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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Just be Thankful!!!!!


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New to your forum and game. I have read many of your kudos and the complaints/problems. I have too many WWII PC games to mention. I also have many coffee and drink coasters after playing the pieces of junk. Some have been very good and many not.

I purchase or demo anything WWII I can find and this is one of the best. Sure there are some problems but they are mostly offset by the first of its kind Unit detail and realism of tactics in this size of 3D model.

I have spent lots of time doing real military tactics and wargaming in the field and this game is one of the best for serious tactical strategy of platoon/company+ size elements of the WWII era.

Company of Heroes is not an accurate depiction of anything other than a fun game with WWII vehicles and troops. I hope Theatre of War continues to progess and continues to gain players who appreciate a more serious wargame.

Have Windows Vista and the game works great first time everytime. Would like to try a hookup with anyone on Multiplayer to see for myself if it works or not. Contact me at j-harkness@hotmail.com and I am on Central time USA.

Looking forward to visiting this forum and with its members and who knows maybe some multiplayer games.

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This is one of the best???? Have you played the demo? The flaws are painfully obvious.

I agree that COH is a bit of a joke, but it never marketed itself as a realistic, tactically accurate WWII sim.

The game has potential at the moment, but that's all. There are certainly better, more accurate WWII sims out there on the market.

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Originally posted by monkeezgob:

There are certainly better, more accurate WWII sims out there on the market.


CC is not more accurate.

CM is too different.

So which ones do you refer to?

Best regards,


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I disagree that CM is too different for comparison, The amount of frequent pausing necessary in TOW to ensure none of your units does anything really dumb makes it precisley the same as playing CM and the 'wego' principle.

If it's an accurate sim you're looking for then, at the moment, I'd say CM was more realistic. Perhaps that'll change with the patches, but TOW isn't there yet.

Tactically CC is also more accurate, things like the ability of troops to use buildings and the manner in which terrain and its features impact on visibility and the combat is, in my opinion, much more developed and realistic than it is in TOW.

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Close Combat and Combat Mission may be great games but now they hurt my eyes. For god sake, they are old.

So apart from that, is there another game than Theatre of War that gives a wargame aproach to a modern strategy game ?

I don´t think so. There are plenty of point and click strategy games out there, but none of them tryes a realistic aproach to combat models.

In a month or so we will have ToW first patch and expansion and Combat Mission 2:ShockForce.

I am happy.

I was used to be called weirdo by my friends when i showed them the CombatMission AK and BB.

Now i can play a game that plays good and looks good. :D

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Originally posted by monkeezgob:

I disagree that CM is too different for comparison, The amount of frequent pausing necessary in TOW to ensure none of your units does anything really dumb makes it precisley the same as playing CM and the 'wego' principle.

Thats if you play that way. I never pause the game once the battle starts so its nothing like CM to me.
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I guess Iam easy to impress. The fact that I can jump from an overhead RTS like strategy view all the way to the Tank Commanders view gives me flash backs. When all your tanks are moving and your looking around from the TCs point of view it actually reminds me of the real thing. I am even impressed with tha AI in this game and would rate it as one of the best. I am not getting paid for this endorsement. I paid my money just like everyone else. I just love this game!!!!.

If you dont like this game go and purchase "WarFront turning point"and let me know how you like that mainstream wargame. It will be sacrificially burned in my fire place this winter.

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You're right. You're easy to impress. The AI in TOW is certainly not something I'd crow about.

At the end of the day if people love the game that's fine, love it, feel it, taste it, lick it. But in my opinion there are simply more realistic, more complete (and older) sim titles out there.

You're right, Warfront turning point was atrocious too

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well, as i said somewhere here befor.

TOW tries to makes its stand in the RTS and WWII sim CM like party.

its obviously not working all that good.

i like the game, but it lacks the "feeling" of beeing compleat.

compared to the only game this game is really compareable with, CM, i put it like that.

when i start a battle in CM, i can either pick my force myself, or i KNOW that when i start with a preset force there is everything there i would need and relisticly had at that time(more or less, depends on scenario ;) ).

there is every major aspect of combat at that scale at least verry abstactly implemented.

different kinds of onmap mortars, "cute" movable HMg´s, fire arcs, offmap support that doesnt look like the typical RTS arty but really decent and "realistic" effect and basicly all the little stuff wich makes us still playing, or some ppl also starting sill today with CM.

when i start a TOW scenario i know my force is not more than 3-4 hamster squads and some underpowerd tanks. enemy has about twice as much, sometimes a bit less or more than that.

than i even dont know what force i get as reserves, i cant do a compleat plan also becouse i dont go and trash some of my units in order to reinforcements to show up in the first place.

the lack of all the bells and whistles of CM gives me the feeling that my inf is verry disconnected from my tanks(rest of the force smile.gif ), and at the same time acually forces it to keep much more in touch with the own tanks cause these are the only HMg´s, field guns etc. on the offesnsive you will get!!

the feeling of infatry beeing disconnected from the tanks i explain like that, in CM you have plenty of meanings to give infantry a "better" chance to cross that open ground 200m thingy. smoke, mortar fire wich supresses, on map mortars to take out those AT/field guns "stealthy" and petter target distribution of the AI in fireing sectors(wich tow doesnt have, both the fireing arcs and the targeting AI). thats leaves tha infantry in that game allways somehow naked, without the tanks they are hard to get somewhere if the enemys has at least equal force type and strengh BUT they are hard pressed to keep up with the tanks becouse the are just so naked, getting slaughtered away around your tanks until just the steel is left. basicly its the cat biting its tail here smile.gif

i hope you understand what i try to say...

in the end the game has potential, BUT(again big but), i remember T-72 BoF, wihc is acually fun to play and a nice game...well however. same as here. MP not working(just lan if oyu are lucky), MP part was said to get included with a new playable tanks "sometimes" in a $$ patch/addon. until now nothing happened. still the same good but broken game.(i wont say that ToW faces the same path...cerainly not with 1C still behind it...)

so, potential is like a single component in one of those scales wich 2 compartments :D

heavy potential - light Execution

so to say, all games that have "potential" arent well executed, the potential is the awsome "skelet" the game has but when it comes to flesh and blood it starts to get poor becouse of different reasons.

if they would be good or awsome than noone would say they have potential in the first place, thats a giveaway all the time.

well, but better good potential than beeing crap :D


[ June 13, 2007, 01:06 AM: Message edited by: Pandur ]

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