts". There are examples on each type of script with a definition of each line. Just don't copy and paste the example and make changes, for some reason that didn't work. I had to actually write the whole script physically.

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Are decimals allowable (i.e. .5 MPPs) or is it integers only?

I still don't get how the MPPs from the convoys works. Do they transfer MPPs only? Do you get NO MPPs then if there is no transfer, I assume? Does it transfer all of the MPPs or just some? I presume it does some say for US - what about Canada? If not can Canada use any remaining MPPs?

I THINK the way it works is a % or the total if you say have overseas MPPs that are not connected - but if you don't have a convoy, do you still get the MPPs? For example I assume the Axis gets MPPs from NAF - but they don't have a convoy.

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Integers only. Convoys transfer MPPs only. The convoy screen allows you, once the script is written, to send a variable amount of MPPs as a percentage of that country's total. You can also further modify the transfer according to weather periods. Also the convoy is interrupted if the destination/originating port is bombarded to 0% efficiency.

Let's say USA, once it has reached the activation status(also set in the script), has a total of 200 MPPs from its resources and your maximum allowable transfer is 40% to UK. So UK would be elligible for any percent(even numbers) USA wishes to transfer(variable through the convoy map screen) up to 40% or 80 MPPs and let's say that's for a Summer convoy at 100% transfer rate.

Now for Fall it is only a max 75% rate so that would be 60MPPs, and winter at 50% = 40. All this can be set in the editor through script writing and is made available during the game as a convoy owner variable.

For unconnected resources(without convoy event) there is a maximum by the game engine of like 50%. Once you get a land connection the resource available MPPs will go to whatever your setting is in the editor "Modifier" area for each country where you set the max % efficiency occupational value, default I believe is 80%.

So for example, Finland joins Axis or is occupied, but has no land connection, so all resources are at 50% MPP(Helsinki=Capital=3(resource value multiplier)*10=30*.5=15MPPs) until that land connection is established and then is goes to what you have set in the editor.

Are you confused yet?:confused: Actually its pretty simple once you get past the learning curve, trial and error, but it doesn't come without commitment.

There is a lot to remember and a lot that's interactive, but you as the designer have a lot of control. And after all, that's what we asked for.:D

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