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  1. ...and this forum will be in Spanish
  2. Mycoprotein is here to stay - so is ToW.
  3. Ah, yes but the devs are going to give us waypoints and maybe other unit management tools so WOOT for any busting of the CC 'reinforced company' limit!! Thanks for the CompTIA style tutorial videos, btw!
  4. "I have played several tutorials, and also started two campaigns (2-3 battles each) before the pain and disgust overwhelmed me and I stopped playing TOW." That is probably a widely held sentiment after a really very brief 'attempt' at playing the game by peeps with 'expections' based on other games. Persever!
  5. The clue to your woes is in the words "just tried..." ToW is a deceptively hard game. Rewarding like all difficult-at-first pleasures. Persever!
  6. CloseFlashpointStrikeMissionHiddenSleepAssaultHeroes... ovick
  7. Thanks for the freeby! I'd pay for building entry done right - it'll be a whole new aspect to the game. Will hedge-hopping/wall-vaulting be in for infantry? 'Good to hear positive news!!
  8. Isn't 'camping' one of those shooter words? FPS is where you think you have found a nice defensive position then some dude with demon keyboard skillz gambols, jerks, and speed-hacks his way to you to kill you with a dagger. Laying in wait is tactics.
  9. That's one for the signals wonks. LOL! But at the distances in the game (especially at the early part of a battle) I'm guessing hand-signals and binoculars would suffice to communicate from hillock-top to rear. Comm's is a moot point, though. Radios... hmmm.
  10. Well, fwiw, gone back to XP_MCE and no more freezes since. Specs above. It's pain, really, because I am looking for an excuse to go to AM2 dual core.
  11. Yep, there is a tension between realsim [fancy that! realism] and playability.
  12. "Some of us " - zactly. Mostest folks are struggling cos this is a totally new model.
  13. "Soon as they pop their head up..it's cya later. " Well, there you said it. Popping your head up was where you broke cover. Sneaking up to a target is relatively EASY. Use long grass and gulleys. If you try to move a whole squad near to a target that is bound to alter you chances of detection, too. It's easy to get one guy behind an ATG but how much damage he does before he is cut down is a toughie.
  14. Close Combat is a great game and a true wargame!! And I agree that ToW rightly picks up on some of its successful aspects. CC was so intuitive to use and in 2D you aren't bothered by animation issues - although I get the screaming abdabs about the men and tanks being out of scale with terrain - I think it's just that the game was created by 12' lizard-men - yes, Dasman, you know who you are!! :eek: There is radical discussion of where CC6 might go - I'm sure the poacher turned gamekeepers who now own the game know the possibilities and issues with the game. I hope they don't slavishly follow the format nor shold ToW.
  15. 'Hope this LoS grumbling doesn't turn out to be a case of 'careful what you wish for'. I grumbled about it too, when I had played for less than a few hours AND didn't understand how it works. LoS is extremely realistic in this game, 1C probably saw that continuous time strategy IS the most realistic treatment and ran with it. Unfortunately, realistic wargames are played and bought by folks without much experience of RTS - cos they are usually kids' games - and so don't take into account dynamics they haven't had to approach before. In reality, you can never be sure whether you have been spotted by an enemy or not. THIS is where the game is peeing its effectively 'newbie' players off (me too, originally). A bit of open-mindedness is due. If you take the time, you can sneak even unskilled soldiers through thick grass, to surprise tanks and gun crews. At the moment you only know if you've been spotted when the earth starts erupting all around your units - just like the real world. After playing and seeing that the game's LoS/LoF system works brilliantly and ultra realistically, I no longer want my hand held by the system in this regard. I no longer am in the uninitiated clamour for 1:1 indicators - some kind of percentage doodad, mebbe (but that is already indicated by those crosshairs over enemy units). LoS/LoF isn't 'mutual' - there's a Piagetian belief going around here that because I can't see you you can't see me, 'I've closed my eyes, you no longer exist'. From a vantage of shade, behind a thin screen of leaves, standing still you are are highly probably lost in the background to a distant viewer. Perhaps that is why guys are getting frustrated by seemingly 'impossible' knock-outs from far away. The human eye/brain is also highly sensitive to movement, so there's another give-away. I wonder if this is modelled. Does sound (rustling, engines) help the AI? 'Seen how the viewing arc of a tank goes from wide to narrow? I'm thinking this is a buttoning efect - kewl! :cool: In some ways the system gives you 'gamey' zoom and rotate views of enemy units that you wouldn't get in reality. No is complaining about that - me incuded. However, if the devs are presenting tough, realistic LoS/LoF they should also give the player real-world WORLDS for the tactitian to work with. Waypoints would give a dimention to tactics that is missing, atm. Micromanaging complex moves is painful and detracting from enjoyment. That's the phenomenological stuff... . Any TO&E, OOBs, and ballistics I'll leave to the remarkably well-informed Grogs that make these forums growed up places to be and the games informatve to play. Using/scaling, fences and walls has to be sorted - as with multistoried building entry, in the long-run. I suspect the devs/BFC probably know all that kind of stuff. Nice game, nice ui etc.
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