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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

1C & BattleFront........


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You guys are kidding right? You're just 26 days too late yeah?

This is a gag, you're pulling our collective leg.

If i understand things right, devopment has gone something like this:

1C fans wait forever for the release of the much vaunted Tow & after years of delays it finally gets released to the domestic Russian market where numerous problems are immediately obvious.

BattleFront, the publisher, has the opportunity/right to say fix this, change that, etc, blah blah.

Presumably BattleFront has its own crew testing these changes & monitoring development untill it reaches the point where BattleFront is happy that the required fixes have been implemented & it is ready for release & it then does so.

Do i have the above approximately right?

Give or take.

So what, pray tell, is the abomination sitting on my hard drive at present?

Quite apart from any other issues mentioned in other threads could i just focus on the alledged multiplayer aspect of the game?

Or rather its lack?

Having attempted to join a multiplayer game & being unable to do so i have gone by the numbers & still no joy in even getting a connection.

Firewall has been sorted, read the docs & configured the ports & done the lot by the manual.

Everything that is required has been done & still no joy.

My frustration with the bogus LOS/LOF, to mention just one fundemental issue, aside i thought i might just have some old fashioned fun with my bro on-line for the evening.

But not a sausage of it. Despite our best efforts, & he really knows what he's doing, we have enjoyed none of it.

But less of the whining & some Qs instead less i burden you still further after the diatribes of late.

Do you, BattleFront, regard this game as ready for play as is?

I presume you must as you have released it.

Was it not tested by your own crew to ensure that the changes/fixes you had asked for had been implemented?

I presume you/they must have.

Why does the multiplayer option not work for most & for the unfortunate few that do get it to run it then drops out on half way into the game?

What the hell is this utter piece of dreck?

This is what we've all been waiting for is it?

This joke? At our, the paying joe schmoes, expense.

Would words fail me afore i give offence.

So before i do i'd just like to state that i would like my money back.

All 33 British pounds of it. (love those exchange rates)

You all sold me a total pup not fit for purpose & i paid for the download & the hard copy.

Guess what. I don't want them. They don't do what it claims it can do on the tin.

Can i have my money back once i return your shonky goods to you?

Or are you somhow exempt from the consumer protocols by which the rest of business has to abide?

What really rankles is that two reputedly fine businesses as 1C & BattleFront could concoct such a total turkey where nothing works as advertised.

That has got to hurt your rep which in turn hits your pocket.

But, whatever, i just want my money back under the usual consumer rights.

Cheers, ta, all the best, bad play. :rolleyes:

[ April 27, 2007, 03:15 PM: Message edited by: Krull ]

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Ooops, you went for DL and hard copy - my mishtake.

*cough* But seriously, don't make rash decisions because you can't get MP going.

Take a deep breath or at least ask nicely for one's dough back else it looks bad on you.

[ April 27, 2007, 03:43 PM: Message edited by: Vegeorite ]

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Originally posted by Chazman:

Ask nice, why?

After long waited arrival, this clunker is about as bad as they get.

I would love my money back too!

And another one, for someone who doesn´t play the game is stamina is incredible.

Like the duracell bunnies.

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Originally posted by Gen Schmaeterling:

I love this game. Really. You hate it. Many people love it. Others will hate it.

This is life.

If you don't like the game: oh well.

There was a demo. You could have tried it before buying, no? So who's the moron? I tried the demo, loved it, purchased the game, and got my money's worth.

You did what?

Hear, hear!!!! :D:D
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Yes, Krull should have tried the demo first, but although he'd already downloaded it he went with the reputation of 1C and Battlefront and bought the full game before he'd even installed the demo.

As so many of us have now found out, that was a big mistake.

I'm not going to trawl over points raised elsewhere, I'm just going to give my overall impression of why this game doesn't work for me.

As soon as you get into a battle you're blind. You don't know who's going where, who's coming from where. So you move in what you think is the right direction, per the briefing map.

Suddenly enemy icons start popping up, firing begins, and you wonder why your hidden units aren't hidden. Infantry laying prone behind bushes are spotted, AT guns you camoed-up in bushes are spotted, tanks you had masked behind bushes and trees are spotted...the battlefield might as well be a snooker-table and all the shots and hits are down to who can flip the coin fastest. Which hardly matters at this point, because the FPS has dropped so low you might as well be looking at pictures in an album. What am I running here? I have a P4-3.2ghz CPU, a 6800-Ultra graphics card and 2Gb of high-speed OCZ RAM. 1600x1200 with full detail (you didn't expect me to can the eye-candy too, did you? That's about all this game's got going for it right now).

I say flip the coin, because those T34s sure as hell out-gun and out-armor Tigers and Panthers. I guess 1C couldn't resist the old national bias, eh? 88mm bouncing off T34s at under 500m range, but return fire from those T34s doesn't seem to have much problem knocking spots off the big cats.

Trying to order units to go places without multiple waypoints, that's a bunch of fun.

The game is one big confusing and very frustrating mess. Situational awareness is simply non-existant, and control is an excercise in futility. You might as well start the battle, order all units to advance and then leave everything to the AI and watch the resultant mindless brawl as if it were a movie (a very pretty movie, but just as non-interactive regardless).

So, having been sickened of the off-line play I thought it would be nice if me and my brother could circumvent at least a little of the frustration by having at it with the MP.

Oh no, that wasn't playing ball either. I read the doc and did everything to the letter, but he was unable to connect to me. I tried variations, but still no joy. Now, I've had to configure my router and PC for quite a few games in the past, and have always managed to come up smiling. But this one? Total failure.

Something so simple, you'd think. I mean, you held the game back after the Russian release, so you'd have thought all this stuff would have been...ahem...tested? Just a little bit.

This game is an inexcuseable disgrace, and you, Battlefront, should hang your heads in abject shame that you let it loose in this shape.

Your reputation is in tatters, and deservedly so.

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Blindly bought the game as well without buying demo, my bad really, but I'm dissappointed as well. It's mostly my mistake though, I thought Battlefront & 1C automatically meant this would be a great game for me. I've just reread some statements on this game, and in my blind enthousiasm I've started believing/hoping this game was more then it was. Here's a quote by Moon on the game:

"We’re excited and thrilled about the end product which is building a bridge between fun and fast real-time action while at the same time presenting the player with a credible simulation of World War Two combat from all the European fronts."

A credible simulation. Not historically accurate, not real-life and everything as it really was, but credible. What they basically say is that this is codename panzers / blitzkrieg / company of heroes (or what ever that RTS mumbo jumbo is called), but made credible. And that's exactly what they've made, so let's give up on moaning about money back, you thought you'd get something different from what they promised you. Your mistake, my mistake, but hey, that's life.

*starts lurking @ CMC forums again*

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Originally posted by athkatla:

because he can't be bothered to play the game as it should be played,

Yeah, you're right. Clearly this game was intended to be played as the allies, because the German side's historical strong points are so nerfed as to render any hint of fidelity as nothing more than a still-born atrocity.

Gee...them allies, they can spot, and fire, and hit, and destroy with super-human ability. Fancy dat! Another game wih an allied bias so strong it stinks to high heaven.

Unless allied players are finding the same thing happening? In which case it's just the game is so poorly coded the computer is always going to whup the human. Super-AI, it can see all, hit all, destroy all.

Whatever the explanation, the game's a total turd.

Fan boys, go hawk your spiel somewhere else, we're sick of hearing the ****e.

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most of us pre ordered the game believing the reputation that when battlefront crew releases something it will be tested and ready for gaming with some minor tweaks released as small patches later on. However, I have always been a believer in checking out a demo before "Buying" and this has saved me a lot of money. Battlefront convinced me to pre-order and I guess they did a good "Selling" campaign. I should have followed my gut instinct and that's my fault but the next time something comes out I will wait a while before I purchase and that means I probably won't get it. Even though its not actually there game they are still involved in its production and should think real hard before placing the company name on a product no matter who developed it. Krull is correct

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Originally posted by huhr:

most of us pre ordered the game believing the reputation that when battlefront crew releases something it will be tested and ready for gaming with some minor tweaks released as small patches later on. However, I have always been a believer in checking out a demo before "Buying" and this has saved me a lot of money. Battlefront convinced me to pre-order and I guess they did a good "Selling" campaign. I should have followed my gut instinct and that's my fault but the next time something comes out I will wait a while before I purchase and that means I probably won't get it. Even though its not actually there game they are still involved in its production and should think real hard before placing the company name on a product no matter who developed it. Krull is correct

Having been a fan back to when CMBO was new and there were less than 4000 registered users on this board, I also bought this on BF reputation alone and my past experience with them. IMHO this game really misses the mark and I would never buy another BF released game on their reputation alone. My expensive mistake for not waiting.

[ April 28, 2007, 05:35 AM: Message edited by: Green Lizard ]

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GL, and I'm guessing you bought CM which was THE only realism 3D wargame at the time.

Are you sure this 'reputation' you speak of hasn't become a pre-conceived idea about what games BF should make and how?

Hey, if this game succeeds that will be MORE in the coffers for CM development.

Sorry to have become a 'fanboy' here but really I'm just concerned that a genre neglected by BIG DEVELOPMENT (ie, realistic ww2 rts) is being attacked by those who should be pleased that someone is stll investing.

Seems fratricidal to me.

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a) I agree with the LOS problem. Once this is fixed the game should be fine. Anything else like stats the modders can fix if they wish

B) I have played a lan game with no probs (although internet is different)

c) Whats a game not fit for purpose mean? This is not a washing machine and cannot be defined so readily. Where are these wild claims?

What did the box or advertising say that was misleading?

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Originally posted by Vegeorite:

Lack of imagination.

Something, for sure. When you've released something as superb as the CM series you really need to protect the reputation that generated, because it's far easier to fall than to climb.

When BF finally hits the bottom of this ToW hole there won't be many bones left un-broken.

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Originally posted by Chazman:

Ask nice, why?

After long waited arrival, this clunker is about as bad as they get.

I would love my money back too!

Because if you ask nicely, it reflects well on your upbringing. If you act like a raging douchebag, that doesnt reflect so well on your upbringing... Throwing a tantrum may work well when you're a baby, but it doesn't float in the adult world.

Try growing up. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by BillyBob:

When BF finally hits the bottom of this ToW hole there won't be many bones left un-broken.

Oddly enough, I have doubts about your ability to predict the future.

No matter how you spin this, the blame will always fall back on you. No one forced you to buy, and the game and game developers don't really deserve your vitriol.

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