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Hi Guys,

Firstly great game, love playing it, just waiting for my laptop to arrive which I bought... Just one quick question...

Would it be possible to sandbag the AT guns or dig in at the battle prep stage as they seem to get alot of beatings, maybe some cammo netting

Also what about the Sturm Tiger?? Any chance of this vehicle appearing?? As it was impressive and did feature at the end of the war on the western front as I heard 1 shot eliminated 5 shermans in one salvo

Sturm Tiger Stats


[ May 28, 2007, 03:41 PM: Message edited by: Kudos ]

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I've seen both sandbagged emplacements and emplacements with netting over the top during the campaign. Currently they can only be changed in the mission editor but there was talk of these and trenches being placed during setup looked at for a patch.

Have fun


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Originally posted by G.Mooyman:

With only 18 build I think any game developer can neglect this beast. And btw the Sturmtiger is still an infantry support weapon and not a tank killer like the Jagdtiger.

Don't mean to be pedantic but here is a bit from another source to back up the sherman bit. But its an effective support vehicle all the same, and for say the battle of the bulge it should be there as it featured in Wacht am Rhine

Only 18 Sturmtigers were produced, and they did not have any effect on the out-come of the war. In their limited use, Sturmtigers proved to be excellent defensive weapons but were slow and mechanically unreliable, and most were abandoned or destroyed by their crews after mechanical breakdown or because of fuel shortage. Their heavy armor protection forced the enemy to destroy them with heavy artillery bombardment or air attack. In January 1945, a single round from a PzStuMrKp 1001 Sturmtiger reportedly destroyed three American M-4 Sherman tanks located in a targeted village

Taken from achtungpanzer

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Is there any Wirbelwinds in the game as these were very common after D-day? I was looking at the units, and cant see one... Will you bring that out? Nebelwerfers? Katayushas? Things like that?

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Originally posted by Kudos:

Is there any Wirbelwinds in the game as these were very common after D-day? I was looking at the units, and cant see one... Will you bring that out? Nebelwerfers? Katayushas? Things like that?

Common? COMMON??? 86 were made between July and November 1944. That's all.

Any other super-rare units you want to include? How about the VK3001? After all, there were three of them. It'd be a shame not to include them. Let's leave out on-board mortars, which everyone knows hardly made an impact in a battle, and cram in another 20 super-rare ultra-wierd tanks just to give the ubertankwhores their fix.


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Have to agree, would much rather see things like Marders and other lightish vehicles. After reading more about WW2 tactics on the scale the game represents I'm seeing missing smoke as a bigger and bigger issue though for the types of terrain a typical ToW battle is fought over.

Have fun


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Originally posted by Soddball:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kudos:

Is there any Wirbelwinds in the game as these were very common after D-day? I was looking at the units, and cant see one... Will you bring that out? Nebelwerfers? Katayushas? Things like that?

Common? COMMON??? 86 were made between July and November 1944. That's all.

Any other super-rare units you want to include? How about the VK3001? After all, there were three of them. It'd be a shame not to include them. Let's leave out on-board mortars, which everyone knows hardly made an impact in a battle, and cram in another 20 super-rare ultra-wierd tanks just to give the ubertankwhores their fix.

:rolleyes: </font>

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while it mey be fun to do something with a sturm tiger, it would need to be build into the game wich would draw to much effort from other stuff wich can go into patches id say.

little onboard mortars or halftrucks(wich are allready in the game)with 81mm onboard would be nice. the offmap stuff is a bit...i dont know.

i personaly would like to see movable HMG´s. and infantry wich can ride on tanks. maybe just the big tanks(tiger and above) can take a full 9 man squad...the rest 6 like the half trucks.

Sturm Tiger is included in CM, i go and play that when i like the unusual stuff smile.gif

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Yeah, but isnt CM a turn based game. Anyways Im enjoying my tussle on the Eastern front. I hate T-34's they are a pain to kill with your apalling panzers and it illustrates how good the armour was and how germany was against all odds

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hm, that a "shot your foot" question :D

CM is realtime broken into phases. called rounds too. but it runs in realtime however. no iterrupts in rounds like wich REAL TB games have.

hm, i made mission for myself. couple of russians storming some point. basicly 3 T34/41 and a KV1. and 2 funny armorless mg carriers, forgott their name.

the player has 2 Pz3m and 2 38T.

however, yes those sloped T34 armor is nasty.

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Originally posted by Kudos:

I dont want a fix, its just they were used on the western front because they had no aircraft...

Far more common were plain-old 20mm FlaK, or the quad 20mm, or even the 37mm FlaK. If you want AA fire, then use those. But what you're after is not AA fire, it's 'cool tanks'.

Rare Units are sometimes worth it, like in the Russian front when the Karl Mortars (I think) were used against the russians with Army group south. Was it Von Runstedt or Guderian I cant remember. But they did help swing a battle and levelled a city. Some did have an impact and may be worth looking at. Its not to say it should, but it would be nice to play against them or with them to see how effective or inaffective they were.
In terms of the amount of time spent coding versus the need for other aspects of the game to be dealt with, they aren't worth it.

Soddball, there is no need to flame as I only want to see if I can achieve what the generals of then could not.
Then try playing a proper war game. Playing ToW with Sturmtigers are Wirblewinds isn't likely to give you much generalship experience, if that's really what you crave.
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Originally posted by Soddball:

Then try playing a proper war game. Playing ToW with Sturmtigers are Wirblewinds isn't likely to give you much generalship experience, if that's really what you crave.

Well Let me see, hmmm, I played Suddenstrike Series, Blitzkriegs, Soldiers: Hereos of World War 2, Faces of War, Rome Total War, Medieval Total War. Red Orchestra, Call of Duty 1 & 2, Silent Hunter 3 & 4. So I played lots mate... To be honest with you, I am in the armed forces and so I do the War thing for real. Im just looking to have some fun, and enjoy myself not looking to criticise.

On to something more important and intellectual. Pandur, you have any ideas of knocking the T-34s out with the Pz IV short barrelled and the the Pz III's which is the third in the campaign. Seiging the Russian position. Cos I got my men in the trenches just cant knock out those T-34s

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well, i dont know that mission myself becouse i gave up playing campains due to the weird scriptin sometimes.

but generaly spoken;

(i dont know the sure values in comparison of PzIII and PzIV short BUT i think PzIII should be the better tank killer...)

what i expirienced in that game so far. from the front you can either try to stack your fire to the turret hoping that the gun gets disabled, 1 direct hit to the gun is mostly enough with early vehicles. as soon as the gun is done you switch to the next one.

if you want to kill and not disable it id say shoot center(if position allows it) there you also got some tolercance for shot precision :D . the sloped armor will defelct some hits but when you mass the fire you get good chance of penetration still.

when a good hit goes through the chance of damaging something critical or more persons is better when the round travels throught the low vehicle instead of killing commander in turret and maybe damaging the gun. turret kills pretty rarely at my observations.

that is spoken for front side and rear.

if you get "close" side shots allways go for low becouse the 0° plate behind running gear is a good spot at mostly any tank.

there oyu can kill them with 2 shots if lucky.

if there are further away go center again.

with PzIV try to use you hollow charges when close. this should exceed you AP shot values at least a bit. and if you get an nice HEAT hit oyu can try to back up and look if the crew is knocked out like with zook´s or faust´s & co.

than if you have spare man or bailed crew enter the t34 and be happy, smile.gif

oh, and you got at unnaturally hight suplie of PzGr40 mostly with PzIII. use it to good advantage below 400m id say.

so well that should be enough. to some amount it counts for all tanks in he game though.

as said generaly spoken :D


from the other side of view, T34/41 has to hit you a maximum of 3 times no matter where and you are done in most cases :D

[ June 03, 2007, 08:56 PM: Message edited by: Pandur ]

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Dumb question... How do you choose where your tank shoot at on other tanks... I hear about this but don't know how... Tho have beat both german and russian campaign without it so idk. but if someone knows i would like to be let in on this red tape top security secret >.>

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Originally posted by Kudos:

Another idea is men making fox holes as this will lower their profile but also help in an intermediary time. They didnt take all that long to make. [/QB]

When I was in the army it took one to two hours to make a proper foxhole.
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Originally posted by Hassen:

Dumb question... How do you choose where your tank shoot at on other tanks... I hear about this but don't know how... Tho have beat both german and russian campaign without it so idk. but if someone knows i would like to be let in on this red tape top security secret >.>

In the target button there are three smaller crosshair icons on the right side, click them to make the tank aim in different places.
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Originally posted by Kudos:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

Then try playing a proper war game. Playing ToW with Sturmtigers are Wirblewinds isn't likely to give you much generalship experience, if that's really what you crave.

Well Let me see, hmmm, I played Suddenstrike Series, Blitzkriegs, Soldiers: Hereos of World War 2, Faces of War, Rome Total War, Medieval Total War. Red Orchestra, Call of Duty 1 & 2, Silent Hunter 3 & 4. So I played lots mate... To be honest with you, I am in the armed forces and so I do the War thing for real. Im just looking to have some fun, and enjoy myself not looking to criticise.</font>
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Well Soddball, I would consider Red Orchestra one as it depicts the Eastern front with realism. The Silent Hunter series emulate a U boat pretty well. I just named a few. To be honest the most true strategic game and largest tactical overview is Hearts of Iron 2: Doomsday which I have played. Its great fun and demanding, like chess. Like I said I do real war, and it aint nice seeing real carnage. Not like the games, where no one gets hurt and its all good fun. I respect your opinion as thats down to you.

Jippo, sorry mate I was giving that in reference to trenches lol. Nevermind.

Is there any flamethrowers in the game? I would love to see Sandbagging of tanks when in defence which would take about 10-15 minutes to like in Blitzkrieg. As this helps reduce damage. As Im working slowly through...

[ June 04, 2007, 02:00 AM: Message edited by: Kudos ]

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oh, and you got at unnaturally hight suplie of PzGr40 mostly with PzIII. use it to good advantage below 400m id say.
actually, the Pzgr40 in '41 for 37mm and 50mm was quite common. If you check the production numbers, (out of my head), 1 out or 3 37mm rounds was a special round. for the 50mm, it was 1 out of 5.
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If you REALLY yearn to play with Sturmtigers you could dust off Battlefront's 2002(?) release Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin. :D Judging by that game you'd either be able to kill everything on the map with one round OR nothing at all because the behemouth has got itself stuck again facing away from the enemy! Gotta admit, the CMBB graphics won't quite match up to ToW though ;)

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