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Return to Babado

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Just played through the version with the A10 last night. Ended up not using any indirect as my guys were too close by the time they were availible.

Possible Spoiler Alert

I just ended up with one of the most enjoyable close quarter armor fights I have had yet. I had 3 squads and two Brads in a group of buildings when 3 BMPs and a T62 come roaring in. For about 5 minutes there were rounds, grenades, and AT4s going of constantly. My guys managed to kill all the Syrian vehicles but were taken out by a long range shot from another T62 that killed the Brad and half my infantry. (HEAT overmodelling strikes again!) Great fun.

Will download the latest and give it a shot.

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It may not be HEAT overmodelling, Sgt Muhammed. How close were your inf to the Brad when it died? If its ammo and/or fuel tank were hit, it would make a mighty bang which will wipe out anyone nearby without sufficent cover. I've had it happen to me. Real shocker, but perfectly reasonable, I think.

Now I recommend going for Version 2, and keep your head down!

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1 squad was in a 1 story building with another building in between it and the Bradley. They lost 2 guys. Two other squads were on the roof of a 2 story building next to the Brad. One squad lost 7 guys and the other lost 3. This is just unrealistic. Even a 152 round hitting the Brad wouldn't have had that much of an effect.

Even with fuel and ammo going up they don't go up like a bomb. They are designed not to. The visible effects of many explosives are much worse than their damage causing ability. All of my infantry were covered from direct effect from either the blast or the T62's round but all of them suffered blast casualties. This just doesn't happen in real life.

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SgtMuhammed, I found the A10 was just throwing rounds anywhere. I witnessed attempted friendly fire accidents several times. I don't believe the A10 is designed to be used as urban ground support in this game. That's ok, because the two Apachees work great as ground support in Return to Babado 2. My final version, I have two groups of two Apachees at mid point in the game. With 4 Apachees on call until the first group leaves the battle. I know it's alot - but it sure keeps your observer active. Plus, I've seen how useful they are.

The vehicle catastrophic explosions have the Hollywood effect. This close quarter battle really shows this issue. I don't think the Stryker uses propane for fuel, yet I think they do in the game. The field commander likes to know when his vehicles are hit. He decided propane is perfect for this. If he can't see the explosion - He'll sure hear it! Plus, it let's you, the player, know when one is gone too.

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I just played version 2 and got a Major US victory!

Don't ask my why, though.

It must have been the two suicidal heros which rushed past the MG bunker into one of the objective buildings. One of those few that were still standing, that is.

I have no words for this battle! One thing is sure: in terms of quantity, the CM:SF engine will be hard to beat!

Best regards,


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Rollstoy, If your two hard charging grunts got into the objective with no enemy present. You did win. The final version of this will come out when 1.05 patch comes out. I've improved the scoring and that "quantity" will be set to quality. I just used the mass reserve wave as a test to see if adding more bad guys would help make the scenario harder. I think it did. In the final - a much more planned assault will take place at the end. I'm going to try and stop this major victory stuff.

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Do not take it as criticism!

My comment about the engine was directed at the fact that CM:SF obviously handles vast quantities of units with considerable ease (as you demonstrate), while the bugs like shooting through walls, suicidal evasive infantry waypoints, pathfinding problems through breached walls, etc. reduce the perceived quality.

Plus: There is nothing wrong with major victories :D

Best regards,


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We emptied an entire battery of 81mm AP at them and they still kept coming! We hit them with 155mm and they still kept coming! We shot them till our trigger fingers went numb and they still kept coming!

Managed a Minor Victory but man the carnage. Lost 9 vehicles and about 100 guys while killing about 20 total vehicles and about 700 guys. Needless to say there wasn't much standing in the middle of town.

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Having another try at it!

This time it is Operation Right Hook, the first objective being to take the two little mosques and cut off the enemy reinforcements as well as showering the compound with Javelins and artillery!

BUG: I just dismounted two squads through a tall wall (no breaching charges involved)! This is something I have not seen before! The enemy was just as impressed as I was and was overwhelmed within seconds!

I think that one of the best aspects of this scenario is that it starts with infantry only, and heavier weapons are only added sequentially! This is a cool concept!

Best regards,


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My wish with Return to Babado is to make an extremely difficult to win single person scenario. Without making it too overwhelming. Throwing enemy AI infantry down the streets to die is not what I want to see. However, I knew it would turn the battle intensity up. Makes the last 20 minutes of the game smoke by. I've got a new assault plan for version 3 that adds a little "Oh my God!" But it wont be hordes of Infantry teams. Just wait - When version 1.05 comes out - I'll put Return to Babado Ver 3 out.

Plus: I knew you weren't talking bad about Babado, Rollstoy. It's just I can't stand that major victory stuff :mad:

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SgtMuhammed I forgot too add that was the meaning of Return to Babado. " - and still they kept coming!" That is how you feel in the last phase of this battle.

The 7 to 1 ratio, that you mentioned, is about what I got too. With a 2 to 1 ratio on vehicles lost. Can you imagine what the US media would say about this battle?

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Thank you sir! Instead of pulling more hair out I sat back and decided to do it right one more time.

The key to success was the same as in my second attempt (where I got only a minor defeat), namely focusing my attack entirely on the right flank, toward the two small mosques.

My tactic was built around two key points: take out the *** in the mosques and the damned RPG-29 building. I knew that I could not touch the latter with guns, so I Javelin-ed it properly. After that the whole right flank belonged to me.

Then I cleaned the roofs of the compound with 81 mm airbursts and breached the walls with my vehicles and infantry. This process caused negligible casualties. In the mean time, I had most of my heavy infantry on rooftops around the compound.

When the big assault started they instantly engaged the enemy with a hailstorm of fire! For most of the time I just did ammunition management. Return fire appeared to be seriously ineffective. I added Apaches and artillery for extra effect.

Because of my superior intel info ;) , I knew of the occupying force at the left flank and greeted them some nice 155mm airbursts. The tanks were semi-automatically disposed off by Javelins.

The end-game, where I went for the final assault on the objective, was bloody!! But since most of my infantry was intact, and my vehicles, by this time, cut off the enemy reinforcements from a keyholed position (see below 'GAME') the fall of the compound was inevitable.

I could have easily saved three of my AFVs if I had not rushed stupidly during the last 15 minutes! There must have been another RPG-29 team somewhere!

Best regards,


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One thing to add: I think the faulty LOF checks (1.04) really made it too easy for my troops to engage the reinforcements. The little dark spots at the right side of the screenshot mark the locations of fallen bodies. They should really have been shielded by the buildings!

Best regards,


Plus, I really hate Total Victories! :mad:
For Pete's sake, try harder then!!! :D
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Originally posted by handihoc:

Rollstoy, now try it at Elite level!

Nah, I refuse: too much clicking for me on 'Elite'. Plus: Ba Bado is mine; there is nothing left to prove!

Oh, and btw, I hope you're going to clean up and rebuild, cos that's a helluva mess you've left behind you. :mad: :D
I am more concerned about the CO2 output on this map! :mad:

Best regards,


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I re read this whole thread before throwing myself into this mission once again. A complete disaster my other experiences. Now I'm better at this game.

My opinion? Well, I shouldn't have read this thread! :eek:

I read all the spoilers so I went knowing where every single unit is, what are the major threats and the best way to counter them. It's hard to ignore what you just read and try something new when you know damn well that ThePhantom must have planned something really nasty waiting for you around the corner.

Also, it's not that the mission then becomes a walk in the park. It doesn't. Still pretty challenging. But I have this voices in my head now telling me what to do! No, no, no, no no. don't go that way! :D

So I stopped. I'll give it a rest. Forget about it for a while then come back to it in a few weeks and hopefully, with the bad memory I've got, I wont remember most of the stuff. ;)

I want to enjoy this one with the surprises and all.

Nobody's fault of course. Big spoiler signs everywhere. Just me and big curiosity!!!


[ December 10, 2007, 07:02 PM: Message edited by: Webwing ]

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