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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Charles just uploaded (for internal testing) what appears to be the final version of v1.02. There were some tweaks to the TacAI's use of smoke that you're going to be darn glad you didn't have to wait until v1.03 to get. Oh... like popping smoke even when a dead enemy unit is spotted. The environment then became, well, rather like an indoor Greatful Dead or Phish concert. For any of you who have ever been to one of those (I was dragged to GD show as a kid) you'll know what I mean.

Charles also fixed a long standing ATGM accuracy bug that we could never, ever pin down before. Turns out that on some maps with certain wind conditions and direction an ATGM could kick up enough dust from the backblast that it would float in front of the gunner thus causing accuracy reductions. Yes folks, this "RTS" game we made does simulate the effects of dust kicked up by backblasts. Doesn't every RTS do that? ;)


Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

We have a bit of a hassle factor with time zones and people's responsibilities. Charles fixed a couple of last minute issues and tweaked some behavior that you are going to be thankful you never saw (like tanks popping smoke to protect themselves from dead tanks ;) ). We want very much to have this up before the weekend, so we are trying hard for tomorrow.



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Maybe people should ask 8800 fixes from Nvidia and not from BF. Nvidias drivers have seen better days. Actually the gfx hardware is developing so fast that hardly any current card has deacent drivers :(

Anyways I just hope I can actually play cmsf longer than 5mins after the patch!

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I remember the days fiddling with Shogun:TW, and seeing which nVidia TNT drivers would randomly explode compatibility or performance. Neither ATI nor nVidia is really known for putting bug-free standards compliance ahead of often-but-not-always performance.

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i would expect 8800 fixes from nvidia if i couldn't run all my other games at max settings, including several with graphical complexity and processing load that is greater than that required for combat mission. shoot, you can even include another battlefront product, TOW, among the list of graphical/processing hog games that run without a hitch.

but the fact of the matter is the problem is with the game. by their own admission they hadn't even tested this game on current gen nvidia hardware. which is a bit shocking to be honest.

i guess i will just wait for 1.03. not much else i can do but go out an buy a 7 series card, and frankly this game is not good enough to warrant an action that is that extreme.

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How is it fact it is the game. Multiple core issue, patch from Microsoft due to an Intel/Bios problem.

ATI issue, due to 4 bugs found in the ATI driver.

Nvidia 7900 problem, fixed by going to the NGO driver.

Nvidia 8800, don't know yet, we are getting a system in to test.

Other games do NOT mean a thing. Directx is NOT opengl, and Charles coded to the opengl standard. Could be something has changed on the standard, in which case we fix it, or it could be a problem with the nvidia driver, in which case MAYBE we can get a work around like is being done with the ATIs.

Spewing an opinion does NOT make it a fact.


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Point taken, and I stand corrected. However, other opengl games work fine, even older ones like Star Trek Voyager Elite Force. But I acknowledge it may indeed be something with the driver for 8800s. Though it does appear to be a fact that the game was not tested on 8800 series cards before release. Or was that an inaccurate statement as well?

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Peleprodigy keep in mind that BFC is a small company, they just don't have the resources to go out and buy every different rig and hardware/software combination on the market for testing purposes. However I guarentee they will fix all the problems they find or can duplicate and they do listen to user feedback, unlike many bigger companies.

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Credit to Peleprodigy for acknowledging "point taken". Might be time to ease up on the lectures fellahs--- nobody is "spewing" anything. After all, the A$$hat ratio on these boards remains remarkably low. Even with me posting.

So forgive me if I sound like I'm wagging my own finger or deciding who gets the good citizenship award. I just really appreciate the general civility and constructive arguments found on these boards. I'm sure we've all experienced the other extreme.

Can you Dig? I knew that you could.


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Other games do NOT mean a thing. Directx is NOT opengl, and Charles coded to the opengl standard. Could be something has changed on the standard, in which case we fix it, or it could be a problem with the nvidia driver, in which case MAYBE we can get a work around like is being done with the ATIs.
maybe they should have not made it opengl then if it has so many issues lol <---that's a fact btw and not opinion ;)

Spewing an opinion does NOT make it a fact.
your right but spewing fiction as thought it was fact does not make it fact either ;)

I mean come on, you guys stated 4 ati bugs caused the issues but explain why those same bugs don't cause issues with any other games....if it's because it's a open gl game and not direct x then I refer you back to #1. Duck and cover boys, duck and cover lol ;)

As long as the issues are fixed great but the aggressive testing should have pointed out the flaws with the drivers/ati/opengl especially since the problem is with drivers from 06 also, i know I checked dif versions, and the newer cards...either way you look at it the "it's not our fault" defense is getting really old. Either way you look at it whether it is inadequate testing or buggy release it is still their fault 100% so for once at least admit it without always trying to point the finger somewhere else and for once admit a sloppy game release. That pisses us off more then anything even more then the bugs. Some of us on here are actual game beta testers and know the dif so give all the members on these boards some more credit.

[ August 10, 2007, 05:25 AM: Message edited by: KiloAlpha4 ]

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>maybe they should have not made it opengl then if it has so many issues lol <---that's a fact btw and not opinion

Oh really, is it?

You code against a standard API because you expect hardware manufacturers to make their cards compatible with the standard. That's the whole point, right?

Who is to blame now? The multimillion dollar company which didn't care to produce an 100% OpenGL conformant driver or the company coding according to specifications?

I'm really getting sick of this.

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so if I chuck in another open gl based game I will have the same exact issues right ?

yes I am really getting sick of it also ;)

I point back to the post about the in depth testing prior to release also.

besides,that is just one of the multiple probs though with the newer cards explain the older ati card crashes even with older drivers back from 2006....

Multiple problems exists period hopefully they will get it all fixed eventually.

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