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New Sound Mod Posted

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I just posted a sound mod at CMMODS that deals with the darker wavs of CMSF...yes the death/scream/painful ones. It's under Mordante though it should be right at the top under newest entries.

"This is an audio mod for CMSF that adds a ton of new screams and dying sounds to the game. There are 63 new files numbered so as not to overwrite any of the existing stock wavs already in CMSF..." The readme tells the rest.


Hope you all like it. Enjoy the ear candy.


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You are welcome John. Thanks for the reply.

Something I forgot to mention is that I didn't pack the wavs in a brz...they are wide open and easy to preview without having to extract them. So if you don't like some you can take them out before hand. One word I'd like to add though, if you hear some that you may not find to your liking don't react too quickly and delete them. You'll find something that may not sound so great in a playback takes on a whole new mystique when heard in the context of a CMSF firefight/battle. I really think these will add to the ambiance of the battlefield.


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I tried your mod and noticed some nice effects but also some of the sounds seemed a little too quiet to my ears. As my hearing is probably not what it once was, I'm asking if anyone else, or you yourself, have noticed this? Are some of the wavs playing back at too low a level?

I was worried about that. I had turned down some of them because they seemed like they'd distort during playback and I didn't want them to overwhelm the rest of the battlefield. However when I was testing them I was very close to the casualties too. I'll remedy the volume and upload a newer version by tonight. I'll post here when it's done.

Thanks for the comment.


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Looking forward to this Mord, thanks. Do we just put them all in the sound file?

Just drop the Mord's Death Knell Folder into your z folder and presto all set. They won't overwrite any existing sounds...so you'll have that many extra.

I really like these alot, Mord, but I agree with Cpl Steiner. My first impression is that some of them are a little quiet and can get lost in the noise of battle. I would suggest turning them up just a touch, if that's possible.

Cool, glad you dig them.

And yeah, I'll get that new version uploaded pronto...let you guys know ASAP.


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Ok guys, I uploaded a newer version to CMMODS. I increased the levels equal to or higher than the stock scream wavs but after about an hour of testing I didn't notice much difference. I tried it with just stock wavs and then mine and neither time were any of the screams very loud. I think a good part of the effect counts on where your camera is positioned at the moment of the unit being hit. It seems to me other sound SFX are louder by default than the scream wavs.

If anybody has any ideas let me know and I'll work on it some more.


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That could be...it's like you have to be right on top of the unit and facing a certain way to hear much...add a few yards and gunfire and it's almost inaudible.


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Good stuff, I'm definitely gonna try it out.

That could be...it's like you have to be right on top of the unit and facing a certain way to hear much...add a few yards and gunfire and it's almost inaudible.


Seems accurate, human voices aren't that loud, even when screaming.

I have an idea for a sound mod but no sound editing skills (and had a hard time finding the right sounds), so I'll throw it out there:

A background sound mod that is US radio chatter and would include secure net "beeps".

A commander (if that is who the player represents) hears the battle through his radio, if he is in a vehicle wearing a CVC the radio is all he hears.

In my experience, listening to more then one radio net at a time can be very chaotic when the sh*t hits the fan.

Now, the mod shouldn't to be too crazy or loud, just general radio conversations, with that secure net "beep".

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You know what would be even more impressive...if the game engine incorporated radio chatter and you could hear actual units reporting on what they see and hear in-game.

Of course, that's not something a modder could do, but would be a nice add-in for the future of the game series.

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You know what would be even more impressive...if the game engine incorporated radio chatter and you could hear actual units reporting on what they see and hear in-game.

Of course, that's not something a modder could do, but would be a nice add-in for the future of the game series.

I see this working quite nicely. If you moved the camera next to a platoon HQ you could have radio chatter from the subordinate squads saying things like "enemy infantry spotted, engaging" and then you'd hear the actual platoon leader's voice (not over the radio) saying "roger" etc. It would be like the camera was in two places, next to the leader and also next to the subordinate squad.

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I have an idea for a sound mod but no sound editing skills (and had a hard time finding the right sounds), so I'll throw it out there:

A background sound mod that is US radio chatter and would include secure net "beeps".

A commander (if that is who the player represents) hears the battle through his radio, if he is in a vehicle wearing a CVC the radio is all he hears.

In my experience, listening to more then one radio net at a time can be very chaotic when the sh*t hits the fan.

Now, the mod shouldn't to be too crazy or loud, just general radio conversations, with that secure net "beep".

I don't think that could work as a background mod because the background is just a loop of sounds poised more on a subconscious level, subtle...at least nothing that would simulate what was actually going on in the battle.

More so though, I think Slap Happy's idea could be done...it wouldn't be totally accurate as far as info sharing in game but it is doable as an ambiance mod.

I'll do some work and see what I can come up with.


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I don't think that could work as a background mod because the background is just a loop of sounds poised more on a subconscious level, subtle...at least nothing that would simulate what was actually going on in the battle.

Yeah, I was thinking more of background type stuff, not something that gave a "play-by-play" of what was happening in the game.

Imagine if you were standing near a Humvee, in a tank, or in a TOC, there would be the constant chatter of radios in the background.

It should be subtle enough that the player doesn't really understand what is being said, other then the occasional "Roger", "Acknowledged", or grid coordinates, etc..

I'll do some work and see what I can come up with.

Thanks for trying, just an idea to play with.

I'll try to look around for sounds also.

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Updated My Death Knells Mod at CMMODs today. Seems if the background is lowered it increases the volume of the Scream Wavs. Or seems so to me, so I updated the mod with a lowered background wav. It's all inclusive for anybody that hasn't tried it yet.

Guys that were having trouble hearing them let me know if it sounds better now.


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